[H] Summer Stock 2014

100 Pandaren Rogue
Okay, I've been putting this off for a while, but I thought I'd put it out there and see what people think.

Irilin has written a play. (Okay, technically I wrote it, but as far as the RP is concerned, Iri did.) It is a short play, written in 5 scenes with prologue and epilogue. In iambic pentameter. Allusions to this play have been made in various RP settings, but I thought it was time to put it out there and to see if it's even possible to mount a play in RP. (Wait, that's like RPing in RP...woah, meta dude!)

So, first of all, I'm wondering if anyone is interested.

Second, I know that putting this thing on is going to be a logistical nightmare, involving just as much work OOC as it will IC. I'll need to type up the script and distribute it to participants. There will likely need to be RP auditions for the play. Then there comes finding a venue, etc.

I also would love to include Alliance on this, but that would make it so the play was performed in two languages, which would just be weird. If anyone knows a work-around for that, I'm all ears. (Really, I'm a belf, they have ears.)

So I guess I'll leave this and see what people think. If there's enough interest, I'll post the cast requirements, and we can go all community theatre to see what it would take to put it on. :)
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
Obviously I am very interested in this, both IC and OOC. I also volunteer my services as videographer (I have FRAPS and can record/cut a video of it).
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100 Goblin Warlock
Oh! Oh!

*frantically waves hand at the blind elf*

Pick me for the lead! I've got the talents!

Ok, in all seriousness I'm interested and willing to help out. I'm sure I could also arm wrestle both Rhazin and Swizelle (or one of his alts) into playing parts too if you need the bodies.

Keeping it Horde side would be less of a logistical nightmare and is, honestly, probably the best course of action. However, one solution would be to make it a Horde play but have an official Alliance translator in attendance. ie Someone who knows the script well and can follow along (being on the B ID list of the director or one of the actors would help too just in case they need to clarify what part we are on).

With an Alli translator we can perform our lines then they can then translate into common. Of course the play would have to unfold at a even pace so we don't have common and orcish happening at the same time.

How you want to distribute the scripts is really your call but I have no problem giving you my e-mail address.
Edited by Mormel on 5/16/2014 6:50 PM PDT
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10 Blood Elf Mage
I'd be interested. Shari is the artistic type, and supportive of all the arts!
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100 Blood Elf Mage
<starts rummaging through alts for the artsy ones>

Oh, Derp. Brae would be happy to offer time up as ac ostume mistress if you'd like.:D
Edited by Braedorialai on 5/17/2014 5:59 AM PDT
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10 Blood Elf Mage
05/16/2014 06:46 PMPosted by Mormel
However, one solution would be to make it a Horde play but have an official Alliance translator in attendance. ie Someone who knows the script well and can follow along (being on the B ID list of the director or one of the actors would help too just in case they need to clarify what part we are on).

With an Alli translator we can perform our lines then they can then translate into common. Of course the play would have to unfold at a even pace so we don't have common and orcish happening at the same time.


The AAMS something similar for the Armistice Day Ball speeches, which is a pre-scripted event. I give the entire speech to my 'translator' ahead of time with notations for where the line breaks are, so all we have to do is pay attention to make sure we're posting at the same speed- she won't post the next part of her scrip until she sees something from me.

If it is NOT completely pre-scripted, so the 'actors' can have with writing their own emotes and responding to any interruptions, then it goes back to having one person Horde side copy/pasting things as we go to someone Alliance side. The biggest issue I've learned with cross-faction events like that is making sure everyone SLOWS DOWN to compensate for the delay while messages get 'translated.' Otherwise, the other side gets left out while the ''main' faction reacts to things faster.

For small to medium groups, can be done as long as you have a couple of people who like that type of work.

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88 Night Elf Priest
Did someone say AAMS? :O
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100 Goblin Warlock
The AAMS something similar....

But... but I suggested it first so... I get the patent rights.... right? <.<;

Anyway, I believe the actors and directors should collectively decide whether to make it Horde only or not once we've all been organized. Personally I'm leaning towards Horde only not only because I think the translator route would slow down the play too much but it would give added incentive for people to bring their Horde toons to the performance.

Um... no offense Alliance. Gerhilda loves you guys!
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100 Pandaren Rogue
But... but I suggested it first so... I get the patent rights.... right? <.<;

Sorry, but Irilin holds copyright to the play in all languages, regardless of who provides the translation ;)

I wouldn't be opposed to having a separate Alliance production of the play, too...though probably not at the same time. That is, of course, the Alliance is interested in the Thalassian literary contributions of one lowly belf.

Let me rifle through my papers and see if I can work up a cast list with requirements (class/profession, etc). If casting it is possible (and it doesn't get butchered by the Goblin accent), we can work from there :)
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100 Pandaren Rogue
Ooh, look at that, it's 6 scenes, not 5. But most of them are really short, so that's okay.

Looking through the D.P., I've figured out the casting needs. There are 9 total people in the play:

    1 male of any lvl/class/profession
    1 male Hunter of at least lvl 10, who has, or is willing to, tame a scorpion
    1 female demo lock of at least lvl 25, who has, or is willing to equip, Glyph of Hand of Guldan
    1 female of any class, who has at least lvl 475 Herbalism, who can obtain and use a Lifegiving Seed
    1 female disc priest of at least lvl 74, who has, or is willing to equip, Glyph of Holy Nova
    1 female of any lvl/class/profession
    1 male druid of at least lvl 42
    1 resto shaman of any gender of at least lvl 60
    1 shaman of any gender/spec of at least lvl 15

Most of the class/lvl/etc restrictions are for "special effects" required for the production. I would also entertain the idea of the hunter, demo lock, resto shaman, and lvl 42 druid as crew. If so, the druid acting would need to be at least lvl 6, and the first shaman lvl 15.

It's too bad Mormel is a fire mage, or she might have had a shot at the leading lady...
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100 Goblin Warlock
Mormel is sticking to her guns about being a fire mage so it looks like she'll be sitting this event out. However, Swizelle is interested in playing a part so I'll make sure he takes a look at your casting list.
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64 Blood Elf Priest
I would definitely be interested in this. I mostly RP Alliance side, but I have been considering ways to expand my horizons. :)

This particular character is obviously female and she happens to be a discipline priest. However, she is not at the required level. That shouldn't be too hard to attain with heirlooms being able to be mailed cross faction.

What is your time frame? When are you looking to actually have the play debut?
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100 Pandaren Rogue
Actual performances of the play probably won't be til early August. I'm still trying to figure out the best way to format the thing to make it the easiest to use for everyone involved. This is going to be the most OOC-intensive RP I've ever done, and I want to make sure that it's fun enough that people will want to do it again sometime.

Auditions are likely to be within the next couple of weeks. There should be a "poster" going up for that soon, so everyone has time to prepare their audition pieces. Hopefully the word will spread to WrA and SoE, so that there might be more participants and observers, too! :D
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100 Pandaren Rogue
Mark your calendars!
Tuesday, June 17th, and Thursday, June 19th
6-8pm server
Thunder Bluff Opera House (where the hunter and warrior trainers are on the Hunter Rise)
(don't be fooled by what any previous cast lists might look like)
Bring your best dramatic monologue
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100 Goblin Warlock
((Don't be fooled by previous cast lists huh? Hmmm.... Mormel might have to make an appearance then. Surely nothing could go wrong! ;-P ))
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64 Blood Elf Priest
If one were interested in auditioning, would one be required to attend both audition nights?
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100 Pandaren Rogue
No, just one or the other would be fine. There are two nights in order to allow ample opportunity for anyone interested to audition.

Also, please come if you'd like to sign up to be part of the backstage crew as well!
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100 Gnome Priest
This is interesting :) Neat idea!

I'll mark those two dates down and see if I can make either audition. On a horde alt mind you. RL usually gets in the way but I'll do my best not to be flakey :P

05/16/2014 04:49 PMPosted by Irilin
I also would love to include Alliance on this,

I think it would be best all around to keep it horde and maybe seeing to putting on an alliance version later if you wish. I'm sure Cail wouldn't mind auditioning! :D

The logistics of translating would slow it down way too much imo. Unless of course you'd like to do it all in one massive btag conversation, but even that could get messy. :(
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100 Goblin Warlock
Looking at my calendar I'm not sure I can make either of those days :-/ That Tuesday will most likely be a PVP night and that Thursday I already promised to attend an RP event. I'll see what I can do though.
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64 Blood Elf Priest
06/06/2014 05:21 PMPosted by Irilin
No, just one or the other would be fine. There are two nights in order to allow ample opportunity for anyone interested to audition.

Excellent. As I have something else planned for Tuesday <eyes Mormel with a fair amount of trepidation> I shall attend the audition on the 19th.

Although, I may show up briefly at the beginning of the auditions on the 17th to see how things will be run.

Mormel, as our PvP night doesn't start until 6:30, perhaps you could twist someone's arm <tilts her head slightly in Irilin's direction> into letting you audition first on Tuesday. I for one, certainly wouldn't mind waiting for you to do that.
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