[H] Summer Stock 2014

100 Goblin Warlock
Mormel, as our PvP night doesn't start until 6:30, perhaps you could twist someone's arm <tilts her head slightly in Irilin's direction> into letting you audition first on Tuesday. I for one, certainly wouldn't mind waiting for you to do that.


<Looks at Irilin with sad cat eyes>
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100 Pandaren Rogue

Tomorrow is day 1 of auditions! If you're Alliance, and have yet to make a Horde toon to audition, get on it! :D

If you happen to know people in neighbouring realms, please feel free to invite them to audition, too!
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100 Pandaren Rogue
For the love of all things theatre, I need guys to audition!!! (Seriously, though, Tuesday's auditions were all ladies (and Mormel), and there are 2 parts for guys in this play.) Don't make me make Irilin make Trenetir act in this play...I don't think anyone is ready for that...
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100 Goblin Warlock
What!? I'm totally a lady! I'm the most petite, delicate, fragile flower there is!

<chugs some cactus cider then belches>
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
06/19/2014 07:07 AMPosted by Irilin
For the love of all things theatre, I need guys to audition!!! (Seriously, though, Tuesday's auditions were all ladies (and Mormel), and there are 2 parts for guys in this play.) Don't make me make Irilin make Trenetir act in this play...I don't think anyone is ready for that...

True story. No one wants to see that. Except Iri.
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100 Pandaren Rogue
The casting is nearly complete! I have need only of a male rogue to complete the cast, and then the cast list can be posted!

Also, I have need of a druid, and 2 shaman for special effects and non-speaking cameos, and a hunter for special effects. If anyone is interested in filling the backstage roles, please let me know!
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100 Human Rogue
*Points, cackles and hides on the blue side*
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100 Dwarf Mage
<Turns Kord into a cat>
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100 Draenei Shaman
*turns Gerhilda into a frog*

Yup, sounds interesting, but i've got nothing but ally toons.
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100 Pandaren Rogue
In a beautifully flourished hand, letters are sent to those who had attended Irilin's auditions in Thunder Bluff.

Thank you to all who came to audition. Below are the list of actors chosen to perform in Irilin Duskwhisper's original play, Wrath of a Goddess.

Natalie, of Undercity, as the Narrator
Draith, as Belor
Sharinel Firelight, as the First Maiden
Koudo Belore'alah, as Alune
Kamdrin Shadowsun, as the Second Maiden
Natalie, of Undercity, as the Third Maiden
Draith, as the Youth

You will be contacted by post again, soon, with a schedule of rehearsals. The performance venue and date have not been set yet.

In all the major cities, a flier has been placed on public bulletin spaces:

A hunter, a druid, and two shaman are sought to participate in the original play Wrath of a Goddess by Irilin Duskwhisper. Interested parties may contact the author by post for more information.

A last letter arrives to the Bilgewater Harbor postmaster, to be delivered to one Mormel.

Ms. Mormel,

I fear that your talent was too great to have been included in the production of my new play, as it would have reflected poorly on the rest of the cast. I have, however, begun working on my next play, a one-woman show, for which you would be the ideal star. If you are interested, please let me know, and I shall present you with more information after the conclusion of my current production.

~Irilin Duskwhisper

((Natalie and Kamdrin, if you could pst me so we can get connected via battle.net, I can start working on getting scripts to everyone :D ))
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100 Goblin Warlock
Mormel blinked several times as she read and reread the magnificently written letter.

"That's... that's..."

Her entire body tensed, causing her hands to crumple a portion of the letter.

"That's AMAZIN'!"

With a surge of uncontrollable joy Mormel flung her arms into the air and began dancing around Rhazin's cluttered work shop.

"Nyah! Of course talent like mine can only truly blossom when starin' in a one woman show! All those other ugly hacks would just get in my way!"

Mormel then clasped her hands together as a starry, almost spaced out look came to her eyes.

"I bet I'll play someone super famous like Queen Azshara or that dead elf zombie chick the Undercity demographic always blabber 'bout."

Without wasting another second Mormel hurried off to the Bilgewater post office to mail her acceptance of Sword Elf wife's offer.
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100 Night Elf Druid
06/23/2014 01:54 PMPosted by Irilin
The performance venue and date have not been set yet.

I created a toon on CC just because of this thread. I would love to be in the audience. I have no experience with role-play in game, however I have participated in several small drama productions in real life. Would it be a good guesstimate that a performance date won't be until maybe mid-August at the earliest?

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100 Pandaren Rogue
06/25/2014 02:33 PMPosted by Skats

I created a toon on CC just because of this thread. I would love to be in the audience. I have no experience with role-play in game, however I have participated in several small drama productions in real life. Would it be a good guesstimate that a performance date won't be until maybe mid-August at the earliest?


That's about what I'm aiming for. I'm hoping to have everything wrapped up before most school-related activities start up again, so that way no one's going crazy with trying to plan around it. A lot of it will also depend upon the schedules of all involved parties. Stay tuned!
Edited by Irilin on 6/25/2014 3:11 PM PDT
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64 Blood Elf Priest
Smiling curiously, Kamdrin opened the large envelope from Irilin Duskwhisper. One brow arched slightly as she noted the title of the play. She set the script down on the small oak desk in her office before pouring herself some tea. Holding the cup with delicately gloved fingers, she perched one hip on the edge of the desk and took a sip.

“Heavenly! I shall have to give that Pandaren merchant a discount on his next order of prints if he keeps supplying me with this divine tea.”

Licking her crimson lips, she savored the last drop as she picked up the script. Opening it to the first page, she began to read. Occasionally, her eyes would widen and once a soft gasp left her throat. When she had finished perusing it, she set the document down and blinked once. Her eyes sparkled and a sly smile appeared on her heart-shaped face.

“My, my…that’s quite…scandalous.” A slight pause as she pursed her lips inquisitively. “I do wonder if my little audition had anything to do with the part I have been assigned in the play.”
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100 Pandaren Rogue
06/26/2014 02:30 PMPosted by Kamdrin
“I do wonder if my little audition had anything to do with the part I have been assigned in the play.”

((That, I think, was serendipitous coincidence. And the after-audition show wasn't bad, either ;) ))
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64 Blood Elf Priest
((Wink. Wink.))
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94 Blood Elf Paladin
Koudo set on the edge of her bed sipping a glass of wine as she read through the script. The whole audition process wasn’t what she had expected. They had taken her argument to be satisfactory. She rolled her eyes at the memory. Through some prodding she finally agreed, and now this. Sighing she laid back and scanned the document. She nodded her head in approval, she may not like Irilin or his husband but his creativity was quite good.

She took another sip and sat straight up spitting the wine out and re-read the line, her voice raised “He wants me to do what?!”
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100 Pandaren Rogue
Okay, soliciting the help of the general public on this one!

We've gotta find a venue to use for this play. It needs to be something that has "wings", i.e. somewhere for the special effects to be out of view of the audience, but still able to see the stage. Also so players can move on and off state with scene changes.

If anyone happens to see a spot that might be good, please post something here so we can check it out and see if it might work! (Or, if anyone knows someone who can get us a special instanced version of the Kara opera house (I know I'm dreaming), that would be good, too...)
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100 Goblin Warlock
Oh! Oh!

<frantically waves hand in the air>

What about one of those little audience buildings in the Scryer's tier by the elevator? It has benches and little alcoves on the side.
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64 Blood Elf Priest
06/28/2014 09:24 AMPosted by Irilin
Kara opera house

Yes, please. :)

I <3 Karazhan

06/28/2014 11:46 AMPosted by Mormel
What about one of those little audience buildings in the Scryer's tier by the elevator? It has benches and little alcoves on the side.

Wouldn't that pose a small problem for those who are not friendly with the Scryers? I rarely go to Shattrath anymore. I do not recall how many guards are about.
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