[H] Summer Stock 2014

14 Blood Elf Mage
Hello. I created this alt for the expressed purpose of attending this event. I have leveled her to a whopping 12 (I know not far) yet have never seen folks from this thread online whom I added to my friends list nor anyone from Homeland whenever I do a "who" search.

How do I go about requesting a port and transportation for this event, please? Are there other names I need to add to my friends list? Is there a different guild I should be looking for folks in?

I'd really love to see this event and meet some of the folks on this realm. These forums are very active compared to my home forums, yet the only guild invite I received (and subsequently left) was a spam invite to a silent guild chat.

Help, please?
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90 Blood Elf Hunter
You can add me to your friends list. I will be helping with the special effects and creating the video of the play.
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100 Night Elf Druid
Thank you - I think I have already. I'll confirm the spelling.


Edit: Please add me to yours, as well.
Edited by Skats on 8/8/2014 6:20 PM PDT
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
Nooooo. I wanted to come, but you picked move-in day. I'll be there in spirit!
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100 Pandaren Rogue
My apologies for not replying sooner!

Homeland is, for the most part, currently a mostly inactive guild; I'm the person who's on the most, though Elisarielle pops on once in a while, too :) Unfortunately, the Horde side of CC has become relatively quiet over the past few months, so until I drag every Horde person kicking and screaming back with an RP event *pointed glances at Hordey folk*, it may seem like there's no one out there. But we're out there, promise! :)

As for getting to and from the event, that shouldn't be a problem. I'm planning on hiring a warlock to provide transportation to anyone who might need it. Anyone who wants to come see the play--and *everyone* should want to come see the play *more pointed glances*--gets to see the play. I wrote the play, so I can decree such things.

I'll likely be on Irilin a bit over the course of the week leading up to it, so don't be afraid to say hey if you actually catch me at some point :)
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100 Night Elf Druid
08/10/2014 04:29 PMPosted by Irilin
My apologies for not replying sooner!

Homeland is, for the most part, currently a mostly inactive guild; I'm the person who's on the most, though Elisarielle pops on once in a while, too :) Unfortunately, the Horde side of CC has become relatively quiet over the past few months, so until I drag every Horde person kicking and screaming back with an RP event *pointed glances at Hordey folk*, it may seem like there's no one out there. But we're out there, promise! :)

As for getting to and from the event, that shouldn't be a problem. I'm planning on hiring a warlock to provide transportation to anyone who might need it. Anyone who wants to come see the play--and *everyone* should want to come see the play *more pointed glances*--gets to see the play. I wrote the play, so I can decree such things.

I'll likely be on Irilin a bit over the course of the week leading up to it, so don't be afraid to say hey if you actually catch me at some point :)

Thank you, Elisarielle caught me over the weekend and Shennelle is in Homeland now. :-)
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100 Pandaren Rogue
Due to issues with phasing, tonight's performance has been moved to:

The Outdoor Theater
Azurebreeze Coast, Eversong Woods

Please plan your travel accordingly, and apologies for the late notice.
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100 Pandaren Rogue
Thank you to everyone who acted, provided special effects, and came to watch the play this evening. It meant a lot to me to actually put on the play live. Just like real life performances, there were a couple of hiccups, but overall, it went incredibly well.

A video of the production should be forthcoming. In the meantime, if you'd like to read the script:

Thank you again to everyone! Now, to get to work on next year's play!
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82 Blood Elf Priest
This was great fun. Thank you so much, Irilin. I hope more of these can happen in future.
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