[A-PVP] A Call to Arms

100 Night Elf Rogue
I should clarify on my timing. I will almost never be on before 6pm on either day. If we have someone who can't be on Thursday, we may want to shoot for Tuesday.

I'm going to try to get on CC.org tonight to visit the page.
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100 Dwarf Mage
We'll keep that in mind Kyalin! :D So unless if anyone has any objections it is looking like we are going to shoot for Tuesdays in the evenings. Shall we make it 6pm CC time? That would make it 9pm irl for east coasters like myself which is fully doable. If possible I'd also like us to keep our premade intact for 1-2 hours on our BG night. Now at this point I am thinking of holding our first BG night next week unless one of us would prefer we delay it a little longer.

Anyway, our roster is looking good. We certainly are not light when it comes to healing although I would love for us to get another dedicated DPS in our ranks.

Oh I've done a whole slew of updates at the Alliance Army group page of the CC.org site. I've added an album, the current roster, and a discussion on how to get Honor Points for new PVPers. Those in our ranks that are currently starting the process of gearing up should definitely check out that discussion. You can see it all here:


Also, I once again strongly recommend for everyone in our roster to sign up at CC.org and join the Alliance Army group. I'd like to utilize that site as our primary means of holding discussions, scheduling PVP nights, and managing our network in general.
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100 Night Elf Rogue
06/02/2014 03:27 PMPosted by Gerhilda
We'll keep that in mind Kyalin! :D So unless if anyone has any objections it is looking like we are going to shoot for Tuesdays in the evenings. Shall we make it 6pm CC time? That would make it 9pm irl for east coasters like myself which is fully doable. If possible I'd also like us to keep our premade intact for 1-2 hours on our BG night. Now at this point I am thinking of holding our first BG night next week unless one of us would prefer we delay it a little longer.

Anyway, our roster is looking good. We certainly are not light when it comes to healing although I would love for us to get another dedicated DPS in our ranks.

Oh I've done a whole slew of updates at the Alliance Army group page of the CC.org site. I've added an album, the current roster, and a discussion on how to get Honor Points for new PVPers. Those in our ranks that are currently starting the process of gearing up should definitely check out that discussion. You can see it all here:


Also, I once again strongly recommend for everyone in our roster to sign up at CC.org and join the Alliance Army group. I'd like to utilize that site as our primary means of holding discussions, scheduling PVP nights, and managing our network in general.

Is the group setup with the same login from the overall site? Because it's not allowing me to log in from there, but my login for the overall site works.
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100 Human Paladin
Returning users need to reactivate their emails using this link Kyalin:


Just put in your email and you'll get a link to reset /sync your passwords.
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100 Night Elf Priest
Miss Gerhilda and I have been in a few battles with the Horde and have done quite well.

This will be fun. I will be healing and looking for a little green hordies!

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100 Dwarf Mage
I'm glad to see that you were finally able to sign up for the group Kyalin! :D I've talked to one other person who is having a temporary issue logging in to the site but hopefully these hiccups will be resolved soon. Eventually I'd like to see most/all of our roster registered for the Alliance Army group so we can hold more open discussions there. Also, it's always good to see you Elvenmoon!

Now a few things to mention:

First I've added another discussion to the Alliance Army group page at CC.org. This one is titled Gearing up for Conquest and covers things like what order to get PVP gear in, where to find info on PVP stat priorities ect... and some info on Conquest Points. I encourage newer PVPers to check it out.

Second, I've spoken to Kyalin and while she says 6pm could work for her 6:30pm would be better. I'm fine with either time but I'd like to get input from some more people about what time works best for them. Kyalin also mentioned she might have another DPS for us that can come in every other week. :)

Finally, I invite everyone part of this network to friend the people on the roster if you already have not done so. While our focus will be the weekly PVP night we should all feel comfortable contacting other members of the group outside of that day to see if they are interested in running some BGs.
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90 Human Paladin
Okay. My 'hiccup' with the cenarion-circle.org site was resolved. Apparently, the site doesn't like email addresses with .coma at the end.


And I can't even use the fat finger excuse. I just derped.

06/03/2014 07:50 AMPosted by Gerhilda
Finally, I invite everyone part of this network to friend the people on the roster if you already have not done so. While our focus will be the weekly PVP night we should all feel comfortable contacting other members of the group outside of that day to see if they are interested in running some BGs.

What? You want us all to be friends? Sheesh. That's asking a lot. :P
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100 Draenei Warrior
06/03/2014 02:29 PMPosted by Azheira
What? You want us all to be friends? Sheesh. That's asking a lot. :P

Noikona is friendly
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100 Dwarf Mage
06/03/2014 02:29 PMPosted by Azheira
Okay. My 'hiccup' with the cenarion-circle.org site was resolved. Apparently, the site doesn't like email addresses with .coma at the end.


And I can't even use the fat finger excuse. I just derped.

No worries and I'm glad that you were able to get it resolved so quickly! :D

06/03/2014 03:43 PMPosted by Noikona
Noikona is friendly

She says while dumping poison in my crab dip before killing little doggies on the steps of Stormwind Castle. :3

Well I'm very happy that almost all of us have been able to join the Alliance Army group because pretty soon I'd like to have open discussions there on things like specific BG strategies ect... I've spoken to Norisaania who's having some trouble logging into that part of the site but hopefully that issue will soon be resolved.

Anyway, I'll be posting a few more discussions over the course of the week and I still would like to hear more thoughts on what starting time (6pm or 6:30pm) works best for everyone. ;D

Edit: Gen fixed the minor issue I noticed with the Alliance Army page. Thanks Gen! :D
Edited by Gerhilda on 6/3/2014 7:20 PM PDT
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100 Human Paladin

I've spoken to Norisaania who's having some trouble logging into that part of the site but hopefully that issue will soon be resolved.

Edit: Gen fixed the minor issue I noticed with the Alliance Army page. Thanks Gen! :D

1. Can you have this person email me @ admin@cenarion-circle.org or get in touch with me in game (On Gen or on Tren) to address this issue.

2.That's what I'm here for!
Edited by Genevra on 6/3/2014 8:41 PM PDT
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100 Dwarf Mage
I've already let Nori know to get in touch with you Gen ;-)

Anyway, time for some updates! Now from talking to a few of you in game it sounds like 6:30 pm is the better of the two starting times. Thus I've gone ahead and created an event at CC.org for our first PVP night which is currently scheduled for Tuesday June 10th at 6:30 pm server time. Please check out the event page at cc.org for details (you can also find a link to the event by going to the Alliance Army page) and click attend if you think you can make it.

Tonight I'll also try to create an event date using the in-game calendar and then send invitations directly. Now while I would like us to meet on time and hold the premade together for two hours I fully understand if people need to arrive late or leave early. Just try to let me know ahead of time if you can ;-)

I've also submitted a new discussion titled "PVP and You" at the Alliance Army page. It's worth checking out for newer PVPers since it talks about good mindsets to have while PVPing.

Finally I edited the roster to reflect everyone's role.
Edited by Gerhilda on 6/4/2014 2:36 PM PDT
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100 Dwarf Mage
Another discussion is up at the Alliance Army group page! This one is titled What MoP Never Told You and briefly touches on the state of PVP in MoP. I plan on having one more general discussion up, hopefully by tomorrow, before I start hosting discussions on specific BG strategies over the next several weeks.

Also don't be nervous or reluctant about posting your own discussion at the Alliance Army page. If you have a question, concern, strategy ect... that you would like to pose to the whole group then feel free to do so. That's what those tools at the CC.org site are there for. ;-)

Finally I want to thank everyone for quickly replying to the PVP Night invitation I sent in-game. I'm really looking forward to it :D
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90 Human Paladin
06/05/2014 08:45 AMPosted by Gerhilda
I'm really looking forward to it :D

I am too.

Mormel, you have done a lot to get this group up and running, and I certainly appreciate your efforts. As I have mentioned previously, I have always wanted to try this part of the game, but never quite got up the gumption to try it. (I nearly didn't get my legendary cloak simply because of the PvP requirement).

Thank you for doing this. I only hope my learning curve is short. :)
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100 Dwarf Mage
Awww... you're welcome Azheira and thank you *-*

Everyone was once a new player at PVP so don't worry. We'll be patient. I'll also do everything I can to help you out and make the learning curve as fun as possible :D
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100 Dwarf Mage
Alright! The discussion I had written ended up being a bit short so I just turned it into an announcement instead. It's about consumables and I ask that everyone please read it at the Alliance Army group page when you get a chance.

Now I don't plan on putting up any more discussions until after our first PVP night. However, don't hesitate to host one of your own if there is something you would like to talk about. Also, for our newer PVPers when you have some time available I recommend skimming over the info here:


To my knowledge all of that information is up-to-date and it will give you a general overview of BGs. However, don't worry about memorizing it and definitely don't get stressed out. I plan on taking things slow during our first PVP night by having us que for specific BGs. That way those of us with more PVP experience can explain what the BG is about, it's layout, strategies for it along with things to be cautious of before we are actually inside the instance.

The only RP session I currently have planned for this weekend is the AAMS Lounge tomorrow night. Aside from that I will most likely be on Gerhilda so you can always ask me if you would like some company running a BG or completing Wintergrasp and Tol Barad.
Edited by Gerhilda on 6/6/2014 1:27 PM PDT
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100 Dwarf Mage
A big thanks to everyone who was able to come for our first PVP night. It was a lot of fun! :D

I'll start sending out invitations in-game every week for each PVP night. Please respond to that so I know whether you will be attending or not. I'll also make PVP Night an ongoing event on the CC.org calendar. I know that Genevra will be absent for the next PVP Night and I might be a little late but we'll see.

Now while I would like to continue meeting in Champion's Hall it is not at all necessary for you to come there. That is merely where I will be but if you want to wait elsewhere or take care of some things while we are qued then that is perfectly alright.

I apologize again for my confusion about the group size we could make. From now on if we go over five people I'll try to distribute everyone into two groups of roughly equal strength. Also, if people need to leave early we can merge the two groups.

Finally, we are still looking for more members to add to our roster (especially DPS). If anyone is interested, or knows of someone, then please reply to this thread or get in touch with me in-game.
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100 Draenei Warrior
I saw Azheira pieces go flying. So it was worth it.

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90 Human Paladin
<Picks up the Azheira pieces and flings the shrapnel at Noikona>
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100 Goblin Warlock
Cat fight!

<takes pictures>
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100 Draenei Warrior
*frowns at being pelted with shrapnel and attempts to hide behind Mormel*

(is that even possible?)
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