[A-PVP] A Call to Arms

100 Dwarf Mage
The first post has been updated and contains the current roster. We can now start the process of scheduling our first PVP Night. Our "default" time will be Tuesdays at 6:30pm since that is what we used in MoP. However if this does not work for anyone on the roster then please let me know asap so we can try to figure out a better time.

Also this is an open enrollment roster so if anyone is interested in being added please just post a reply or get in touch with me.

Anyway, be sure to check your in-game calendars for the first scheduled PVP Night. In the meantime I recommend trying to run Ashran solo if you already have not to get some gear along with checking out the Ashran and gearing discussions on the Alliance Army cc.org group page. I look forward to running with you all. :)
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100 Dwarf Mage
I've got a few confirmed and a bunch of tentatives for the currently scheduled PVP Night on the 20th at 6:30 pm. More importantly I have not heard from anyone about the day/time itself being bad so I will go ahead and consider that our first official event of WoD.

So long as a few folks show up I will then start scheduling our evenings a month in advance so please continue to check your calendars and mark what you think your attendance for that particular night will be.
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100 Dwarf Mage
A big thanks for those that were able to come out last night! :) I've got the PVP Nights posted in the in-game calendar up to the end of February. Please be sure to mark what your attendance will be for each evening.
Edited by Gerhilda on 1/21/2015 8:38 AM PST
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100 Dwarf Mage
Thanks to everyone that was able to attend! It was great having enough people to run two teams again :D

Now I did receive one complaint about the day last night but this individual did not provide me with other potential day/times when I asked. Unless if I hear more or additional people voice their concern about the current day/time we will continue holding PVP Night on Tuesdays at 6:30 pm.

Finally I just want to clarify how party invites will work on every PVP Night. Unless you mark yourself as being confirmed or tentative for a particular PVP Night I will not ask if you are ready for an invite to the group when the time comes for us to begin. If you don't mark yourself on the calendar then it is up to you to message me or someone else on the roster asking for an invite.
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90 Human Paladin
My sincerest apologies for not getting back to you, Mor/hilda. As you can see, this character is has not been played since WoD arrived. I have been busy with school, other characters and more school. I'm really not up for trying to add more game activities at present. Perhaps I can join you over the summer when I have a bit of a break from homework.
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100 Dwarf Mage
I understand and no worries Azheira. You are always welcome to sign up again when the timing is better for you :) Just let me know and good luck with school.

Hmmm... Morhilda. That's pretty good :3 Ofcourse so is Germel. Hmmm....
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100 Dwarf Mage
The roster has been updated again and I'd also like to remind everyone that our network should not be limited solely to PVP Night. If you have an interest in forming an arena comp, RBG team, or like running randoms/Ashran on the side then by all means please contact others on the roster to see if they are interested.
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100 Dwarf Mage
Just want to thank everyone for the awesome turnout and great games we had tonight :3 The AV and WSG matches were especially enjoyable for me.
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100 Human Paladin
If this is still going on, I'd like to throw my name into the group. Paladin healer, 2400 experienced, 1875 highest achieved.
Edited by Spdr on 2/14/2015 8:37 PM PST
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100 Dwarf Mage
This is still going on and welcome to the group :) You'll start seeing PVP Night listed in your in-game calendar and every other name is someone currently on the roster. While PVP Night itself is a very casual event I certainly encourage you to ask others on the roster if they are interested in any rated PVP on the side (assuming, of course, you still have an interest in rated).
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100 Dwarf Mage
Dates for PVP Night in March should be in your in-game calendars now.
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100 Dwarf Mage
Unfortunately there is a chance I will not be able to log in for PVP Night this evening. If that occurs don't panic because the event is not cancelled. Unless someone would like to fill in as a back up coordinator simply check the in-game calendar to see who marked themselves as confirmed/tentative and contact them if they are on by 6:30 pm server.

Make sure to do a lot of ganking if I don't make it on ;3
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100 Dwarf Mage
A big thanks to everyone that was able to come out last night. Those were three particularly good games :D

Anyway, just bumping so people know that PVP Night is still going on if anyone new is interested.
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100 Human Rogue
I put holes in Horde.

Extra ones.

Just helping their aeration.
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100 Dwarf Mage
03/19/2015 01:14 PMPosted by Arlston
I put holes in Horde.

Extra ones.

Just helping their aeration.

Which also reduces their weight! We're like a Hordie diet program!
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100 Dwarf Mage
Due to taking a break from WoW I will no longer be hosting the Alliance PVP Nights. However I fully encourage others to continue organizing events and utilizing the existing roster as a framework to start putting a group together.
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