Blizzcon 2015 - Meetup Added for CC!

100 Tauren Shaman
I'll be at Blizzcon this year!
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100 Tauren Hunter
Sweet, see you there!
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100 Blood Elf Rogue
10/25/2015 06:09 PMPosted by Turwinkle
I will be there this year! I hope to meet as many of the CC folks that I can! Will be having a meet-up on Thursday the day before the Con! Outside the Hyatt @ 1:00 pm! :D Am so excited!

Be sure to join our official meetup on Friday!! Details are in the main thread. :-)
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100 Human Paladin
Posting for Araceli.. Don't forget the meetup today at the Warcraft Bikes at 3:30p
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
( so I had this huge thing posted and changed characters and apparently changing characters wipes everything you type..yay...)

Thanks to EVERYONE that came out to the meetup and the hotel party in my room on Saturday night. I do apologize about my phone dying during dinner and being unable to invite everyone else that wasn't already with me to the dinner. I must get a better extra battery because the one(s) I had lasted 20 minutes and then died. :-/

So next year I've learned that we're gonna do the official meetup likely on Friday (though could do Thursday if the majority of people get in in time),, then likely a dinner somewhere either on Thursday or Friday night and then the hotel party on Saturday!

The pictures from the meetup and the party have been posted on the CC Forums! []

Please add more or/andd tag yourself if you want!
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