Rp'ing a Bronze dragon using Vial of the Sand


88 Night Elf Druid
01/10/2011 9:47 PMPosted by Ederedivh
It turns you into a bronze and lets u go back and forth, plus you can carry somone on ur back. Think it's ok if you pretend your a real dragon, and your (Insert Race Here) form is just one of your false identities?

As pointed out, it doesn't exactly turn you into a bronze dragon, but I say go fer it. I wouldn't doubt that so many other people do. You just have to make it work for you, is all.

Perhaps take class and race into mind. I mean I suppose you could RP as a bronze drake- although it might help with the imagination better if you were to simply get the Bronze Drake mount. Of course... there's not the fun in allowing people to ride on your back xD .

The game is full of so many things, and the fact that it is an online game with SO MANY players, means that there's going to be creativity, arguments, joy, and hatred. Ignore those that are rude -though don't mistake it for rudeness if it is honest criticism-, and have fun with those that are carefree.

"Be who you are, and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter; and those who matter don't mind."
90 Human Warlock
It's stupid. Don't do it.
90 Blood Elf Death Knight
Well, just ask the guy in OOC if the saddle is IC or not.

If it is... Ask in a calm voice.....

"Can I have a piggyback ride?" with a :3 face.
85 Dwarf Priest
There is nothing wrong with being a dragon, or a vampire or half something then you RP. There is however, something wrong with doing so in front of people you know will take offence to it. Just be considerate and know when it is ok and when its not. Also...it never hurts to tell people in advance to avoid conflict. If someone has a problem with it, take a minute to explain and if their not ok with it, just let them leave or walk away from them. If they keep complaining, ignore them, if they grief you, report them (people who try to force you to rp the way they want and then go out of their way to grief you if you don't SHOULD be banned in my opinion...)

Rping in wow is your way of being creative, no one other has the right to say you can't do this or that. Just be considerate of others, know your lore, and know when and when its ok to do this and that. Besides... having a bronze dragon to ally with against the infinite dragonflight is something I wouldn't say no to =P
85 Blood Elf Mage
01/11/2011 5:03 PMPosted by Dawnsky
It's stupid. Don't do it.

Proof or get lost?

Obviously every point of proof we bring up is going to be refuted by you as opinion. As if there's nothing subjective about coexisting in a social roleplaying community anyway. So even if they did only make an opinion, it could still be a small part of a larger road map that tells you what's a good or bad idea.
83 Human Death Knight
I mean, cmon guys. Vial of the sands isnt a potion. it's an actual mount. I was surfing the AH one day and looked in mounts, and saw it. I was like, Hey this might make for some interesting RP. And by the way, i don't play on RP servers, i just RP with a small group of friends, and were all fine as long as you don't go around pretending to be the terminator or something.
90 Blood Elf Hunter
01/11/2011 7:51 PMPosted by Ederedivh
I mean, cmon guys. Vial of the sands isnt a potion. it's an actual mount. I was surfing the AH one day and looked in mounts, and saw it. I was like, Hey this might make for some interesting RP. And by the way, i don't play on RP servers, i just RP with a small group of friends, and were all fine as long as you don't go around pretending to be the terminator or something.

In order to turn into said Drake, you drink a magical potion. It may be in the "mount" category on the AH, but it's a VIAL, it even says it in the name, for cryin' out loud.

Most people play it off as being a potion.

"Look at meee, I'm a draaakkeee!"
"lol no, it's just a potion!"

Also, Sand Drakes are primitive at best.
85 Night Elf Warrior



Read. Be enlightened. Learn.
85 Blood Elf Mage
01/11/2011 7:55 PMPosted by Dawnsky
That's just it though, no one has brought up any proof. So far opinions are throw around and are considered fact now.

The facts are that:
1) Stone drakes are elementals, with a primitive mindset respecting only fear.
2) Sandstone drakes are not an existing coloration of stone drakes, they are a distinct mutation result only existing from that potion.
3) The potion's existence is knowledge present both OOC and IC. Therefore another roleplayer could claim to see the effect as what it is, a disguise. They wouldn't be playing along with your character concept, but they aren't wrong in any sense for this.
4) You have to wear a saddle, always.
5) Sandstone drakes don't have magic ability to shift into a humanoid form, so enjoy being in Sandstone form ALL the time while IC?

Now, I will acknowledge the point you made to answer these points (paraphrased in my own words).

"I know all of that is in the lore, but that's why I'm going to say I'm a regular bronze drake, the potion factor is OOC, and the saddle isn't really there. Why can't people have some imagination and go along with this?"

Well, the thread is titled about RPing a Bronze Dragon using Vial of the Sands. But in order to accomplish that, you would just disregard 90% of the visuals associated with the Sandstone Drake. What I'm getting at, is that your Sandstone Drake doesn't make your Bronze Drake RP any better. You can still do it if you want, I don't recommended it, but it's pretty much the same scenario as RPing a dragon without a transformation effect.

TL;DR: Sandstone Drake =/= Dragon RP being any more acceptable. Especially if you RP something that looks nothing like the transformation you're using.
Edited by Feydran on 1/11/2011 8:10 PM PST
90 Tauren Hunter
01/11/2011 5:32 PMPosted by Brair
There is nothing wrong with being a dragon, or a vampire or half something

Unless you do it in WoW. Then you will get mocked and derided (and rightly so) for trying to be superspecialuniquesnowflake by playing something so far outside the standard playable races which, in virtually every single case, cannot fit within the known timeline, lore, or both.


Dragons: With the exception of a number so small I can count them on one hand and have fingers left over, I have NEVER seen a decent Dragon RPer - they are all either warlock/DK morons pretending to be Black Flight with all the blatant-evil-idiocy of an 80's cartoon villian, or OMG I AM SECRETLY A DRAGON BUT NOBODY KNOWS DESPITE MY GIANT WINGS AND HORNS AND STUFF THAT DO NOT REALLY EXIST IN-GAME STICKING OUT EVERYWHERE retarded members of, well, every other flight up to the point of inventing new ones and/or stealing ones from other fictional sources.

Vampires: No. Just friggin' NO. I don't care how pretty and sparkly elves are, or if DK's DO have a "Blood Spec", that does not mean your long-eared former servant of Arthas is a angsty minion of darkness who feeds on the crimson life-essence of mere mortals. The ONLY vampires in WoW are the San'layn, and not only are they all DEAD, but there were only about a dozen of them, and they never left the service of Arthas.

Half-things: Again, just no. Halfbreeds make good lore-writers cry and give Richard Knaak a happy in his pants. With the exception of Garona (half-orc half-draenei), Arator the Redeemed (half-human half-highelf raised in Outland) and Rexxar's Mok'nathal Clan (half-orc half-ogre), there are NO halfbreeds in WoW - thank GOD that abomination Me'dan never left his comic. Which means your precious half-nightelf and half-bloodelf are right out... the night ones are all children, and the blood ones don't even exist yet at this point in the timeline - ask again in about 20-30 years or so.

The playable races and given lore are diverse and varied enough that a smart player has NO need to wander outside the lines and/or invent new stuff to make a good character, and if you have to rely on such gimmicks as dragons and vampires and other to make your character noticeable, instead of letting your playstyle and their personality do so... maybe you should rethink trying to roleplay in the first place.
Edited by Wykea on 1/12/2011 12:02 AM PST
90 Tauren Hunter
01/12/2011 12:03 AMPosted by Hyolia
Well you missed one. Med'an, a quarter-draenei, quarter-orc, half-human.

Like most folks, I was trying to pretend he didn't exist. Edited to begrudingly acknowledge the little mutant.
Edited by Wykea on 1/12/2011 12:06 AM PST
72 Draenei Priest
*Twitches slightly*

Seriously...Who looked at that and said "Yeah Med'an is a good idea! I want one Blizzard Dev to step forward and say they thought it sounded good. *Facepalm*

No offense to them but really. That was probably the stupidist character ever invented...And given the state of the RP forums that's saying something.
72 Draenei Priest
Heh no I've never read that...And now I never want to XD

But yeah, there's worse then Med'an. I'm not sure about in WoW lore though lol...I'm afraid to think about what else could be out there.../shudder

I think people are getting hung up on game mechanics here. Yes, mechanically it's a potion. But, I see no harm if people want to take liberties with it and pretend it's their character's genuine dragon form, especially if they can convincingly play the role. RP servers are all about playing pretend anyway, it seems strange that fellow RPers would try to rain on each others parade when there are enough griefers who are out to do precisely that as it is.
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