Rp'ing a Bronze dragon using Vial of the Sand


83 Human Death Knight
It turns you into a bronze and lets u go back and forth, plus you can carry somone on ur back. Think it's ok if you pretend your a real dragon, and your (Insert Race Here) form is just one of your false identities?
33 Goblin Warlock
The sand drake is not a bronze dragon, nor any other flight of dragon. In fact, it's probably closest to an elemental.

That being said, no, you can't pretend you're a real dragon using the Vial of the Sand transformation item. People can and will call you out on the alchemical potion. Sorry :)
85 Night Elf Warrior
01/10/2011 10:11 PMPosted by Zidri
The sand drake is not a bronze dragon, nor any other flight of dragon. In fact, it's probably closest to an elemental.

That being said, no, you can't pretend you're a real dragon using the Vial of the Sand transformation item. People can and will call you out on the alchemical potion. Sorry :)

64 Worgen Druid
01/10/2011 9:47 PMPosted by Ederedivh
It turns you into a bronze and lets u go back and forth, plus you can carry somone on ur back. Think it's ok if you pretend your a real dragon, and your (Insert Race Here) form is just one of your false identities?

I thought it was a good idea, sorry. :/ But perhaps you could be a dragonsworn or something? Something that's not completely a full blown dragon? I dunno.. I thought it was cool..
85 Night Elf Warrior
01/11/2011 12:14 PMPosted by Dawnsky
My guildmate does and it works for him, he is a pretty good dragon RPer.

Anyone that's been to Deepholm, knows about the potion, is well within their rights to walk up to him and say "Well that's just a potion."

Because it is. Sandstone Drakes are elementals, not dragons.

-Maybe- your dragon friend wants that to happen? Maybe it's part of his disguise? But you're a Sandstone Drake. Not a normal dragon.
85 Night Elf Warrior
It's not an opinion. It's what the potion does. Anyone with magical talent would be able to walk up to him and go "hey that's a potion" or even an alchemist if they recognized the characteristics of that particular potion.

Just saying what you're going to get from most people. If you and your guild are fine with him pretending to be a dragon with the potion, more power to you.
85 Night Elf Warrior
01/11/2011 3:21 PMPosted by Dawnsky
You have no In-character imagination, how are you even a Role Player?

I'm sorry, did I insult you at some point? No, I don't think I did. I would appreciate it if you returned the favor.

All I'm telling you is that you're taking a potion, one which turns you into an elemental temporarily, and saying that "Hey I'm a Bronze Dragon now." That takes suspension of disbelief of everyone around you to work. And more often than not someone will come out and say "Hey that's just a potion he's not a dragon."

What do you do? Ignore them? Educate them and tell them that they're incorrect(When they aren't)?

You're using a potion as a crutch, for something that it doesn't even actually do.
Edited by Slywyn on 1/11/2011 3:38 PM PST
90 Blood Elf Death Knight
Dude, did you know? The Strength Potion thing that increases your character's size? Maybe that statue potion that freezes your character? People use those as their charazteristics.

And yes, you are repeated your opinions. Not EVERYTHING can be pointed out as what it really is. It's like the stupid Worgen Forms thing. "Oh, he's not really a worgen! It's just the Curse!" Well, what if he/she WAS the original?! Does anyone think about that!?!?!

NOOOOOO! It's all about what it actually is! No creativity or imagination added!

Holy crab, my rant time is over.
70 Blood Elf Warlock
01/11/2011 3:46 PMPosted by Chainic

Holy crab, my rant time is over.

ghostcrawler XD
Edited by Salossaria on 1/11/2011 3:49 PM PST
85 Night Elf Warrior
01/11/2011 3:42 PMPosted by Dawnsky
So far everything you keep repeating is not proving any points, it's just your opinion. You can say it again as much as you like but it won't make it a fact.

Saying "Hey I'm a Bronze Dragon" doesn't make it true either.

01/11/2011 3:46 PMPosted by Chainic
Dude, did you know? The Strength Potion thing that increases your character's size? Maybe that statue potion that freezes your character? People use those as their charazteristics.

And yes, you are repeated your opinions. Not EVERYTHING can be pointed out as what it really is. It's like the stupid Worgen Forms thing. "Oh, he's not really a worgen! It's just the Curse!" Well, what if he/she WAS the original?! Does anyone think about that!?!?!

NOOOOOO! It's all about what it actually is! No creativity or imagination added!

Holy crab, my rant time is over.

I'm just pointing out that the potion is what it is. And people will call them on it. Personally, I don't care all that much. You wanna be a dragon? Fine. Go be a dragon. I'm not RPing with you. It doesn't bother me. Just don't be disappointed or upset when someone comes along and points out what I did.
44 Undead Rogue
let me be the devil's advocate.

Would you be a normal dragon? No of course not, you'd have to come up with some pretty creative rp to be any sort of dragon, let alone one that looks like THAT. But it can be done(( I even got a story for mine))

Would someone randomly go "Hey, that's a potion."... please, that would be as retarded as saying you where a normal dragon. The potion buff is not showing up cause you can't see that, nor would someone be able to tell that's a potion even if it was rped as one! You can have suspicions, but you can't just go off the top of your head "POTION POTION POTION!" or else someone would look at you and laugh like your crazy. Let people play with toys and alter them a little, cause I'll be damned if everytime someone ICly drops the train set, that my all too serious death knight starts /train ing away. And besides, even Blizzard messes with designs that aren't suppose to be a little. In the worgen zone there is night elves with blue eyes, which where death knight models actually. Where they death knights in ((for the hell of it lets say)) icly? No sirry, they where druids.((there is also Voss, the undead scarlet girl from the undead starting quests which is a death knight model.))

So in conclusion, you wouldn't be a normal drake so don't even try that crap, and stop being so super anal if the item itself was a potion.((sorry for my bluntness. and sorry if I seem to be more drake sided, but there is nothing really much to say besides you can't rp a regular dragon with that. But the counter arguement had to be a bit more detailed.))
85 Night Elf Warrior
01/11/2011 3:54 PMPosted by Twiit
let me be the devil's advocate.

Would you be a normal dragon? No of course not, you'd have to come up with some pretty creative rp to be any sort of dragon, let alone one that looks like THAT. But it can be done(( I even got a story for mine))

Would someone randomly go "Hey, that's a potion."... please, that would be as retarded as saying you where a normal dragon. The potion buff is not showing up cause you can't see that, nor would someone be able to tell that's a potion even if it was rped as one! You can have suspicions, but you can't just go off the top of your head "POTION POTION POTION!" or else someone would look at you and laugh like your crazy. Let people play with toys and alter them a little, cause I'll be damned if everytime someone ICly drops the train set, that my all too serious death knight starts /train ing away. And besides, even Blizzard messes with designs that aren't suppose to be a little. In the worgen zone there is night elves with blue eyes, which where death knight models actually. Where they death knights in ((for the hell of it lets say)) icly? No sirry, they where druids.((there is also Voss, the undead scarlet girl from the undead starting quests which is a death knight model.))

So in conclusion, you wouldn't be a normal drake so don't even try that crap, and stop being so super anal if the item itself was a potion.((sorry for my bluntness. and sorry if I seem to be more drake sided, but there is nothing really much to say besides you can't rp a regular dragon with that. But the counter arguement had to be a bit more detailed.))

The item is a potion. It's in the game. Anyone who's an Alchemist, and knows that recipe, would be able to tell from the effects alone. "Hey, I've seen that somewhere!"

Also, anyone who can detect magical things(Mage/Pally, maybe Shaman/Druid) would be able to tell that it's a magical potion or some other kind of magical concealment. At the very least it might seem odd to them.

And then that's not even what the general populace might think when they see a random-arse dragon walking around the city. "Is that a- OH MY GOD RUN" etc.

Edit: Ah, I was beat to it.
Edited by Slywyn on 1/11/2011 4:04 PM PST
44 Undead Rogue
let me be the devil's advocate.

Would you be a normal dragon? No of course not, you'd have to come up with some pretty creative rp to be any sort of dragon, let alone one that looks like THAT. But it can be done(( I even got a story for mine))

Would someone randomly go "Hey, that's a potion."... please, that would be as retarded as saying you where a normal dragon. The potion buff is not showing up cause you can't see that, nor would someone be able to tell that's a potion even if it was rped as one! You can have suspicions, but you can't just go off the top of your head "POTION POTION POTION!" or else someone would look at you and laugh like your crazy. Let people play with toys and alter them a little, cause I'll be damned if everytime someone ICly drops the train set, that my all too serious death knight starts /train ing away. And besides, even Blizzard messes with designs that aren't suppose to be a little. In the worgen zone there is night elves with blue eyes, which where death knight models actually. Where they death knights in ((for the hell of it lets say)) icly? No sirry, they where druids.((there is also Voss, the undead scarlet girl from the undead starting quests which is a death knight model.))

So in conclusion, you wouldn't be a normal drake so don't even try that crap, and stop being so super anal if the item itself was a potion.((sorry for my bluntness. and sorry if I seem to be more drake sided, but there is nothing really much to say besides you can't rp a regular dragon with that. But the counter arguement had to be a bit more detailed.))

The item is a potion. It's in the game. Anyone who's an Alchemist, and knows that recipe, would be able to tell from the effects alone. "Hey, I've seen that somewhere!"

Also, anyone who can detect magical things(Mage/Pally, maybe Shaman/Druid) would be able to tell that it's a magical potion or some other kind of magical concealment. At the very least it might seem odd to them.

And then that's not even what the general populace might think when they see a random-arse dragon walking around the city. "Is that a- OH MY GOD RUN" etc.

Edit: Ah, I was beat to it.
Well people rp them as dragons, therefor potion wouldn't be involved at all. I do not defend the common mistakes of a dragon rper, and I'm not defending the point if they wonder randomly in stormwind going "IMA DRAGON IMA EAT U!" type deal, don't get me wrong on that. But things are commonly confused and rps are commonly turned into arguements so unless both people had MRP((or something similar)) and/or ooc talked about if first and agreed on it then there should be no trouble, but if someone randomly goes "THATS A POTION!" then that person is in fact, stepping on another persons rp toes. Anyways, rp dragons probably aren't wondering around in dragon form in the first place((well not any good dragon rper)) So I don't really see why the potion would be argued with in the first place.
Edited by Twiit on 1/11/2011 4:10 PM PST
44 Undead Rogue
01/11/2011 4:14 PMPosted by Hyolia
Well people rp them as dragons, therefor potion wouldn't be involved at all. I do not defend the common mistakes of a dragon rper, and I'm not defending the point if they wonder randomly in stormwind going "IMA DRAGON IMA EAT U!" type deal, don't get me wrong on that. But things are commonly confused and rps are commonly turned into arguements so unless both people had MRP((or something similar)) and/or ooc talked about if first and agreed on it then there should be no trouble, but if someone randomly goes "THATS A POTION!" then that person is in fact, stepping on another persons rp toes. Anyways, rp dragons probably aren't wondering around in dragon form in the first place((well not any good dragon rper)) So I don't really see why the potion would be argued with in the first place.
Simple. Somebody says they're a dragon, most characters would call BS on them. "Oh yeah? Prove it."

If they then drank the potion, they would SEE the potion being drunk, and call them on that too. It's probably like a guy who thinks he's Richard Nixon putting on a Nixon Mask and expecting to be taken seriously. Nobody would believe him with or without the mask.
Alright, if someone says they are a dragon to random people and don't pre plan ooc wise then that would end like that and into a "IGNORE THE POTION!" "NO I WONT" fight and that will just end terribly.
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