Rp'ing a Bronze dragon using Vial of the Sand


76 Troll Hunter
Personally, I would find it stupid and childish and probably wouldn't RP with you.


The tenacity of certain posters in this topic is unfounded. Anyone who has played online RPGs on roleplaying servers knows that it's completely acceptable to excuse/abuse a game mechanic so long as it does not create a bad roleplaying environment.

The argument that it is LOLOLOL FROM A POTION THEREFORE INVALID is logically flawed and ignorant of longstanding practices in this subgenre. So what if a gameplay mechanic says that you became a pretend-drake by drinking a potion? The whole point of roleplaying in videogames is to take the gameplay framework and build your own stories on it. If insiders to your roleplaying circle are willing to tolerate a drake RPer and ignore whatever little signs there are that its a fake drake from a potion, then it is fine because it isn't breaking the overall canon of the game unless you commit undrakely acts.

An example to highlight how flawed this thinking: By your logic, you would imply Neverwinter Nights roleplayers shouldn't perform physical emotes enabled by custom-script wands (to allow for emotes not normally performable). As you seem to imply, because the emote was created by an object rather naturally existing with the character's abilities, it's wrong and makes you a bad roleplayer. Another Neverwinter Nights example: players shouldn't roleplay as subraces not explicitly listed in the character creation menu, because the gameplay clearly says you're just a half-elf and not a half-drow or what-have-you. For some stupid reason, you're just a bad roleplayer for bending the rules of the game to create a plausible situation. Does any of that sound right? That's what I'm getting at with the 'potion' logic.

If you really want to keep arguing in that style of logic, where do you draw the line? A true roleplayer would insist all players look exactly the same , as, due to the same line of logic that the game only portrays an unthinking sand drake created by a potion, the game only portrays a limited amount of character customization options and therefore only those specific, exact options should be considered canon? A true roleplayer wouldn't do any raids/dungeons that have technically already been cleared out by other adventurers? A true roleplayer wouldn't use unique items that are already equipped by another player, because, technically, it is a unique item by moniker? A true roleplayer would refuse to treat any settlement in the game as a true city or town, as due to the gameplay limitations, they are really just transport+market+training hubs made of 100~ NPCs rather than true, fully functional cities? By nature of it being a videogame, there will be built-in mechanics that go *against* roleplaying (whether it's pretending you're a drake or the fact that the in-game combat system implies that you have to hit a thing with a sword 20 times to kill it, which is clearly not 'realistic' in the sense of roleplaying at all), yet these can be ignored in a consensual situation.

You are simply dead wrong in shooting down this player's proposal simply because of the hardcoded game mechanic. I understand your ultimate concern that it's probably a terrible, cheesy idea (omg guyz letz totally be DRAGONS!!!1111), but you're attacking it from an easy, but in the end, improper angle. If you have beef with the end result, that's fine, and bring that up directly. Don't attack the tool as it does no wrong by itself unless it the player makes a crappy end result out of it. Yes, he should expect to get alot of grief from outsiders who will likely see it as immature Mary-Sue-esque powerplay, but if there are insiders that he wants to limit it to, why not?

tl;dr: its a logical fallacy to say that bending hardcoded gameplay mechanics to fit a roleplaying scenario = not roleplaying. attack the quality of his drake roleplaying if you want to mount a proper argument.
Edited by Humphreys on 1/12/2011 2:59 AM PST
48 Blood Elf Paladin
^ Knows what he's talking about.

Just wait for Vial of the Bronze Dragon.

85 Night Elf Warrior
01/12/2011 2:51 AMPosted by Humphreys
Personally, I would find it stupid and childish and probably wouldn't RP with you.


The tenacity of certain posters in this topic is unfounded. Anyone who has played online RPGs on roleplaying servers knows that it's completely acceptable to excuse/abuse a game mechanic so long as it does not create a bad roleplaying environment.

The argument that it is LOLOLOL FROM A POTION THEREFORE INVALID is logically flawed and ignorant of longstanding practices in this subgenre. So what if a gameplay mechanic says that you became a pretend-drake by drinking a potion? The whole point of roleplaying in videogames is to take the gameplay framework and build your own stories on it. If insiders to your roleplaying circle are willing to tolerate a drake RPer and ignore whatever little signs there are that its a fake drake from a potion, then it is fine because it isn't breaking the overall canon of the game unless you commit undrakely acts.

An example to highlight how flawed this thinking: By your logic, you would imply Neverwinter Nights roleplayers shouldn't perform physical emotes enabled by custom-script wands (to allow for emotes not normally performable). As you seem to imply, because the emote was created by an object rather naturally existing with the character's abilities, it's wrong and makes you a bad roleplayer. Another Neverwinter Nights example: players shouldn't roleplay as subraces not explicitly listed in the character creation menu, because the gameplay clearly says you're just a half-elf and not a half-drow or what-have-you. For some stupid reason, you're just a bad roleplayer for bending the rules of the game to create a plausible situation. Does any of that sound right? That's what I'm getting at with the 'potion' logic.

If you really want to keep arguing in that style of logic, where do you draw the line? A true roleplayer would insist all players look exactly the same , as, due to the same line of logic that the game only portrays an unthinking sand drake created by a potion, the game only portrays a limited amount of character customization options and therefore only those specific, exact options should be considered canon? A true roleplayer wouldn't do any raids/dungeons that have technically already been cleared out by other adventurers? A true roleplayer wouldn't use unique items that are already equipped by another player, because, technically, it is a unique item by moniker? A true roleplayer would refuse to treat any settlement in the game as a true city or town, as due to the gameplay limitations, they are really just transport+market+training hubs made of 100~ NPCs rather than true, fully functional cities? By nature of it being a videogame, there will be built-in mechanics that go *against* roleplaying (whether it's pretending you're a drake or the fact that the in-game combat system implies that you have to hit a thing with a sword 20 times to kill it, which is clearly not 'realistic' in the sense of roleplaying at all), yet these can be ignored in a consensual situation.

You are simply dead wrong in shooting down this player's proposal simply because of the hardcoded game mechanic. I understand your ultimate concern that it's probably a terrible, cheesy idea (omg guyz letz totally be DRAGONS!!!1111), but you're attacking it from an easy, but in the end, improper angle. If you have beef with the end result, that's fine, and bring that up directly. Don't attack the tool as it does no wrong by itself unless it the player makes a crappy end result out of it. Yes, he should expect to get alot of grief from outsiders who will likely see it as immature Mary-Sue-esque powerplay, but if there are insiders that he wants to limit it to, why not?

tl;dr: its a logical fallacy to say that bending hardcoded gameplay mechanics to fit a roleplaying scenario = not roleplaying. attack the quality of his drake roleplaying if you want to mount a proper argument.

I think a lot of this is directed at me, since I was the main one who got on him about it being a potion.

The reason I brought that up is not personal. He's not RPing with me. I don't care. But he should be prepared to defend himself from those(Usually with IC, and technically correct backing) saying that "Hey that's a potion." Or "Hey that's magical."

They -are- correct, no matter how you look at it. But at the same time, RPing as a whole is suspension of disbelief, and how far you can go in RP is many times based on how long everyone you're RPing with will suspend it.

Does your group that you RP with accept that it's actually a dragon and not some potion? Okay then. More power to you. But the moment that you OoCly go "NO I'M ACTUALLY A DRAKE ZOMG" you cross a line.
90 Human Warlock
World of Warcraft is not a free-form roleplay setting.

You do not get to be a dragon.
90 Blood Elf Hunter
01/12/2011 7:04 AMPosted by Callatham
World of Warcraft is not a free-form roleplay setting.

You do not get to be a dragon.
85 Blood Elf Rogue
x_x WOW RP %@##s!
Can we simply end this with: people will RP what they want. The guy was simply asking for some feedback, not "NO YOU CAN'T DO THAT EVER!" or "YES YOU HAVE TO DO THAT."


You don't have to RP with the guy if you don't want to. No one has the right to tell you how to RP, no one has the right to make you RP with someone else.

100 Tauren Druid
Couldn't you guys just imagine that it was a dragon and not a guy using a potion? I mean isn't that what RP is about? Or any fictional writing at all? Making a story up, understanding that readers won't believe it (obviously, because its fiction) , but knowing they will enjoy reading it.
85 Night Elf Warrior
02/14/2011 6:26 PMPosted by Korlek
Couldn't you guys just imagine that it was a dragon and not a guy using a potion? I mean isn't that what RP is about? Or any fictional writing at all? Making a story up, understanding that readers won't believe it (obviously, because its fiction) , but knowing they will enjoy reading it.

A thread did not have to be necro'd in order to bring up a point that was already discussed. You are not adding anything to the discussion.
100 Tauren Druid
02/14/2011 6:32 PMPosted by Slywyn
Couldn't you guys just imagine that it was a dragon and not a guy using a potion? I mean isn't that what RP is about? Or any fictional writing at all? Making a story up, understanding that readers won't believe it (obviously, because its fiction) , but knowing they will enjoy reading it.

A thread did not have to be necro'd in order to bring up a point that was already discussed. You are not adding anything to the discussion.

I actually found this as a link in a sticky.

No need to get snappy :P
85 Night Elf Warrior
I linked them into the sticky so people could read them. Not bump month old threads. =(
85 Troll Death Knight
Technically it is a potion but then again if it is in the form of a dragon it is made specifically to be THAT type of dragon. It obviously has its own state of mind, it attacks on its own. elementals are usually controlled by a specific person, but this dragon is not (except the player) role players have the right to call themselves dragons, i actually plan on getting this item as well to RP as one. And if your going to complain over someone elses imagination i sugget you whip out 25 or 30 dollars whatever the cost is to switch yourrealm because that kind of unimagination is unwanted in an RP server where player imagination is supposed to be the main structure of. It's common sense. there are many reasons why people normally say crap like they arent really what they assume to be. If you want to complain, go to a PvP server and stop styfling ones own imagination.

There i am finished. have fun making a repetitive reply back to this night elf.
85 Tauren Death Knight
It is not a matter of imagination, but a matter of understanding. Nothing in roleplaying should create conflicts such as this for we all roleplay in the same world: the world of Warcraft, where potions can make us into sand drakes.

As it was already said, any alchemist who knows the recipe can make potions that transform people into the exact same drake you may pretend to be, and actually roleplay it as truly being a potion. There is absolutely no way you can deny his or her claims, for it is not the alchemist's opinion, but an established, unrefutable fact.

Imagination is not a bad thing, but bending the lore is the way to breaking it. Personally, I highly recommend roleplaying a modest, normal character. Only those truly have depth, and are interesting to learn about. Character whose sole purpose is to be special, are not.

For Kalimdor!
— Wolf of Stonetalon
85 Worgen Hunter
I mean, if I ever got my hands on the Vial, I'd RP it as getting my paws on a vial that turns me into an elemental dragon. But the way some RPers attack these kind of things with a vengance makes me giggle. You can say you don't prefer it, or how others will react, or that you wouldn't RP with that character. But sometimes people go overboard and say how terrible a player is and the "you can't do it cause I don't like it" mentallity
85 Human Priest
Couldn't you guys just imagine that it was a dragon and not a guy using a potion? I mean isn't that what RP is about? Or any fictional writing at all? Making a story up, understanding that readers won't believe it (obviously, because its fiction) , but knowing they will enjoy reading it.

A thread did not have to be necro'd in order to bring up a point that was already discussed. You are not adding anything to the discussion.

Yer a bossy thing ain't ya??!!

"You can't RP like that... You can't post on a thread... bleh-bleh-bleh!!"


PS- Oh and as for mechanics vs RP... If ya wanna go that route, you can't roleplay anything but a human playing a video game 'cause I know yer not an elf, it's just pixels, and it's a video game!!! So THERE!!!

The train just came into imagination station... HOP ABOARD!!!

Edited by Siog on 3/10/2011 6:04 AM PST
58 Worgen Death Knight
Yer a bossy thing ain't ya??!!

"You can't RP like that... You can't post on a thread... bleh-bleh-bleh!!"


PS- Oh and as for mechanics vs RP... If ya wanna go that route, you can't roleplay anything but a human playing a video game 'cause I know yer not an elf, it's just pixels, and it's a video game!!! So THERE!!!

The train just came into imagination station... HOP ABOARD!!!
This is funny, because its true.

To take this to a lesser extreme, you can basically nullify anyone's backstory that, in a human's case, doesn't involve them being a farmer in Northshire Valley.

*sips tea*
Edited by Garoul on 3/10/2011 4:41 PM PST
85 Night Elf Warrior
That makes me lol.
70 Human Paladin
I think what Slywyn was trying to say (at least what I got from her posts) is that while you have all the right in the world to RP a bronze drake using the Vial, you do not have the right to force another RPer to recognize you as such.
Either ICly:
“You fraud! I can sense the magic of the elixir dripping off of you! While it is a powerful enchantment, you are no drake.”
Or OOCly:
((Dude, you’re not even bronze. And you have a saddle.))

You are free to RP however you choose, and Slywyn never said you weren’t. Her argument seemed to revolve around the point that you can’t make others take you at your word if they don’t want to. And that you should be prepared accept such an (rather likely) event.
58 Worgen Death Knight
I think what Slywyn was trying to say (at least what I got from her posts) is that while you have all the right in the world to RP a bronze drake using the Vial, you do not have the right to force another RPer to recognize you as such.
Either ICly:
“You fraud! I can sense the magic of the elixir dripping off of you! While it is a powerful enchantment, you are no drake.”
Or OOCly:
((Dude, you’re not even bronze. And you have a saddle.))

You are free to RP however you choose, and Slywyn never said you weren’t. Her argument seemed to revolve around the point that you can’t make others take you at your word if they don’t want to. And that you should be prepared accept such an (rather likely) event.
Not trying to necro a thread, but I think a point should be made here.

You're right, no one should force another RPer to RP to a person's specification. People should be left to RP as they want.

However, when your RP involves someone else's, it would be courteous to proceed with permission. Yes, you may be "right." It might be a "potion" or some other in-game mechanic. BUT it has been established to death that in the face of RP, game mechanics are given the back seat in most cases.

With that in mind, whos more disruptive of the other's RP? Whos forcing one's RP on the other here? The guy RPing as a Bronze drake, or the guy saying "You are NOT a drake! Stop pretending"?

Just my two cents...
*lifts hand to tip hat*
*becomes woefully aware of lack of hat*
*hangs head in shame*
70 Human Paladin
You did kind of necro this dead thread.

But you are right... if some jerk goes up to a private group of RPers just to point out that one of them is not a drake. But the issue that I brought up is if the 'dragon' RPer is the one to approach you and want to join your RP. Activly going out and attacking someone else's RP is never acceptable. If they want to do it they are more than welcome to, but don't expect for me to join them or invite them to join me.
85 Night Elf Warrior
I've said it before, maybe not in this thread, but I don't go out and attack people's RPs. If they RP with me, or if they ask me about it, it's fair game. But I don't attack them. It may come off that way when I type it here, but if you approach me in game I'm a fairly nice person about things like this.

Ask anyone I've helped. I'll tell you what's wrong, but I'll also try to come up with ways to fix it/alter it/present it to people so that they're accept it.
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