Rp'ing a Bronze dragon using Vial of the Sand


85 Gnome Priest
Would just like to point out that the two sides of the potion problem briefly.

Game Mechanically

Someone will call it on you using a potion. Completely valid! But unless the person RPing stated they consumed the Vial then you are going off that little animation that shows them drinking it. Now to be honest? That is a stretch at best... a half-assed attempt at debating a fairly flawed concept, on both sides. I could also say all Night elf bounce every 5 minutes or so to jiggle their breasts. Its the same logic as calling that little drinking animation.

Better way to do this, as has been stated in this thread, is to call them on them being a sand drake, not a bronze, and the saddle thing.. I have not known someone who has not used imagination at some point in their RP. But, the Dragon things is something that is blatant.. and as Slywyn said it breaks suspension of disbelief and is just something hard to swallow.. (hur hur its a potion get it? *bad pun* )

An Antonym of this is if you have an In-game item that burns against lore because you can aquire it through In-game means. I.E warglaive of azzinoth etc.. Game Mechanics are never a way to judge RP in my opinion. By that same token you can not pick and choose to accept them now. Live within happy parameters of these roleplay extremes and you will 9/10 come out much happier than if you play an incredibly special character.


I know i do it fairly often enough! I change things about my model that is not possible using in game mechanics, Its what RP add-ons are for. To say your Sand Drake is actually a Bronze Dragon is the exact same principle. One that i would support as a part of customization. Its Roleplay and I say roleplay it out.

Now why is this discussion of any import? Well. Dragon RP as a staple is 'bad' not because the merits of it are bad but because it almost invariably becomes mary-sue. Its almost always done by people who are WAY over their head. It is this.. ignorance that leads to having to rely on gimmicks like the Vial of the Sand. Where a good Dragon RPer, would probably use the Vial as a way to help immerse others in his character through the best way offered. (or I assume that would be the use.)


After notes

To be honest. If your super awesome Alchemist can make Dragon potions for people that is all fine and dandy. But, it seems a little lame to me. Personal opinion and all.. But saying it is a potion can be just as mary sue as it being a real dragon. Actually even more so as no Lore-character has used this potion but many Lore-dragons hide themselves as mortals (every one of them in fact if pushed to that point i believe.)

To the OP who is long gone by now. No. Just by asking this question your probably undermining your ability to Roleplay a Dragon as they would not be going into Dragon form in front of people so the point is mute.

Dragon, potion or full blooded, has no reason walking through stormwind. Don't do it. No really don't. Either way is probably for laughs or for some mary sueness so.. Just stop trivializing good RP.

Would I rp with you.. Hmm.. Well! As long as your character is not nude (or holding an idiotic fight in my cathedral *rageface* ) you probably will earn a response from Delane. Will it be serious? no.

Also! This is just me spilling some ideas of mine onto this chat box.. Dragon RP should be about the Dragon RP more than the Dragon RP there is a way to do this that goes far beyond the parameters of this thread.
85 Gnome Warrior
Honestly, if you want to RP a dragon -- Go for it. Just don't use in-game items to support it.

Why do I say this? Well, I KNOW that dragon RP can be great if done well. I think that, if I honestly RP'd with someone for a year and there are -subtle hints- that they might be a dragon, but nothing drastic that screams it, then they're doing a good job, and I'd totally roleplay with them as if they were one.

But, please, note this: A dragon doesn't just walk around in dragon form if it's trying to stay hidden in human society. Dragons are secretive. Dragons are aloof. Dragons that get caught up in the affairs of mortals in this way won't reveal their nature to anyone, if they can avoid it.

As much as I'm not a fan of his Warcraft books, Richard A. Knaak did a good job of this when he wrote about Korialstraz. You can also take a look at his Dragonlance novel, The Legend of Huma, in which a dragon character's nature is hinted at yet the truth is still a huge shocker to both the reader and the main character. Again, I'm not a fan of his books, but he does that secretive dragon nature thing well. (The original Dragonlance series has another dragon character who does this in a very similar way, disguised as a beautiful wild elf. Whaddya know?)

So, really, you shouldn't need any potions or items to support the believability that your character is a dragon. If you want it to be believable, RP it out. Make me stunned and yet let me have recognition when your character finally, if ever, reveals his/her true nature. And if that happens, make it evident to my character that I should NOT tell anyone the truth -- It's necessary in order for you to continue helping the people of Azeroth.

So, yeah. In short: No touch potion, /e it out when it comes.
85 Gnome Warrior
...Curses. You stole the words out'a my mouth, Delane.
85 Gnome Priest
03/17/2011 9:42 PMPosted by Inlaa
...Curses. You stole the words out'a my mouth, Delane.

58 Human Death Knight
03/17/2011 9:41 PMPosted by Inlaa
So, really, you shouldn't need any potions or items to support the believability that your character is a dragon. If you want it to be believable, RP it out. Make me stunned and yet let me have recognition when your character finally, if ever, reveals his/her true nature. And if that happens, make it evident to my character that I should NOT tell anyone the truth -- It's necessary in order for you to continue helping the people of Azeroth.

I think this is very well said! It hits the nail on the problem. But however, I could still see under some circumstances, the Vial of the Sand would come in hand if the some RP circumstances call for it. For example, using it to transform to dragon form and rescue your companion to a place of safety, when the situation is very very dire. And your companion can be very shocked that you are actually a dragon, and then we can proceed to the dragon would prefer you keep it a secret, etc etc. Such game mechanics can actually help construct such scenario, I'd say.

On the other hand, I must say, hopefully the one RPing dragon does not also RP the disguised dragon as someone's best friend, having a dragon for a best friend (even though I don't know it) certainly will make me feel like I am a mary sue, =/ I think dragons should stay aloof, they could care about the mortals, it is many of their kind's compassion, but not on a best friend basis...

And the dragon need to have a very very good reason to walk among the mortals...
Edited by Aevely on 3/18/2011 1:37 PM PDT
100 Night Elf Hunter
01/11/2011 3:21 PMPosted by Dawnsky
You have no In-character imagination, how are you even a Role Player?

Maybe you should look in a mirror and ask that question.

The question is about an item which has an established existence, effect, and role in game. The player in question wants to enforce his particular interpretation about said item despite the fact that there are other roleplayers doing the exact same thing without claiming to be dragons.

You can insist on your own ideas if your roleplaying is solely to a mirror. But in a shared world, roleplaying only exists on concepts we agree to hold in common.
89 Blood Elf Paladin
Well, anyway, I'd like to throw my take on this.
Tavelian's been a dragonsworn since the beginning of Wrath. And since it was announced, he's been researching this elixir (Or, OOCly, saving up for it : / ).

When I -do- get it, I'm not going to be "lul i dargon", rather, it'll be a form of ascendancy, daresay. He'll openly say he's not one, but it's a great achievement.
83 Blood Elf Hunter
If you want to RP with Vial of Sands, go ahead, screw the people that don't like it, BECAUSE ITS YOUR RP, not theirs. Its up to you, not us or anybody else. And don't listen to any loud-mouthed idiot who can't hold their tongue
Edited by Demini on 3/18/2011 1:58 PM PDT
83 Blood Elf Hunter
And shame on you all, a true RP'er does not argue with another one's RP. How about you all drink this potion you are so against so it can hide your true form...a troll. And btw, its not that I'm with this, I personally don't RP with people who call themselves demons, dragons, vampire, etc., but I respect other people's imagination because I have no right to change it because, one its their imagination, not mine; and two, I would hate if anyone told me what I can do in RP and what I can't do.
83 Blood Elf Hunter
03/18/2011 10:06 AMPosted by Dawnsky
You do realize this thread was over like a month ago? The fact that your replying to me now is pointless.

If its so pointless why are you posting a post about someone posting...
85 Gnome Warrior
03/18/2011 10:06 AMPosted by Dawnsky
You do realize this thread was over like a month ago? The fact that your replying to me now is pointless.

...Err... Well, you're still READING it, obviously, so...
83 Blood Elf Hunter
You do realize this thread was over like a month ago? The fact that your replying to me now is pointless.

...Err... Well, you're still READING it, obviously, so...

I never said there was anything wrong with wrong with reading or writing old posts, so i was stating my side about it, that's all.
Edited by Demini on 3/18/2011 3:02 PM PDT
85 Worgen Mage
I truly don't see what is with him playing as a dragon. I've actually ran into a dragon RPer before that did it quite well. I also RP with a friend that uses this item and says he is a drake. But, to cover it up the apperance we say the stone skin is an elemental armor I created for him as shaman to keep him safe.

Though I would NOT recommend anyone to RP a dragon unless you can do it well and I mean SUPER WELL! when you RP a force of nature like that you need restrictions on yourself. Because if you try to RP like you are an Aspect of Death (Deathwing for none RPers) you will probably be ignored and embarrassed by others. (You will find your self on a blacklist very quick) I have actually seen a guy try to RP a titan before, to be off topic for a sec he failed terribly and I ended up ignoring him myself due to how he stated him self as a god among us.

For the guy I did see do Dragon RP well he never truly did assume his form in front of others. The most I saw when I was fighting him in combat was scales form and him breathing fire. If a person really attempted to do a full use of a dragon you WILL end up being known as a god mode across the server.

Though I do find it annoying that you guys are fighting over its a potion. RP is about imagination. For example, I play a Human that doesn't exactly know he is a worgen, sort of like jackel and hyde. Yet, when I walk up to people they act like they know he is a worgen by some unknown magic of reading a person's race. I do also take precautions to limit factors such as making my guy a heavy smoker to avoid the I am a worgen with a super nose. I just say this will be a comparison to how you will feel when you use the vial of sands. People will just try to say their character can sense things they dont know ICLY.

If you want to RP a dragon or drake go for it! Don't let anyone discourage you. I will just say you better be good or you will fail harder than Med'an.
72 Draenei Priest

Urgh, you people are such !@#$ing idiots! >.< LOOK at the damn date stamps on the final post before you even think about posting in a thread.
100 Orc Shaman
03/18/2011 01:55 PMPosted by Demini
If you want to RP with Vial of Sands, go ahead, screw the people that don't like it, BECAUSE ITS YOUR RP, not theirs. Its up to you, not us or anybody else. And don't listen to any loud-mouthed idiot who can't hold their tongue

Just don't be surprised if people avoid RPing with you.

Like other people have said, if someone were to RP a dragon well, no one would ever know they were a dragon.
85 Troll Warrior
01/11/2011 03:53 PMPosted by Slywyn
Saying "Hey I'm a Bronze Dragon" doesn't make it true either.

Actually, yeah, it does. That is exactly how roleplaying works.

None of this is real, it is all pretend. The only thing that makes me a darkspear troll warrior of the Horde is that I say it.

The only thing that has any effect at all when roleplaying is what we choose to believe. Suspending your disbelief and pretending to believe in things that are not real is all this is about.

I'm not trying to assail you here nor am I defending dragon roleplayers (of which I have never seen a good one). I am merely trying to convey to you that all that matters is what we choose to believe and that is that. You may choose to believe that every single character ever would be able to see right through his disguise, can see rogues because all they are really doing is crouching kinda obviously, and that every problem can be solved with portals, but that is the result of a choice that you make.

It does not prove anything. In the end we can't force others to come around to our own way of thinking, though we can always try to convince them wtih discussions (but there is no way to convince everyone), and we just have to play alongside with others who we do agree with. Those who appreciate and enjoy dragon roleplay should seek each other out and do whatever makes them happy. Those who do not enjoy it should seek out other like minded people.

The only complaint I would make is if someone is attempting to stuff their (roleplay) ideology down my throat when I am really quite uninterested and happily going along with my own.
85 Night Elf Warrior
05/22/2011 07:23 AMPosted by Frostytroll
Saying "Hey I'm a Bronze Dragon" doesn't make it true either.

The only complaint I would make is if someone is attempting to stuff their (roleplay) ideology down my throat when I am really quite uninterested and happily going along with my own.

That's kind of the point I was trying to make.
85 Troll Warrior
05/22/2011 07:27 AMPosted by Slywyn

The only complaint I would make is if someone is attempting to stuff their (roleplay) ideology down my throat when I am really quite uninterested and happily going along with my own.

That's kind of the point I was trying to make.

No one is forcing you to join in on a roleplay involving a dragon roleplayer or rolepaly with a dragon roleplayer.

Moreover, that is simply not what you have communicated. You appear to be arguing vehemently against the very idea that a person should roleplay a dragon if they wish and use the game's mechanics at their disposal to help them feel more immersed.

Regardless, it appears that I have responded to a very old thread that was over well before I ever replied to it.
85 Night Elf Warrior

That's kind of the point I was trying to make.

No one is forcing you to join in on a roleplay involving a dragon roleplayer or rolepaly with a dragon roleplayer.

Moreover, that is simply not what you have communicated. You appear to be arguing vehemently against the very idea that a person should roleplay a dragon if they wish and use the game's mechanics at their disposal to help them feel more immersed.

Regardless, it appears that I have responded to a very old thread that was over well before I ever replied to it.

What I was trying to say was, should someone walk up to me while I'm RPing, Sly knows there's a potion that makes you look like that. She sees someone, she'll ask. "Where'd you get it?" "How much was it?" "Does it tickle?" or whatever. With no prior knowledge, all I have to go on is it's looks.

And then if they come back with "I'm a Bronze dragon here me roar" I get to put on my :| face and walk away, because I'm pretty sure no dragon would show their face in Stormwind/Darnassus unless there on express orders from an aspect.
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