Rp'ing a Bronze dragon using Vial of the Sand


85 Undead Mage
Is it right? Is it okay? Is it wrong? Is it not okay? Could I do that? I do believe, my good friends, that is in the eye of the beholder. :)

However, for those of you that claim we have no imagination because we don't want to go along with it... you're sort of being hypocrites. Some of you are trying to say that we have no imagination by not going along with your dragon role play, yet, you are doing something very similar by refusing to go along with our role play, where that sandstone drake form is obtained through a simple potion (yes, I know, it's not... simple), vial, or even magical affect, if you are willing.
Edited by Xalavius on 5/22/2011 5:57 PM PDT
85 Blood Elf Priest
I know this is an old thread, and I'm not a RP expert (never done it), but isn't the whole point of RPing to use your imagination and pretend to be something you're not? Then........using a potion which turns you into something you're pretending to be would be just fine to do.

For those of you who accept this, go ahead and keep your thing going...

For those who don't, remember what RPing is all about. You may not like what they're doing, but it's not like you make the rules. Live outside the box.
85 Worgen Druid
...Seriously, was this really worth necroing? Really?


Everytime you necro an old thread... a trolling 10 year old is born...
33 Night Elf Rogue
THATS IT! I'm going to push you in a pool fill of sharks with frickin laser beams!

I hate when people necroing threads that no one posted in like three months!
Since now that the Dragon Aspects lost their powers isn't it possible to say you're a dragon of said flight (with the exception of black dragon flight) but since your flight lost its powers you could say you're a dragon BUT since you're powerless you can't transform into your full form anymore so you're stuck in a humanoid form? Think about it No one has ever done that before and lore wise IT IS possible.


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This thread is now locked.
Edited by Dankorii on 10/14/2013 7:02 PM PDT
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