[Guide] In-Game Roleplay -- The Basics


82 Draenei Hunter
thanks a lot btw
i like egg rolls
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67 Worgen Druid
Loved it !
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90 Human Death Knight
Lucky for me I've dabbled in RP in other games(Garry's Mod HL2RP ftw), but I hav yet to actually try it in WoW. I think I will while I wait for my computer parts to come in tomorrow, and thanks for this guide.
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90 Human Death Knight
thank you so much im not new to WoW but very new to RP so this helps me out so much now i know i have to read up on my lore and other things i appreciate you putting this up. (i THUMBS UP YOU)
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45 Night Elf Hunter
Does that mean I cannot RP as a dragon? :c
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90 Night Elf Druid
While I get that lore can be essential for roleplay, why does it necessarily need to be?

For instance, Night Elf mages.

Isn't it still a law in Darnassus to not practice magic inside the city? If so, wouldn't nature magic (druids) still be considered magic?

Or what if you wanted to be some sort of "outlier" inside of your class / race / faction? If lore is so important, won't most serious roleplayers simply ignore you for the fact that you wanted to designate a character as someone to be portrayed as "against the grain", and in doing so, totally negate your attempt to bring some potentially amazing roleplay scenarios to a server?
Edited by Dryarae on 7/12/2012 8:57 AM PDT
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90 Night Elf Rogue
The basics in this guide are amazing. I often send people who are new to rp here to give them some good tips on what to do and what NOT to do. However some of the links are not working. The guides on Sisters of Elune on races are no longer there.

I suggest to everyone who is looking for lore on their specific race to use outside sources like joystick.com or wowpedia on the various races. Blizzard also has some story posts on the various faction leaders that offer some amazing insight into the races.
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Nice guide. I thought I would mention that TotalRP2 addon should be re-added to the list. Lixxel picked up the project and there was already an update within the last 72 hours. :)
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17 Draenei Warrior
A very well written guide. Perhaps the only thing I could think it lacks would be roleplay hubs, or locations people typically gather to RP. And yes, I'm new here. *waves*
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83 Blood Elf Monk

To successfully roleplay, you need to do your homework first. I'm not telling you to buy all the Warcraft books in Barnes & Noble and read them until you know them word-for-word, but at least be up-to-date on the lore of your race and those he/she associates with.

Lore is essential to roleplaying

I highly disagree. Don't discourage people from making up their own ideas.
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91 Blood Elf Warlock
No we cannot have people doing their own ideas if it conflicts with lore. You can bend it a bit, stretch it a little, but you need to stay in Azeroth. This is not Call of Duty, or Transylvania or My Little Pony.

It is World of Warcraft, with tons of interesting things to do and ideas to involve your character in. Those who take it seriously and stay within the lore are far more likely to have more rp friends than those who deviate from it.

This thread was a good start but I want to add this link in here, because it is very good and details some things we should all remember. Thanks for writing it Zandrae!

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62 Blood Elf Death Knight
This has all been really helpfull, I'm hoping to make some forum RPs, I'm trying to make one I called the worldwide RP but it failed, so I. Gonna read this more often to help me out, I'm also welcoming any help I can get, so far I'm fairly bad at it so far... Hope I get better at it lol
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1 Blood Elf Rogue
I smack you all with a fish! I am the forum fish smack troll! Gear me and my fish!
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58 Tauren Death Knight
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58 Tauren Death Knight
I'm tryin to get the 100th post #95
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27 Blood Elf Paladin
As many others have, I too voted for a sticky. My purpose in this reply is not to attempt the garnering of points with you (=P) but rather to thank you most sincerely for the obviously great amount of time and effort that went into the writing of this superb guide. For a beginner RP'er, this is the jackpot, and continues to help me in my endeavors as a fledgling RP'er tremendously.

Thus having thanked you from the bottom of my heart, I shall humbly take my leave, wishing you success and happiness in all your role-playing, and hopefully with that unique form of joy inherent in aiding ones fellows. Light guide and protect you!

Most sincerely and respectfully yours,

-Elyrion (Kirin Tor)
Edited by Elyrion on 11/18/2013 12:53 PM PST
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90 Worgen Hunter
Can I try to translate that to brazilian portuguese? I'll gladly put due credits and original link for that, too. ^^
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97 Night Elf Druid
The example fight you gave made me want to have someone write a book about it so i could read everything XD
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97 Night Elf Druid
pretty good, you should make on detailing different types of RP, like tribal, gilnean, kingdom, etc. for those who don't know what all of them are.
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85 Human Mage
02/03/2011 04:58 PMPosted by Shandrís
To successfully roleplay, you need to do your homework first. I'm not telling you to buy all the Warcraft books in Barnes & Noble and read them until you know them word-for-word, but at least be up-to-date on the lore of your race and those he/she associates with.

What if I RP'd as an amnesiac and asked people to explain some elements of the lore, or learn about the lore on my own in-game? I know amnesiacs are cliched, but this seems like a more immersive way to go about it (to me, at least).
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