It seemed word had traveled quickly about the fight and the capture of her Guard. Offers to help came flooding in from people she didn't even know.
Three people had sold her information that Faithe had been captured. After she paid the last one for information and had gotten, "One of your Guards has been captured. Don't know what her name is or who nabbed her," she started politely declining offers of information from people she didn't know.
She was exhausted, but spent the rest of the afternoon in the Blue Recluse waiting for someone from AAMS to show up and take the letter to Red Earth. The sooner they could meet, the better. She trusted Red Earth, but not the rest of the Horde. If word got out, Red Earth might not have any choice in the matter and be forced to give the girl up.
Negotiations might have gone a lot better if she hadn't sipped those bunny ears on Red Earth while she was fishing. She seemed none to happy about that.
A courier walked in at last. "Rosanth, I need this letter to go to Red Earth as soon as possible."
Gentyl looked at it one last time.
"Sister Red Earth,
It's come to my attention..."
It wasn't pretty, but she had to hope it would convey her desire to meet as soon as possible without seeming to desperate.
Three people had sold her information that Faithe had been captured. After she paid the last one for information and had gotten, "One of your Guards has been captured. Don't know what her name is or who nabbed her," she started politely declining offers of information from people she didn't know.
She was exhausted, but spent the rest of the afternoon in the Blue Recluse waiting for someone from AAMS to show up and take the letter to Red Earth. The sooner they could meet, the better. She trusted Red Earth, but not the rest of the Horde. If word got out, Red Earth might not have any choice in the matter and be forced to give the girl up.
Negotiations might have gone a lot better if she hadn't sipped those bunny ears on Red Earth while she was fishing. She seemed none to happy about that.
A courier walked in at last. "Rosanth, I need this letter to go to Red Earth as soon as possible."
Gentyl looked at it one last time.
"Sister Red Earth,
It's come to my attention..."
It wasn't pretty, but she had to hope it would convey her desire to meet as soon as possible without seeming to desperate.