Stomping Hooves (RP)

100 Human Paladin
It seemed word had traveled quickly about the fight and the capture of her Guard. Offers to help came flooding in from people she didn't even know.

Three people had sold her information that Faithe had been captured. After she paid the last one for information and had gotten, "One of your Guards has been captured. Don't know what her name is or who nabbed her," she started politely declining offers of information from people she didn't know.

She was exhausted, but spent the rest of the afternoon in the Blue Recluse waiting for someone from AAMS to show up and take the letter to Red Earth. The sooner they could meet, the better. She trusted Red Earth, but not the rest of the Horde. If word got out, Red Earth might not have any choice in the matter and be forced to give the girl up.

Negotiations might have gone a lot better if she hadn't sipped those bunny ears on Red Earth while she was fishing. She seemed none to happy about that.

A courier walked in at last. "Rosanth, I need this letter to go to Red Earth as soon as possible."

Gentyl looked at it one last time.

"Sister Red Earth,

It's come to my attention..."

It wasn't pretty, but she had to hope it would convey her desire to meet as soon as possible without seeming to desperate.
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89 Human Paladin
Cray shifted in his seat. Though he was trying hard to remain calm, he was enraged. Enraged at what the Horde had done, enraged that he had not been there to help, enraged at the severe injuries that had been inflicted on Faithe's bodyguards, enraged that he was in the barracks and not in the Barrens hunting down the monsters that had taken Faithe. He was enraged that he was helpless.

At least she was alive, but Cray did not trust the Tauren -- nor, indeed, any who would ally themselves with Orcs.

It felt like it was time for vengeance. It was his training as a warrior -- his entire lifetime -- overriding his training as a Paladin -- the last eight years. It was understandable, he'd been assured many times, but he would need to control it. He was not, after all, an agent of vengeance or a minion of anger. He was a champion of the Light and an Incorruptible.

Aside from that, it hadn't been that long ago that he'd been struck by lightning from that Worgen.... he should probably be resting more than he was as it was.

That didn't change how full of rage he was. He inhaled deeply, trying to calm himself. Cyrus, Rose and Moad were in no condition to return to battle -- even if they had been recovering. He was going to have to calm down completely before Sepha Gentyl would even consider allowing him to journey to the Barrens with her.

((OOC: I'm sure Gentyl isn't going to give Cray any sort of go-ahead to go into the Barrens (she's a bright lady :P), but if by some strange chance she does.... this can be your IC payback for my OOCly sticking bunny ears on you, Redearth. And so we're clear, it was OOCly because of the epic death that immediately followed it.... :P))
Edited by Crayauchtin on 5/7/2011 10:06 AM PDT
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85 Tauren Shaman
Arapache moved quickly through the lodge of Ishnu Por Ah, walking straight for where Redearth usually would take rest when staying there. He quickly left a letter with alliance and horde AAMS seals on it. If examined it would read thus:

Sister Redearth,

I understand there has been some misunderstanding about why Faithe was in the Barrens with an armed guard. She is one of my guards, but I have recently assigned her to Magnus Ignota as an ambassador.

She wished to visit her adopted Orc parents who are quite elderly, and take them some supplies. Since she was attacked and beaten last time she went I wanted her protected.

I would like to discuss her release.


Append is a rough parchment.

This is nothing the girl did not already tell us, and if she was attacked and beaten for being in the Barrens last time, why would she return with an armed guard? To draw more attention and get beaten by a larger force, angry about alliance invaders? This story seems to have little credibility, and no corroboration that I can find.

Arapache steped out of the lodge and went to a nearby fruit vendor and purchased some of the fresh pick. He walked away, a few apples heavier, down the great totem of thunder bluff to the low rise. He stopes and also picked up some newly baked flatbread. After satisfied with the food, he took to the skies and turned to the place where the people of the ravens feather kept their new prisoner. He landed and pulled out a copy of the letter he had just delivered, this one without the notes. He walked to Faithe's new residence and knocked. He didn't hear an answer so he left the letter with the food in a basket outside the door, and nodded solomly at the guards. He tossed them each an apple and said something about keeping alert, sharp eyes, the kind of useless advice people give to guards who are expecting attack.
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Vanressa perched on the outside gable of the mage tower in Stormwind with her eyes fixed on a storm brewing over the Great Sea offshore. Many allies of her association who had once even called themselves friend to her predecessor, Ehlina Vargas, had known the day would come when the ceasefire following Vargas' death would be shattered. Many who were friends or otherwise were clamoring for war and would not let the Horde's champions shame them for much longer. Her gaze turned glassy blank as she rubbed her fingers together and stirred around little plumes of arcane energy that occasionally emanated from the tower. Her thoughts seemed to come together then, as she found herself a bit more relaxed than she had been in weeks.

Surely Red Earth would be willing to release the girl back to us. Pillar and my associates have done nothing to incite violence and have stayed out of any armed action in the Barrens since our meeting. Maybe she would be willing to take me as a more neutral spokesperson for our people... Then again I expect talking might never come close to happening, what with how some people want naught but blood to be the outcome of this situation. Huh. I could always send Brenri now that she is somewhat lucid again. She may have a temper and something of a grudge against Red Earth, but most of the time she hits who needs hitting... if it comes down to that. I should consult with my... allies.

Summoning a stylus and piece of paper from thin air, she began to write to Gentyl a letter expressing her intentions to be of assistance in this matter.

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77 Worgen Druid
Rosanth hurried across the park on her way to see Gentyl. The message she was to deliver was urgent and she hoped her contact in the Horde branch of AAMS would not have a problem delivering it.

Tucking the letter into her satchel, Rosie dashed off to the guild headquarters to contact her friend Tohatsu. After assuring Rosanth she would be happy to meet with Sister Redearth, Tohatsu suggested the carrier owls so common among the druids to deliver the note.

After checking the letter to make sure it was secure in its leather case, Rosanth attached the small leather tube to the owl and advised it in no uncertain terms to fly directly to Tohatsu, who was waiting in the Barrens.

With a whoosh of grey wings the great owl flew off into the night. The chances of being intercepted were slim as the owl moved with silent flight and could see a predador from a mile away. As it neared the Barrens the owl circled for a few moments to insure safety and then landed next to the waiting troll priest.

Tohatsu nearly jumped out of her skin as the mighty owl landed next to her. "Whoa! You be so silent there I not hear you!!" with her hearth thumping. The owl blinked and hooted as if laughing at the priest. Tohatsu giggled and retrieved the letter, tucking it safely into her pouch.

With a steady trot, the troll priest managed to reach the mesas of Thunderbluff before dawn. Though it was several hours before she could find anyone of Ishnu Por Ah to pass the message. She cautiously used the hearthstone common as public messages and called for a representative of the mighty tauren tribe.

The brave approached her on the middle rise and offered to take the note to Redearth. Tohatsu hesitated, she had been told to deliver this to Sister Redearth and time was wasting. She nodded to the brave and consulted with her superior Yotingo, who confirmed the brave Arapache could deliver the note safely.

"My orders were to deliva dis to Sista Redearth. I am saddened I could not meet with her. Howeva, Yotingo vouches for ya, so I will give ya da letta. Please convey my greetin's ta Sista Redearth and allow me da honor of a return message if dere be one comin' "

Arapache assures Tohatsu the note will be delivered as soon as possible and flies off soon after.
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100 Human Paladin
Gentyl hired several people to go around alliance and horde towns posting the notice. The chances of someone finding Liko after six months were slim, but the Ishnu had mentioned his return as a possible price for Faithe's release.

"Wanted: Information about the whereabouts of the Taruen bull Liko of the Ishnu Por Ah. Fifty gold will be paid by Gentyl D'Amond for legitimate information."

((Read this thread. Figure out what's already been done. Search somewhere and post here and on the Mising: Liko Farstrider thread and I will pay 50 gold either in person, via a Pia Presdium member or if it's a horde post through AAMS. It has to be a legitimate search and post, not just "I looked everywhere in the Barrens and couldn't find him.))
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100 Human Paladin
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100 Human Paladin
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100 Tauren Shaman
After being shuffled around and then forced to wait for hours in the Valley of Wisdom, the place of honor in Orgrimmar bestowed upon the Tauren as a sign of good faith after Cairne’s demise, someone was finally sent to convey a response to Red Earth’s demands. She was feeling less than honored by this lower tiered commander of the city guard standing before her with the message from his high commanders. And now, upon his face was a small, but snide, smile as she glared at him silently. She did not like his answer when he came to call and he knew it. And he knew there was nothing she could do about her situation. Not to him, his small contigent of guards with him, or anyone for that matter. Not here, not in Orgrimmar, surrounded by orcs who at a moment’s notice would take her down if she chose to express her annoyance physically.

“It has come to my attention,” continued the commander, “that a human woman had been captured in Horde territory, held in Horde territory and is therefore under the jurisdiction of the Horde to do with as they please. IF this is the human woman you seek, then I do not see what, if these are indeed the facts of the situation, concern it should be of yours. It is a Horde matter and we will take care of it.”

“She was not taken into custody by the Horde. She was taken to Mulgore by my sister and was staying as a guest until she could be escorted home.”

“So, you’re saying you were quite possibly holding and protecting an Alliance spy?”

“You know very well that is not what I am saying,” Red Earth growled. She did her best to hold back her true ire but her tense posture was more than enough to continue to make the orc feel smugly superior. “All I simply seek is to know where she is and that she is safe. Orc soldiers took her, and so, of course, this is where I came to find out where she is. That’s all. I just wish to know where I can find her.”

Red Earth wanted more than that, of course. Upon receiving Gentyl’s letter, Red Earth had felt a little relieved seeing that Gentyl was willing to talk. She hadn’t been quite sure what would happen knowing that she had been among the fighting Alliance in past weeks. She had sworn to both Gentyl and Faithe that Faithe would be protected by the Ishnu Por Ah. She had failed them in that regard. As soon as the letter came, Red Earth had hurried to where she had thought they had left Faithe temporarily secure. It would be time to move her now, just in case. But she was too late. Orcs came the night before and took her right out of the hands of the Mulgore protectors at the Wall. There was nothing they could do about it either, just as it seemed there was little she could do about it now. At least not talking to this bullheaded orc. She would have to attempt other means.

“I’m sorry, ma’am. But my orders were to simply relate what information I was permitted. Not to help you find your missing ‘person’. If you wish, I can go back to headquarters and see if they will permit me to do so.”

“Nevermind,” Red Earth returned gruffly. She knew well enough he would do no such thing. Or if he did, she would get nothing but more veiled and walled answers from his superiors.

"Do not worry, Tauren. I am sure that if a human is in the custody of the Horde, it will be well taken care of."

He smiled knowingly.

The orc was courteous enough to salute her before he turned to leave, his contingent mimicking him and then following him away, marching in unison. Red Earth did not return the courtesy and before they were out of sight, spit on the ground towards them. She then frowned. What to do now?
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100 Undead Warrior
As the Orc guards passed from view, they screamed as one as Abominus descended upon them, sc#@###@ them of their skin and oils, counting coup and taking their honor. As they staggered about, swiping at the darting figure in their midst, the Maggot Lord siezed the guard commander and glared at it, maggots surging onto the startled orc's face and perched near his eyes.

"You know usss, Orc-thing, yesss. Do not think to be abusssive towardsss my Redearth, yesss. You will go back and apologize, asss we know where you, and all of your guard'sss familiesss live, yesss. Never again be disssressspectful to her or her clan, or we will know of it, yesss..."

With a hideous Schlorping sound, the Maggot Lord slid through the grasp of 2 burly guards and skittered from sight. The now bedraggled guard column reformed and staggered away.
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100 Tauren Shaman
She put the call out for all Ishnu Por Ah who could to return immediately to Thunder Bluff. After a full day of heavy contemplation concerning the disappearance of Faithe, she had come to a decision and wished to share it with her Brethren. If anything, it was to simply inform them all of the situation. But also so that they might have their voice and possibly another solution to the dilemma. Because as it stood, as long as Faithe remained stolen from them and her whereabouts and safety unknown by the Ishnu Por Ah, the honor of their name was in question. She had promised protection of Faithe while in their custody and because of this honor demanded they find her. Until then, those who would be angered by the breach of this promise would have to be convinced that there was no malicious intent on the part of the Ishnu Por Ah.

With all those who were able to come gathered, Red Earth expressed her heavy heart as she informed them of what had transpired in the Barrens. What had happened to Faithe since her capture. And now what was to be done because of her disappearance. She knew the reactions of some might not be pleasant ones. . . .

((IPA members can find the guild meeting occurring on our own forums.

As for the whole Faithe line, we may have to create a new thread for it soon as I believe it may become something of a story of its own in a very short time separate from the Barrens war. :) RP on!))
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100 Human Paladin
As for the whole Faithe line, we may have to create a new thread for it soon as I believe it may become something of a story of its own in a very short time separate from the Barrens war. :) RP on!))

((Yes, I started a thread a while ago about Faithe's trip, but I thought this was a good opportunity to support another thread. Let me finish updates and then I'll transfer over.))
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85 Human Priest
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85 Human Priest
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100 Tauren Shaman
When the meeting between Red Earth and Gentyl had completed, her brethren suggested they mount up and fly off to avoid the danger of being followed. But Red Earth shook her head.

“No, I’m walking,” she replied as she gave everyone their farewells. She would not be intimidated by those Alliance present who were gnashing their teeth and voicing themselves angrily during their talks.

At least for now, she counted this as a victory. Later, it might be a different story. But for now, Gentyl had proven her doubts wrong and was the same person Red Earth had always honored. This was good. Red Earth hoped she would not let her down and be able to find out what happened to Faithe. And she was relieved. Relieved that she was able to walk away and head back home unscathed. Not because she feared attack from those who were belligerent. That is why she had chosen Booty Bay as their meeting place. The goblins took quite a bit of offense to any who raised arms against another unless it was them that started the fight first. She was glad to be walking away because had Gentyl’s attitude been different, had she not accepted Red Earth’s words as true and trustworthy, Red Earth had been prepared to give herself over as collateral, as a show of faith that Faithe’s life was just as precious to her as her own.

With Gentyl’s trust with her, Red Earth had no fear to turn her back on the others and walk off proudly. As for those who were sword rattling at her news that they had lost Faithe and were just as determined to find her as they were now, Red Earth had a few simple messages for them before she departed. It is why she had invited them to join the meeting, the ones who had been among Faithe’s entourage and were now glowering and threatening. The number of angered faces had grown alongside them, she noticed. But as they say, the more the merrier. The more ears to hear the message the better. She hoped it had gotten translated correctly.

“I would suggest that the next time you enter the Barrens with peaceful intentions, you send warnings ahead and no harm will come to you. Otherwise, we cannot be held responsible for what miscommunications lead to.”

She knew that probably sounded ridiculous to these folks who probably wanted nothing more than to see her dead right now. But if they chose to cover their ears and hide them from the truth of her words, then the fault was theirs, not hers. She had at the very least made them aware and perhaps time would show them.

“Also, I know that those of you who were Faithe’s bodyguards that night are probably angry at your failure to protect her and would like nothing more than to seek harm upon us because of it. But as Faithe is Gentyl’s ‘man’, then I hope you will respect her wishes to allow us to do what we can and not hinder us in our own attempts find Faithe and allow us to leave here peaceably to do so.”

The glaring eyes did not leave them until they were well on their way. And as they boarded the ship that would take them back to Ratchet, Red Earth wondered if maybe she should have gone ahead and given herself over to Gentyl. It was obvious she was the only understanding voice among them all and the others were looking down on her as much as they had the Ishnu Por Ah. She did not envy Gentyl’s position.
Edited by Redearth on 5/11/2011 5:10 PM PDT
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85 Draenei Death Knight
"The Barrens operations are to be resumed, Cyrus," Imperon had said.

That memory from the meeting rang in his head. Gentyl was blindly trustworthy of Red Earth. Her band of misfit cows had attacked the small group and taken a hostage. A priestess no less, and conveniently "lost" her to the Horde? Cyrus and the other bodyguards had been hopelessly outnumbered when they were attacked, but this either meant Red Earth was lying about losing Faithe or her followers were entirely incompetent to allow her capture, but neither mattered at this point.

At the meeting, Verogoth had not been too friendly toward the gathered Ocheliad, but Cyrus had spoken his words anyway, in hopes they would be translated. "Red Earth, you have taken a hostage that has no ability to defend herself, and have either given her away or carelessly lost her in your own territory. The attacks on the Barrens will resume until you have corrected your failure and recovered her. If you fail, you will know not a moment of peace in that wasteland."

When the Ishnu had left, Cyrus watched them closely, glancing momentarily to the night elf druid who looked up at him in her cat form. "Incompetent or liars. I'm not sure which is worse. But this time, she won't be able to outnumber us. Even if we need to take a hostage... I'll have to talk that over with Imperon," He said, running a hand down his face. "Our job had been to proect Faithe. If it means I have to have the deaths of a hundred Barren citizens on my hands, the job will be completed. Negotiating is not working, and if Gentyl doesn't have the spine to reclaim the girl who trusts her by force... then we have to."

Stifling a sigh, Cyrus stepped toward the flight master. "Stormwind."
Edited by Çyrus on 5/11/2011 5:27 PM PDT
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85 Night Elf Druid
Ciellia had been hidden in the shadows the entire meeting. She had no reason to trust Red Earth as Gentyl thought she did. Ciellia was going to make sure no one was leaving this time with anything more than a scratch.

She had wanted to speak out through out the meeting, but she was not allowed to be there, so she stayed in the shadows. That was, until more Ocheliad showed up. At the point, she slinked from the shadows to stand near Cyrus. Her concern was Cyrus, although she wished for Faithe's return. Ciellia's daggers were sharpened, her small satchel of healing salves packed, she was ready to follow Cyrus to the Barrens.

Quietly she sat next to him, listening. Ciellia nudged his hand, trying to reassure him. In the end, no swords were drawn tonight. No claws met enemy armor. Ciellia lingered in Booty Bay after Cyrus had left to speak momentarily to her friends before flying back to Stormwind.
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90 Human Death Knight
Rillik checked his report for any changes he might need to make, but was satisfied with its contents. He signed off on the report reluctantly, not wanting to have to submit it to Ms. Whistlespark. He knew, however, that if he were to keep this information to himself, only harm would result in the long run.


TO: Aeldgyth Whistlespark, Branch Manager, AAMS Alliance Branch
FROM: Rillik Verogoth, Supervisor, AAMS Alliance Branch Manager
RE: Translation Assignment for client Gentyl

Seeing as this meeting between Ms. Gentyl and Ms. Red Earth ended with all parties leaving peaceably, it can be construed as a success. However, it should be noted that considerable effort was exerted by myself, Ms. Tohatsu of AAMS Horde Branch, Ms. Gentyl, and Ms. Red Earth to ensure the non-violent conclusion of said meeting.

At one point during the meeting, Ms. Gentyl left, and I indicated to the gathered crowd that since one of our clients had departed, the contracted services of the AAMS were completed and AAMS representatives would be leaving, unless one of the gathered individuals wished to contract us to stay and continue the translation. When all I witnessed was the desire for violent outburst, I informed everyone that "Since you are all intent on violence, we are leaving now. Good luck communicating without resorting to your swords." I realize now that there may have been a better choice of words, but I stand by my own, regardless. This was met with resistance by some, even to the point of veiled threats towards my own safety. I freely admit that I may have been a bit short with some people present, but remain confident that my words and actions will be found without fault when taken in context with the unfounded accusations being leveled against the AAMS and the personal threats being leveled against me.

Also of importance is the communication between myself and certain members of the Lluchduu Ocheliad, particularly Mr. Cyrus, Ms. Six, and Mr. Imperon. The details of this communication will be included in a memo to follow this one, and I submit that this be discussed with all due haste.

I am, as always, at your disposal to discuss further anything you wish to have detailed for you.

Sgt. Rillik Verogoth
Supervisor, AAMS Alliance Branch
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100 Worgen Druid
Zherron sat alone in his room at the inn in Stormwind. When Gentyl let slip last night that a potential war was coming in the Barrens, he had panicked and sent out a messenger to find Amendera. The messenger had returned, having missed her by moments, the message undelivered. She was likely wandering the wilds of Stonetalon by now he was worried. He was running the message he had written in his head - the paper sitting on the table in front of him.

Amendera -

I've received disturbing news in a conversation with Lady Gentyl. One of her order has been taken captive by the Horde. The Lluchduu Ocheliad has sent an army to move into the Barrens - and the word is, they're ordered to rip the place apart. Gentyl has advised me to recall you at once.

I hope you get this in time...whatever you do, stay in Stonetalon. Do NOT go into the Barrens! The last thing you want is to get in the path of Imperon's private army - I have a feeling that they will not differentiate between the enemy and the people who were in the wrong place at the wrong time.


Zherron cursed himself for sending the girl on this mission. He should have gone on the search for the missing tauren himself - that way, if he had gotten himself caught in the middle of a battlefield, he's know what to do - or he'd make a quick escape. She had neither of those advantages.

For now, however, he could do nothing but wait.
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