Stomping Hooves (RP)

34 Troll Priest
To: AAMS Horde branch Headquarters:

I am writing this report to let all AAMS couriers and officers know the state of communications in the current situation.

The meetings between a guild from the Alliance side and the one from the Horde side are real touchy and tense. I did my best to translate the words of Sister Red Earth. I refrained from mentioning any of the other comments from her entourage. I did this out of respect for Sister Red Earth. There were a lot of comments that if translated would have led to a blood bath, and I had to bite my tongue on sometimes. I do not want to be in the middle of a fight when we are dedicated to remaining neutral.

There still seems to be some tension in the Ishnu Por Ah towards our services, though I was treated well and no threats were made to me. I offered my help in finding the missing Tauren as well, though there is nothing to report on that as yet.

I continue to train and look forward to more menial tasks, as my heart is still thumping after staring at a rather large death knight with cold blue eyes. I do not want to run into that one and have him mistake me for an enemy!


Courier Tohatsu
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100 Human Paladin
((Ok, I have spots reserved in the Going Home thread so people can start replying to the Faithe storyline there and I can quit hi-jacking Stomping Hooves))
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100 Tauren Shaman
When Red Earth entered the lodge that night, there were relieved faces happy to see she had returned. There were very few of them who had agreed with her decision to possibly turn herself over to the Alliance had things not gone as they’d hoped. Among them stood Kickfeather. Her sister had been very vocal about her disagreement and Red Earth knew there were even more feelings about it hidden in her that she had not expressed. Red Earth approached her, an apologetic smile upon her face.

A fist swiftly came up and punched Red Earth’s shoulder, pushing her back upon her hooves a bit, a scowl on Kickfeather’s face again. “Don’t ever do THAT again!”

“I make no promises.”

Kickfeather’s hand came up again to push her but this time Red Earth stepped out of the way, reaching over, grabbing her by the neck and enveloping her sister in a hug. She then let her go with a pat on the back.

“You suck.”

“Very articulate.”

Kickfeather made a face, sticking her tongue out at her sister. She looked angrily at her again, but Red Earth could see it was not as fierce, veiled with a hint of relief. “If they had done ANYTHING to you, I don’t know what I-“

“I know what you would have done. We are to be grateful for all concerned, Alliance, us, Por Ah, the rest of the world itself, that I have returned and they have been spared the rage of my most beloved and protective sister. Not that any of them would have had to worry. You would not have let them take me in the first place, hmm?”

As she said this, someone entered the lodge. She noticed Kickfeather’s gaze briefly look to him, then start wandering attempting to avoid Red Earth’s gaze. When she finally returned to look at her older sister, Kickfeather’s look turned to one of guilt which she quickly tried to mask. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Brother Mishkwaki,” Red Earth called behind her, “a lovely evening for a walk, yes?”

“Mmm, yes. A good night to debate with the birds and contemplate one’s place in life.”

“And, tell me, Brother, have you determined your place in life?”

As he passed her, he reverently bowed his head to her. “The same as it has always been these many years. To serve in the best interest of the Blackhide family. That has not changed, nor will it ever change, no matter what is asked of me.”

Red Earth smiled knowingly at the vague answer. Back in Booty Bay, she had not noticed the presence of the old druid right away. It was not until they had finished and turned to leave that she caught a glimpse of his prowling nature sneaking off upon the rooftops of the town.

“Sooooo, now what?”

Red Earth nodded, accepting Kickfeather’s attempt to change the subject. “Now we do what we must. Faithe must be found as quickly as possible to return her to her friends. Friend Rulik will be scouring for information among his Horde connections. Best to allow an orc to deal with orcs. I will speak to the Mulgore protectors and see what more detail they can give me of those who took her. The rest of you, keep your eyes and ears open. This means we have more than one to search for. This human and Brother Liko.

“As for our efforts in the Barrens, those will continue. I know I’ve asked you to hold back for a time, but we must go forward. But let’s be very precise and specific as to what we do. We will continue to profess our aim, which is the defense of our home. And as we are a small group, we must keep our wits about us. I have a feeling after tonight, there is a darkness within the Alliance that blinds them and they look for every excuse to war with us no matter what we say or promise. Por Ah give us strength to pierce that darkness and allow for peace to come upon us all.”
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100 Undead Warrior
Abominus nodded to Andelia.

"ssso, Gentyl wantsss to meet with usss and Redearth Ssshe-Tauren tonight at 8 bellsss in a remote part of Ssstranglethorn vale, near Booty Bay, yesss? We will be there, yesss, though we can make no assssssurancesss for the Ssshe-Tauren, yesss. If ssshe doesss come, it will be like a date between usss, yesss!"

Giddy with excitement, Abominus made plans.
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100 Human Paladin
((Yes, a date with Abominus is indeed a momentous occasion.))
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100 Tauren Warrior
((What happened at that Gentyl/Red Earth meeting and beyond has been continued on the on going "Going Home" thread. Just thpught I'd mention it because people were asking.))
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100 Tauren Warrior
((This takes place a couple weeks back))

Kickfeather flew high in the air above the Alliance stronghold. She’d been there for quite some time, simply circling high in the air, counting heads, watching the ships come and go, tracing the patterns of the guards, memorizing the layout of the buildings. If the people of Theramore noticed her, they made no sign. She’d been tempted to take the risk and fly lower to see what they would do. Make the guards yell, dodge a few arrows, see if they could get a mage to try and burn her down with fire. Kickfeather could always give the excuse that she was testing their defenses.

But it wasn’t the truth and she, for whatever reason, was being smart. Even though she was angry. She wasn’t usually so smart when she was angry.

So instead she just circled, looking down on the well established fortifications on the shores of the swamp. Wondering what it would take to clear out and destroy its central keep and those inside.

“Eh, to Fel with it.”

She circled down and landed her hippogryph atop one of the towers currently unguarded. She was being marginally safe. She’d been watching for hours and knew she had a little while before some guard passed close enough to detect her. These Theramore folks thought they were safe in their walls in the middle of a swamp. They weren’t like the Alliance in the Barrens who plowed their armies into the heart of their territories and destroyed Horde encampments and Tauren villages. They attacked, so they’re ready to defend too.

Though how were these Pinkies any different? Hadn’t they come from across the ocean and without a by your leave decided to plant a fortified town on land foreign to them? Didn’t even look to see if anyone lived here already. At least it was just Grimtotems and ogres.

And okay, suuuuuuuuuuuuuuure, Kickfeather thought, that Pinkie mage lady, whoever she is, so bad with names, said she was there under truce with the Horde. They don’t hurt the Horde, the Horde don’t hurt them. Horde let ‘em stay because of that, right? Thrall and her all buddy buddy because of the alliance made upon Hyjal how many years back under the big giant tree of greatness. Okay, she could accept that.

But what about now? Were they holding onto that truce really now?

Kickfeather jerked her reins and directed her hippogryph to fly along the ramparts and land closer to the main gate. She peered around, keeping a watchful eye and secretly hoping for any guards that might have seen her. Inwardly disappointed she then looked west. From here she could see it, clear as could be. The start of a road, this part of it already paved as it reached out from Theramore’s main gate and headed straight for the Barrens. This was the road they came on and now still used to send their armored war machines and troops and builders to strengthen Fort Triumph and prepare a siege on Mulgore.

Bunch of mistrustful, dishonorable liars! This was no truce. This was the break of that vow. They weren’t like the Shu’halo. A lying Shu’halo might as well be a dead Shu’halo. That’s why the Grimtotem were getting their due. A true Shu’halo always spoke true. They always kept their word. And they always walked with honor. Fel Alliance were too stupid to see that. But who could blame them? They didn’t know how to keep their word and Theramore and this road was proof of that. Liars think everyone’s liars.

“Well, not my sister! You hear me! Not Red Earth of the Blackhide! She wouldn’t lie to any you damned Pinkies! Not about Faithe, not about the Barrens! When the truth comes out, and you actually see it, you’ll all be sorry! And if that ain’t enough, I’ll make you sorry!”

Her rant was answered by the swish of an arrow flying passed her ear and the shout and scrambling of the guards. Without hesitation, Kickfeather took flight again. She’d spoken her truth and it wasn’t her time to die just yet. West she flew, low enough to spook the guards on the road but fast enough that there was no way for them to catch her.

“Catch me if you can!” she taunted, laughing and counting the bridges along the road as she flew along it back to the Barrens. Seeing what she saw, she was pretty sure it could be done. It was time to make sure it happened. Time to bomb the road. She would start to make the call to the others.
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100 Tauren Warrior
Just then, the voice of her sister rang from her hearthstone. She could barely make it out as she sped through the sky.

“What?” she asked when she was able to land safely among the hills that separated the marsh from the barren plains, tapping on the hearthstone to make sure it was working alright. “Sorry, Sis, doing some scouting and having a little ‘fun’. Wait until you hear what I got planned.”

“It will have to wait. Gather what you need. We’re heading to the tribe.”

“Home?” Kickfeather was perplexed. “Why? Now? But we were just there not too long ago. And wait until you hear my plan.”

“They’ve told me to come home. And you’ll want to come too.”

Now Kickfeather was worried. She knew the tribe wouldn’t ask her sister to come ‘home’ because they didn’t consider it her home anymore. “Why?” she was almost afraid to ask.

There was a pause.

“Two Clouds is dead.”

The words hit her like a charging kodo. She rubbed the hearthstone so it would whisk her straight away to Thunder Bluff. Her hippogryph would find its own way back.
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