Like RP? Come See Scenic Cenarion Circle!

84 Troll Hunter
I've been on random RP servers, but I've never found anything, even from joining the channels... Might have been because I feel safer Horde-side.

I'm a pure novice at WoW RPing - not much lore knowledge, nor character ideas... except one.

But really, I know how to RP, it's just I'm always a nervous wreck, I tend to stay on my own, to at least watch.

I may try this server, if there's people still up to help around now.
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88 Gnome Death Knight

I may try this server, if there's people still up to help around now.

We haven't all left the server, if that's what you're asking!
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Homeland is helping to turn the Wyvern's Tail in the Valley of Honor in Org into a RP hub. You could try Horde-side RP there. Also, in the evenings you can almost certainly find someone RPing in the Recluse in SW Alli-side. AllianceOOC is generally active, and the people HordeOOC are generally friendly and receptive of new friends.
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Grr I would help with the Wyverns Tail but I can't handle any part of lagrimmar
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88 Gnome Death Knight
08/31/2011 07:11 PMPosted by Rilvix
Grr I would help with the Wyverns Tail but I can't handle any part of lagrimmar

Can always ask people to join you at Caer Darrow instead. We do like to use it as an either-or-both-factions RP hub even when it's not the weekly event!
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Apparently the Wyvern's Tail has been catching on quite a bit; I've stumbled across people there the last few times I've passed through.
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74 Human Warrior
Another bump for CC and this thread ^_^
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90 Blood Elf Priest
09/20/2011 09:47 PMPosted by Astrïd
Another bump for CC and this thread ^_^

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90 Night Elf Death Knight
To any prospective players reading this, if you see me running around in the Trade District frantically, feel free to approach me and strike up a conversation, whether IC or OOC.
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90 Worgen Priest
I so want to transfer my main with all of my RP gear to CC. Right now I have to keep him in Farstriders so I can finish giving my new character some heirlooms, but CC is calling my name. Best. RP. Realm. Ever! I'm a member of AAMS Alliance Branch there on my druid. Expect to see a new regular to the Blue Recluse rather soon.
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100 Human Paladin
Alliance is a little more active than horde, Morwib, but it's there. Contact Poni with Homeland. She's very good to help out new rpers and introduce them around. Join hordeooc to get to know people and hearthstone on horde side for IC chat.
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100 Human Paladin
"What's all that noise out there?" Mira asked.

Gentyl sighed, squeezed a fresh wedge of lemon into her tea and looked around the guild office, noting the painting of Traveler was tilted. Well, maybe it wasn't. The artist probably painted her warhorse while he was drunk and leaning against a tree again. She studied the papers on her desk, hoping the argument would die down if she just ignored it.

"How ya like yer eggs?" screamed Rinhold. "I like mine scrambled!"

Gods the mad paladin was about to get out his frying pans of doom and clobber the old man. "The noise is the Commander and Rin arguing about ale again," Gentyl said and got up from her chair to try and break up the fight.

"Scrambled?" Turncutt cried. "I'll show you scrambled." He drew back his tankard and swung at the paladin who was threatening him with a frying pan.

So, the man Gentyl loved dearly because he taught her to kill in the morning and read her poetry at night was about to get his brains bashed in with a frying pan over which ale was best?



It was too late. The fight was on. Rinhold swung one of his frying pans at Turncutt who blocked it with his tankard.

((Ah, yes, the infamous frying pan and tankard duel over ale. RP, it's never what you expected on CC.))
Edited by Gentyl on 9/30/2011 12:33 PM PDT
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88 Gnome Death Knight
Coming up this month: the biggest cross-faction RP event of any server, now in its sixth straight year!

Come see the tradition that is Cenarion Circle roleplaying at the Armistice Day Ball, in honor of the (completely made-up) anniversary of the Battle of Mt. Hyjal!
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90 Blood Elf Priest
There's at least three different "thinking about transferring here for RP" threads on our realm forum right now, so I'm going to go ahead and say that there's enough interest to merit a bump here!
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I've been playing the game for about 2 years now, but I never ventured into an RP server.
Now I think it's time for me to try it out ~

I've rolled a Male Worgen Rogue on CC without knowing it was an active, friendly and tolerant Realm, and after a few researches I'm glad I turned out to create my first RP character on a server that seems totally awesome ! I hope CC will be a good place for me to start as a new WoW roleplayer :)

Hope to see you ingame soon!
Edited by Fauve on 10/14/2011 1:04 PM PDT
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85 Goblin Priest
I'm looking for a new realm to start an alliance character on for role play and general funzies since I don't have time for raiding anymore.

I was currently working on Maelstrom because I wanted to be on an rp pvp realm, but Cenarion Circle is sounding pretty compelling!

I am concerned about the extreme H : A ratios on the rp pvp realms. :(
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88 Gnome Death Knight

I am concerned about the extreme H : A ratios on the rp pvp realms. :(

I think we're reasonably easily balanced, though it doesn't make as much difference on an RP realm. Mostly just affects whether you can get into Tol Barad on a whim or not, I think. Alliance might be a bit bigger on CC, but not to any real extreme.

And if PvP's your thing, there's actually a fairly major world PvP resurgence going on right now with lots of RP tied into it -- wanted lists and vendettas and so forth. Good fun.
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100 Human Paladin
Gentyl wandered past the auction house and stopped in surprise when she recognized the tiny gnome, barely bigger than a pumpkin stem perched on top of one of the jack-o-lanterns. "Oh, hello, Rhumple."

The gnome waved. "Hello, AQ42. You desperately want to know what your problem is, and you recognize that Rhumple knows don't you? For 1 copper I will insult you."

She blinked in surprise. "I don't have any problems."

He waved a hand in dismissal. "Well, you've just named your fist one there. That's self diagnosis. Never a good idea."

"I'm married to the most wonderful man on Azeroth and I have a new horse," she said, positively stewing in happiness. " What more could a woman want?"

"Ok, come back in two weeks when the honey moon phase is over."

"We've been married two months!"

He snorted. "Ahh I misspoke then. Come back in One week when the honey moon phase is over. Well if I'm wrong, there's always a first time for everything. Except that. I'm not wrong."

"I doubt it will change. He teaches me to kill in the morning and reads poetry to me at night!"

"Well that's delightful."

Curiosity overcame her. "Ok, what's my problem?"

"I can't tell you till I've drunk some more 'nog." The nog obsessed gnome pulled out a flask and drank deeply then wiped his mouth on his sleeve and let out a long sigh. "Ahhh that's good! Well, first I'll need one copper to tell you. This is a business after all. Secondly I'll need you to sign this waver saying you won't swear a blood oath for revenge if my observation is too poignant."

Finnaeus, one of Gentyl's Guards, raised an eyebrow at Rhumple as Gentyl signed the paper.

"Very well," said Rumple after she handed the paper back. "Well, Your problem is this. You think you're happy, but really you are not. You need to really try to focus and get in touch with your inner misery. Just remember that everything is not going to be ok. And you'll be fine then."

Finnaeus flinched. "Sorry to hear that, Gentyl."

"And congratulations on receiving this excellent advice," Rhumple cired.

Gentyl was not nearly as exuberant as the gnome was. "So it's ok if I ignore your advice."

"Of course. I only give the insults/advice, it's up to you to better yourself or not."

Gentyl smiled. "OK, back to being happy."

Finnaeus stepped forward through the crowd. "How much is this advice?"

Gentyl looked at Finn and shook her head.

Rhumple barked his services again in a surprisingly loud yell. "For 1 copper I will decide what is wrong with you, and share it with brutal honesty. Ever wonder what's wrong with you? Rhumple Knows. For one copper at the auction house you can know too."
Edited by Gentyl on 10/21/2011 12:48 PM PDT
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100 Human Paladin
Finnaeus chuckled softly. "This should be good."

Rhumple accepted the coin Finnaeus extended. "You wish to know what your problem is Finnaeus?"

"Sure do."

Rhumple straightened a bit on his pumpkin perch drawing himself up to stem height. "Your problem is that you are too divided within yourself. Half of you wants to be a feral wolf monster and the other half wants to be refined as a human."

Gentyl saw the flash of the blade, but it was so swift it took her a moment to realize what was happening. The undead rogue Icharis had found them and was attacking Finn. The stunned crowd scattered out of the way while Finn and Gentyl focused on the rogue. Others came to their senses and help bring Icharis down.

Rhumple looked down, completely calm and unemotional. "Also, you're getting killed by a horde guy, that's never good, but now you know what's wrong with you. Congratulations!"

"Well, I guess I paid a copper for an assassination attempt."

"Actually, I'm sure that that guy recognized you as the person who is improving himself by taking Rhumple's cruel advice," replied Rhumple.

Finnaeus looked down at Icharis' corpse. "No refunds right?"

Rhumple moved on to his next victim and pointed at Parvington. "You wish to know what's wrong with you Parvington?"

Parvington nodded.

"Your posture says it all. You keep looking over your shoulders like someone is coming to kill you. No one is coming to kill you."

"You don't know that."

"Actually, I do know that," Rhumple huffed. "Only losers are attacked by hordies in the streets of Stormwind. And you know it now too. Congratulations. The rest of your life will be easier now."

A small female gnome jumped up and down. "He knows all! He's crazy tho."

Parvington sighed at Rhumple.

The female gnome started crying.

"Why are you crying at me Liliaya?"

"Because you won't answer me!"

"You want to be insulted by the Great Rhumple?"


"I'll need your one copper first."

She took a coin out of her pouch and handed it to Rhumple then sat looking at him with puppy dog eyes.

"Very well, here's your problem Liliaya... You put too much stock in what I think. I'm nothing special, only a genius with sharp insight and a biting whit that can bring kings to their knees. That's not so special."

Liliaya gasped at Rhumple and started crying again. "That's not true, you crazy gnome!"

"Now the rest of your life is going to be easy because you've been insulted by Rhumple."

"Well he did astutely point out that my biggest problem was an Undead Rogue trying to kill me," Finneaus said.

As if on queue, Icharis attacked again and was beaten by a mob after inflicting some severe damage.

Finnaeus frowned with disappointment at Icharis' body. " didn't pay this corpse to attack your patrons did you?"

The gnome snorted. "My sharp tongue does all the cutting I need."

((RP on CC is never what you expect. I didn't really think Icharis would respond so violently to being placed on the wanted list, but it was good to have him back sending me little love taps and the timing couldn't have been more perfect.))
Edited by Gentyl on 12/29/2011 11:09 AM PST
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90 Blood Elf Priest
I...really can't promise that everyone's experiences will be QUITE like Gentyl's stories. But they do make lovely gossip for the rest of us.

When ARE we going to get around to re-starting that server newspaper/scandal-sheet, anyway?
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