Like RP? Come See Scenic Cenarion Circle!

90 Night Elf Rogue
I do think I will have to spend more time on CC. I am just so spread out now....too many ALTS!!!

I think I need an intervention.....
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78 Gnome Mage
I have made a rouge blood elf, he is only lvl 15 and im finding it hard to find other people to RP with, anyone want to join me? he's name is Motaru whisper me or something :) if I am not on, send me send mail :D
Edited by Cozmixx on 10/27/2011 12:09 AM PDT
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85 Goblin Shaman
Hey-oh, Cozmixx. lad to see that youse are givin' our server a try.

The Wyvern's Tail Inn in Orgrimmar is a good place to find RP Horde-side. Also, youse should join the channels /HordeOOC and /Hearthstone (the IC channel where we communicate via our Hearthstones thanks to a Glyph of Communication) These channels help the RP`ers here find others to RP with when wanted.
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100 Night Elf Mage
Wow, thanks for this, don't spend much time on the forums, too much noise to content for the most part, but this is great! I love RP, but getting connected can prove difficult, especially to the keyboard challenged (mangled fingers and hands, too many breaks over the years) Love CC it's definitely home, hope to see you all on line.

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Le bump
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85 Goblin Shaman
10/29/2011 12:06 PMPosted by Rilvix
Le bump

Youse are so freakin' adorable when you "parle Francais".
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90 Orc Warrior
RP might be just what I need to keep playing wow. I'll give it a try.
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100 Human Mage
CC is very different from either Moonguard or WRA, Grimbles. You won't find nearly the volume of role playing on CC that the other two servers offer. However, having leveled to 80 on Moonguard (another mage named Imperon), currently leveling an alt on WRA and having played since launch on CC...well, I have 10 85's on Cenarion Circle and have no intention of ever playing on another server except to see how things differ.

Cenarion Circle's community is amazing compared to what I've experienced on any other server. Unlike Moonguard, no one's warning you away from Goldshire on Cenarion Circle. It's a sleepy little town that plays host to some duels and the occasional RP event, that's it. The community is very inclusive, so even though you aren't nearly as likely to bump into people role playing just anywhere, you also aren't going to find the sort of cliques that you may be used to on other servers. Cenarion Circle's community is always looking for more role players, new or experienced.

As our RP community grows (which it does, we get new people joining the server regularly) the random RP that people brag about on other servers becomes more common. Yet we work to keep the community cohesive so that we don't risk breaking up into cliques of role players who won't associate with other members of the community.

I hope to see you on our server soon, Grimbles, just say hello in whichever OOC channel you join and introduce yourself.
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Ladies and Gentlemen of the World's End Tavern. After a lengthy absence from WoW as I dealt with some personal issues, I am happy to say I have returned. I am not the most prolific poster of the forums, but I am an avid role player and community member

While I was gone my interest in WoW dissipated and I tried a few other games. However, nothing really compared to CC and the experiences I have had there; so it feels great to be back.

This thread, while original Arjah's masterpiece that I pulled from some nameless archive, dusted it off and added my own twist, was always something I was proud of: Showcasing the RP that CC has while enticing people to give our little known server a try.

I am happy to be back, and for those that know me or my character(s), I can't wait to RP with you in game again!
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84 Blood Elf Hunter
I've never RPed on WoW before, but I've done quite a lot of RPing in the past. This post really made me want to check it out!
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97 Orc Warlock
If Cenarion Circle is really as friendly as you say, I might be willing to give it a shot.

In concept, I love the idea of in-game RP. Unfortunately, I had a really negative experience the last time I seriously tried it, which was a couple years ago on Wyrmrest Accord. Our RP events were griefed mercilessly, and I was held back from RP dungeon runs because of my gear score. I gave it up after a month and have been timid about joining another RP realm since then.

Still, my interest persists. I've recently developed the urge to roll a worgen character, and have toyed with the idea of doing so on an RP realm. Maybe I'll try it out on CC.
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I'm getting a bit fed up with the nelf community on Moon Guard (though they've been wonderful to me personally, I've seen some things done to and said about others that I really don't agree with). Whenever I log onto WrA, I have a zillion whispers asking me to get on X character (usually the last one I want to be on). I also have the problem of finding nothing but military/pvp or race exclusive guilds when I care for neither. So yeah, I've been looking around a bit for a new main RP server.

I've been a bit reluctant to try out another server because most of my RP is random and others don't offer the sheer volume of RP. But, when I think about it, I initiate like 98% of my random RP anyway. It might be nice to try a smaller, more close-knit community and experience a whole new style of RP. Plus, I've noticed that some of your guilds seem to allow for a much broader scope in personalities.

I'm going to spend today leveling a character and checking you guys out a bit more seriously. :)
Edited by Darbi on 12/27/2011 6:41 AM PST
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Many of the guilds on CC have broad recruiting requirements. In fact, there are not many that I know that have huge restrictions, such as X race or Y class. That makes it, in my opinion, more about the individual character than about your choices during the character selection screen. Granted, race and class do play a part to character development, but I've never heard of a guild deny someone membership because of it.

A lot of guilds will want to RP with someone over the span of a few days before letting them join. My guild, the AAMS, use to have a training program for new couriers to complete so they knew what they were getting into. I think some other guilds, Pia perhaps, have squire programs for new members.

Horde side, the guild Ishnu ah Por (Probably spelled that wrong) is predominately a tauren guild, but they still have Orcs, trolls and BElves; and maybe even a forsaken kicking around just to fill their quota!
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90 Night Elf Rogue
CC is a great server and I have participated in some amazing storylines that encompass the world rp I love, both sides are fun and interesting. Guild wars are common and even cross faction events that are least to start with!
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100 Human Paladin
...really can't promise that everyone's experiences will be QUITE like Gentyl's stories. But they do make lovely gossip for the rest of us.

When ARE we going to get around to re-starting that server newspaper/scandal-sheet, anyway?

And yet most of my stories are based on things that happened in game. The attack on Finn was verbatim off the chat logs. Of course, I chatlog any time I see Rhumple around. It's always going to be interesting. Ich's attack was simply perfect timing and Rhumple didn't miss a beat.
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100 Human Paladin
The Commander hadn't been pleased to find his wife in the midst of a snowball fight outside Ironforge in tall black boots, a winter veil outfit and a tuxedo shirt. He didn't even comment on the cute little red hat.

"Methinks mi'lady is a bit under-dressed for these snowy hills," he grumbled.

"Do you really think so, Commander?" she shouted back at him as she pelted Ronnad again.

He disappeared shortly thereafter while she continued to hammer anyone within range with the huge stack of snowballs she'd been patiently packing all morning. Kaellar, the grumpy old Dreanei with one eye, one game leg and one very shocked look on his face kept hobbling after Gentyl, trying to throw his cloak over her.

Turncutt reined his gryphon down beside her sometime later and tossed a bundle of clothes on the ground. "I killed a blood elf who was playing with the guards and brought you her clothes."

Gentyl lobbed another snowball at Kaellar who was now completely white after Erelyn, Celandine, Calendar and Ronnad had called in a focused attack on him. She glanced down at the pile of bloody clothes on the ground. "And what do you want me to do with those?"

He raised an eyebrow as if the answer should be obvious even to his giggling, snowball-firing wife who had apparently lost her mind as well as her armor.

"Get him!" Calendar yelled and they turned and fired at Kaellar again just as he had finished brushing the snow off.

A gaggle of gnomes ran by, firing snowballs from little hand held cannons. Their target, a boisterous dwarf warrior who had made some comment about them never hitting him, raised a small white flag from under the mound of snow and waved it feebly.

((The server snowball fight was so much fun. Turncuut (the Commander) and Kaellar had us giggling like schoolgirls.))
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I'm very excited to see this post. My friends and I just created a new guild on CC (to try out the Alliance side after 6 years of horde) and we had no idea about the chat channels! Certainly joining those on my next log in!
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65 Blood Elf Priest
Ladies and Gentlemen of the Worlds End Tavern, let it be known that CC's very own Modas il Toralar is now recruiting.

For all those with an itch to play an evil character, this would be a great chance to check things out. Modas il Toralar is a long established, defacto, villain guild of CC. Ask anyone, horde or alliance, what guild you should join if you wanted to play an evil character and I guarantee Modas will be on the list of suggestions.

Remember, you can't have a hero without a villain; and the alliance is fully stocked with wanna-be-golden-boy-heros* that need a run for their money!

"Order through atrocity. Peace through fear. Faith in the Modas il Toralar."

*The alliance players on CC are, in fact, amazing to RP with. I just like pulling their chain and pressing their hot buttons every now and then!
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12/29/2011 11:50 PMPosted by Aibhne
I'm very excited to see this post. My friends and I just created a new guild on CC (to try out the Alliance side after 6 years of horde) and we had no idea about the chat channels! Certainly joining those on my next log in!

I think in a lot of ways the "Hearthstone" channel (or "HearthstoneIC" on the Alliance side) is CC's answer to "where's all the pick-up RP?" Anyone can come in and start talking, and it's less reliant on being in the right city at the right time of day. You have to keep very odd hours indeed to find absolutely no one in the channels.

Which isn't to say that they aren't quiet, sometimes, and in need of give it a try, and see what you stir up!
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