Like RP? Come See Scenic Cenarion Circle!

64 Dwarf Death Knight
I've tried CC on alliance and horde. Alliance was fun when I started because there was an rp event going on at the Scholomance island and was it fun! Decided to try horde, didn't find anything really my style. I'd reroll there if someone showed me a good guild to join, but other than that, I'll stick to WrA.
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90 Blood Elf Priest
01/11/2012 03:05 PMPosted by Barleybeard
Alliance was fun when I started because there was an rp event going on at the Scholomance island and was it fun!

To be fair, the event at Scholomance Island would have been the "Caer Darrow Renewal Project," which is open to both factions :D One of the AAMS's little peace-making initiatives.

But if there's a type of guild you're looking for I'd encourage you to stop by and ask around, or to check out the stickied list of RP guilds on our realm forums:

The last update was just before New Year's, so it's reasonably up-to-date.
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100 Human Mage
Cenarion Circle can still benefit from more role players. I don't think we'll ever get to a point where we have too many. If you're looking for a welcoming community that always has something going on...well, there's 13 pages of people telling you why you should check out Cenarion Circle!
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83 Worgen Death Knight
I have recently joined, and from what I've seen in the fifteen minutes I was able to log on (transfer player) I am happily excited. I came from teh Scryers, and I would never have imagined so many people on one RP chat. Gonna be great! I will be Aorune, because it seems teh armory hasnt updated at the time of me typing this.
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One of the AAMS's little peace-making initiatives

We work for it :D
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85 Night Elf Hunter
I remember first coming over to CC!! best choice of my life. Friendliest people, great rp, some of the best guilds around, and sooo much more!
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20 Night Elf Druid
I come from the larger servers and let me tell you, though it takes a little more effort to find RP, it's worth it. The community is probably the most welcoming one I've been apart of.
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85 Orc Warrior
I came once, then left and came back as Alliance and left again....

Only to come back anyway as Horde and do what ever I can to help spark some rp for the red and black.
Real great player base from what I've seen on either side, come by and take a look for yourself!
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I want to have a few characters that are off of my main server--thinking of moving my shaman over there.

Are there any dwarf-only or dwarf-themed guilds on Cenarion Circle? I love some beards and booze.
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100 Human Mage
Currently we have no dwarf-only or heavily dwarf-themed guilds, Spellstone. The only racially themed guild Alliance side that I can think off hand is the Fellowship of Teldrassil (elves, if the name didn't tip you off). Most of our guilds tend to be themed based on activity (church associated, crafters' guild, Stormwind Guard unit, etc) rather than race.

Though you make me fondly remember the Bael Modan regiment (dwarf/gnome only) back in classic.

Regardless of that current lack, there's always room for another role player on Cenarion Circle and the more role players who decide to give us a try the more room we'll have for an expanded list of role playing guilds.

If you do decide to check us out, Spellstone, don't forget to join the AllianceOOC channel and say hello!
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90 Night Elf Rogue
Oh yes! More rpers who like to get involved in a zany community and connect even across factions. Besides, an all dwarf guild sounds exciting! I would even be willing to make a dwarf pally female for such...feisty dwarven females like the ones in Twilight Highlands, fighting alongside the men and winning their hearts!

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100 Human Mage
Hey Spellstone! I've got an update for you. It looks like someone has started an all dwarf guild on Cenarion Circle just in the past couple days. I'm sure they'd eagerly recruit you. You can check out a post about the guild in this thread: Scroll down for Gillock's post. Or you can visit his guild directly at
Edited by Imperon on 2/16/2012 1:22 AM PST
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86 Troll Shaman
Now announcing the Spring Festival! An annual event of roleplay events for all comers. A great linky with more information can be found here:

Or even here, on our server's community website. (Which could probably have an announcement all on it's own, but meh. Lazy troll.)
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97 Tauren Warrior
I've been looking for a RPing guild, or even just a gathering of like minded folks. I also have a Troll, on da' same serva'. :)
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100 Human Mage
Cenarion Circle has recently had an explosion of new RP guilds. We have a unit of the Stormwind Military (First Stormwind Regiment), the crew of a Kul Tiras pirate ship (Daelins Fury), A Wildhammer guild (Stoneblood Circle), a semi-RP guild turning itself into a full time RP guild (Ebon Sanction) and at least half a dozen others that have all popped up just in the past month or so.

We also have some scheduled RP event almost every night of the week as well as reliable RP at the various hotspots on the server.

Did I mention we're still the most inclusive, welcoming and cohesive RP community in the game? No one beats Cenarion Circle for just how enthusiastic we are about every new reroll and transfer.

All of which means it's a great time to roll up an alt, /join Allianceooc (Or /Hordeooc if you don't mind the smell!) and introduce yourself. Or lurk, we don't mind. You'll find yourself laughing and enjoying the time spent just reading our chat, the same way we all laugh at it.

Whatever your level of RP experience, whether you've been doing it for half your life or haven't actually ever said a word in character, Cenarion Circle would love to be your home. We have many wonderful RP guilds, not just those I've mentioned here, as well as many role players who may not have any guild affiliation.

What are you still reading this for? Roll up an alt on Cenarion Circle and see how we do things.
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13 Human Priest
Hey there, I am trying to make this character concept work if anyone wishes to help me. Pfaedra has a history of being kidnapped and blinded. She was about ten years old when this happened and is now eighteen. She needs a good bunch of friendly people who will help her fill out her character.

She has no eyes, she wears a set of goggles to cover up the empty eye sockets. She is into engineering so I will be able to make goggles eventually. I will be in game mostly in the daytime hours from noon to six.

I asked for help here in the forums but those who offered do not seem to have a very active schedule. So I welcome any who wish to befriend Pfaedra in game! Thanks.
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94 Human Warlock
Liked; would read again!

Seriously... nice to see this thread! You're not likely to see me over on CC anytime soon (I'm working on getting one of each class, Alliance-side, to 85 on my "home" server of Steamwheedle Cartel and have promised hubby I won't wander off and leave his lowbies bereft of copanionship), but when I'm back into RP mode I'll head over to check y'all out!

(I'm an East Coast player, by the way - usually on from 5-7ish pm EDT this time of year. Is there an East Coast time-friendly group around?)
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100 Human Mage
Chiassa, prime time hours for Cenarion Circle are fairly standard for a West Coast server, but we have plenty of night owls and other folks whose schedules aren't exactly usual. Unless you're online in the wee hours, chances are you'd find other people to spend time with on Cenarion Circle.

And forget leaving your husband behind...just drag him with you to Cenarion Circle!
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I was thinking of moving over there, although it'd be hard, as my one and only 85 is on Moon Guard (server transfer isn't an option at the moment).

I wanted to suggest a couple ideas for anyone reading this thread.

A couple guild ideas:

I have yet to see some sort of shadow priest coalition.

I also thought it'd be a fantastic idea for a Cenarion Expedition/Earthen Ring alliance after all these years!
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100 Human Mage
We're always open to new RP guilds, Turaille, but within the past month I think we've had nearly a dozen new RP guilds pop up. Recruitment's a little thin with so many new guilds, plus the many established guilds that are also recruiting.

It's one downside to Cenarion Circle (and one reason we're quite eager to find more role players) that our role playing population just isn't as large Moonguard or Wyrmrest Accord's. We'll get there, but we aren't there yet.
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