Like RP? Come See Scenic Cenarion Circle!

90 Blood Elf Rogue
it's the weekend and we are not a large overcrowded server. A lot of people are doing graduations this weekend and getting out of school. moving home, etc. There are some who just don't talk much. Aliance side is more lively most of the time.
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100 Night Elf Druid
I've been lurking around in your ooc channel. No one talks, no one answers questions, I haven't seen any rp.

When and where does it happen?
Which faction's OOC channel have you been lurking in?

On the Alliance one, it seems to be chatter nonstop except in the early AM hours... and then there's the random pockets of 15 minute silence every now and then throughout the day.
Two days ago a person popped in the channel, said they were new, and were literally bombarded with friendly spam and inquiries about their character.

That said, walk up RP is not very big on this server, but I can't give a more detailed answer on how to go about mending this unless I know what faction you're browsing on. :o
Edited by Aloom on 6/8/2013 11:24 PM PDT
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100 Night Elf Druid
To all potential CCers who have/want a privateer-ish character, a new guild has formed consisting of such types who work the high seas. Newbies and oldies alike are invited!
And there's a long-term plot involved, I believe.
Edited by Aloom on 7/27/2013 2:28 PM PDT
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100 Night Elf Druid
Hello, potential newbies to roleplaying and CC alike. As always, we're constantly hunting for fresh blood to come add variety to our routine and culture and to plump up our guild rosters. Please roll an alt and jump into the OOC channel appropriate for your faction. If for some reason no one responds to you, feel free (if you're Alliance) to add me as a friend and I'll help you around.

This ad brought to you by Aloom's Amazing Banana Bandanas!*

* name copyright Brassbuckle
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90 Blood Elf Priest
The good times roll on...or at least, they will once the servers are back up. Why not come try Cenarion Circle once they are?
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56 Human Death Knight
What are the opportunities like for Death Knight RP on your (so far lovely-sounding) server? Vaedyn here is still early enough in the leveling process that I'm considering rerolling her on CC.

Actually, I'm even considering rerolling my level 66 DK on CC. :P You guys sound nice.
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100 Human Mage
Depends on what you mean by opportunities. While we have RP guilds that won't recruit death knights, there aren't many of them. Some guilds, like my own Lluchduu Ocheliad, host many death knights because of our darker themes.

You'll be welcomed by our community regardless of what class you roll, Vaedyn. I believe this thread has made it clear, but I'll mention it anyway...we do not have the huge role playing population that Moonguard or Wyrmrest Accord enjoy. But our community is very active, cohesive and friendly. It's why we're confident about inviting role players (or people interested in role playing) from other servers to join us.

If you do roll on Cenarion Circle, add me to your friends list. I can introduce you to the community and help you get bags and other things that make leveling a lot more enjoyable.
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90 Blood Elf Warlock
Allow me to add that I would also welcome death knights or any class or player to the ranks of Cirque. We are very small yet, only a handful of us. But we are to level 9 and a half. The Cirque guild is very casual and friendly. Here is a link to what we are trying to do.

Feel free to roll horde side and look us up. In game I have too many alts, currently leveling yet another rogue for a storyline, her name is Lindai. You are welcome to join us or one of the other worthwhile Horde guilds.

I offer free bags and a bit of gold here to anyone who joins us. Become a performer or just level and join us for casual rp. We also have a channel for friends, simply /join Cirque and say hi!
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100 Human Monk
*sharing the Cenarion love* :P
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90 Blood Elf Priest
I think most RP guilds are happy to have any new characters on board, regardless of class!

There used to be a handful of very druidy, nature-loving sorts with "no undead" policies, but I don't think any of them have been active for some time, now.

And even if they are, it can be fun to try and argue your way in on a technicality!
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94 Human Monk
Friendly reminder that we have a small but friendly community! Poke us at our OoC channel and learn about our events. You can even have an alt in the server and have tons of fun.
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Kind of impressive that the thread is close to maxed-out. I don't remember how far the original one made it before it got killed by the forum change.

...which all goes to show, Cenarion Circle might not be the biggest RP server, but it has one heck of a long-running community. If you're looking for a good home, this is a nice place to settle down and build a character for keeps!
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52 Blood Elf Warlock
I thoroughly agree. We might not have the numbers, yet, but we do have some quality rpers. Excellent writing, interesting characters, and most of all a welcoming attitude to all who try to rp. Even the lowliest of us are willing to give the beginners a chance.

Of course that does not mean we do not love the high levels! Nor does it mean we tolerate griefers and mean spirited trolls. Come and enjoy, but do not spoil the fun for others.
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Hello all, I just wanted to add my two copper.

I joined Cenarion Circle two weeks ago after coming back from a year away from WOW. In moving to the new server I wanted a fresh start and an opportunity to RP in a friendly environment. I have to say I found my new home. Right off the bat I was introduced to some quality players/roleplayers who have taken me under their wing and helped me learn the RP ropes.

For those of you looking to RP for the first time, have a server alt to RP on, or simply are looking for a new home then I highly recommend CC Alliance side (Although I have an alt Horde side and they are pretty awesome over there too).

If you do visit our server, please feel free to whisper me if I am on and I will be happy to set up a meeting with you "In Character" (IC). Also you may want to join the "Out of Character" (OoC) or RPnewbies channels to get some helpful advice and meet some interesting people. You can join these channels by typing /join allianceooc or /join rpnewbies in the chat window. You know you are in the right place because there should be chatter, and if not introduce yourself and there should be someone on to reply.

Well like I said that is my two copper. So I will sign off by saying have an outstanding time playing and maybe I will see you around Azeroth!

Hegnar Stonewhisker
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90 Blood Elf Warlock
We need to promote this more.
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90 Blood Elf Death Knight
I see people all the time asking for an rp server and I really think this needs to stay on front page.
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100 Blood Elf Mage
I'm actually very interested in CC, but all my character names are in use over there.
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36 Troll Hunter
Would transfer but I have no money for it :( I guess I could make a new character...
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90 Blood Elf Hunter
I have that problem every now and then. If I'm really stubborn I'll use ascii letters. Example: Å - Æ - ö . Just google it and check out what's available. :D
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90 Blood Elf Hunter
Speaking of starting characters on CC, a while ago I was thinking about moving here. I had a thread way back when and lots of really awesome folks mentioned some rp guilds on CC. Long story short I quit the game for 6ish months and I have no clue which guilds were mentioned (horde side). But now I'm back and really wanting to role play.

Any RP Guilds recruiting?
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