How to Roleplay a Night Elf 2.0

90 Night Elf Rogue
05/29/2011 11:26 AMPosted by Gared
I'm sure males had a strong part in the military forces as well. Back in the War of the Ancients during the first summoning of the Legion wasn't the commander of the Night Elven army a male? A Shadowsong if I'm thinking the right thing. And I'd say if they weren't part of the army, there was also a huge number of males in the Highborne and then only some as artisans.

Yes, Jerod Shadowsong is considered to be one of the most brilliant Kaldorei tactitians. He went missing and has been absent from the game until this expansion.

However, there is now 10,000 years worth of tradition behind the 'females being part of the formal military' thing. That is hard to break.
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85 Goblin Hunter
According to the War of the Ancients trilogy, most of the officers in the army were male nobles. Ravencrest was leading them all too. Then that snuff-sniffing elf when he died. Then Jarod Shadowsong.
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85 Worgen Rogue

However, there is now 10,000 years worth of tradition behind the 'females being part of the formal military' thing. That is hard to break.

Right. PART of the military. Males still played a huge part in it as well, and have for those 10, 000 years. Just because one person went missing doesn't mean all the males stopped joining the military. Also, the Sentinels were started by Tyrande as a defense for the large number of druids(males) that went to sleep in the Emerald Dream were they not? They were only a female dominant army because there was actually a lack of males around. Many men were Highborne and thus flew the coop with Azshara and the rest were either spent rebuilding homes or became druids. You seem to have a flaw with lots of information easily gained through playing through the WC3 campaign, RoC and FT.

There's a lot of your points that conflict with in-game and book lore. But I still think you did a good job giving people a rough guideline to follow.
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90 Night Elf Rogue
05/29/2011 12:34 PMPosted by Gared
Males still played a huge part in it as well, and have for those 10, 000 years.

No, they didn't. The Sentinels were an all female fighting force durign the Long Vigil.

05/29/2011 12:34 PMPosted by Gared
Also, the Sentinels were started by Tyrande as a defense for the large number of druids(males) that went to sleep in the Emerald Dream were they not?

No, they were meant to be the standing army to protect the entire race. That included the druids but also meant protecting Kaldorei land and civillians.

05/29/2011 12:34 PMPosted by Gared
hey were only a female dominant army because there was actually a lack of males around

Not all men became druids. In fact, most men didn't become druids. There were enough men to be part of the army, yet they were not and the Sentinels remained female exclusive.

05/29/2011 12:34 PMPosted by Gared
Many men were Highborne and thus flew the coop with Azshara and the rest were either spent rebuilding homes or became druids.

Many women were highborne too.

05/29/2011 12:34 PMPosted by Gared
You seem to have a flaw with lots of information easily gained through playing through the WC3 campaign, RoC and FT.

Your understanding of those events seems a little lacking.
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90 Night Elf Rogue
Verthe brings up a good point.

I think it'd be illogical for the male-dominated army of 10,000 years ago - who shed their blood to protect Azeroth from the Legion - would be told basically, "go @%%@ yourselves and make us sandwiches" after the war.


From what we see, men are actually more inclined to guard the druids and the barrow den, given the Cenarion Army has men in it.
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90 Pandaren Shaman
Where are you locating these Player Handbooks, Melyria?
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90 Night Elf Rogue
05/29/2011 01:10 PMPosted by Sevelic
I'm just thinking it bizarre that an army would not admit any men at all for 10 thousand years - especially after both men and women in great numbers died to save Azeroth from the Legion.

We don't know exactly what caused the Sentinels to be formed or what rational was behind it. Point is, it was a matriarchal society, run by a female specific order, who then formed the military. Whatever the reason, it is solid in the lore.

There was a ton of upheaval after the WotA. Kaldorei society drastically changed and the military could've been part of that.
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90 Night Elf Rogue
05/29/2011 01:11 PMPosted by Hranu
Where are you locating these Player Handbooks, Melyria?

Where? I'm not entirely sure I understand what you're asking.
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85 Worgen Rogue
So basically you're saying after the WotA all the men just said "Hey we fought, now let the women do the rest." ? Sounds a little absurd.

05/29/2011 01:07 PMPosted by Melyria
From what we see, men are actually more inclined to guard the druids and the barrow den, given the Cenarion Army has men in it.

And from countless examples and citations it has been shown to you that the Sentinels have men in them too. You just refuse to take any criticism to your guide and keep pulling facts out of your rear. I have to agree with Omacron that there are many flaws here.
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90 Night Elf Rogue
05/29/2011 01:20 PMPosted by Gared
And from countless examples and citations it has been shown to you that the Sentinels have men in them too.

-Now-. They have men in their ranks NOW. The Sisterhood of Elune was female exclusive until recently as well, they have men in it now. That does not mean men were always in it.

Edit: They also only have men in one sect of their ranks, The Silverwings

05/29/2011 01:20 PMPosted by Gared
You just refuse to take any criticism to your guide and keep pulling facts out of your rear.

And you're using constant logical fallicies.
Edited by Melyria on 5/29/2011 1:30 PM PDT
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90 Pandaren Shaman
Where? I'm not entirely sure I understand what you're asking.

You quoted the 'Alliance Player's Handbook'. I was curious where you found it, unless you have one.
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90 Night Elf Rogue
05/29/2011 01:39 PMPosted by Hranu
Where? I'm not entirely sure I understand what you're asking.

You quoted the 'Alliance Player's Handbook'. I was curious where you found it, unless you have one.

I have a copy available, yes.
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100 Night Elf Druid
It's not the "Alliance Player's Handbook", it's the "Alliance Player's Guide".

That said, there were male military commanders even during the long vigil. Valstann Staghelm commanded the night elf armies during the War of the Shifting Sands, and he was not a druid. He was a warrior.
Here's something to consider: Are the sentinels ever said to be the entirety of the night elf army? The sentinels, by and large, are attached to the cult of Elune. Individuals like Jarod and Valstann are not priests- did you ever consider there may be a secular fighting force that's simply less prominent?
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90 Night Elf Rogue
That said, there were male military commanders even during the long vigil. Valstann Staghelm commanded the night elf armies during the War of the Shifting Sands, and he was not a druid. He was a warrior.

>Son of a powerful druid
>War in Silithus
>Male Warrior

Sounds about right to join the military side of the Cenarions.
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85 Goblin Hunter
If you're taking WCIII as an example of showing that the main force of the night elf army were females, then you're not taking into account the fact that WCIII was an RTS. All huntresses and wardens were female, all druid units were male because it would be a waste of resources to make an opposite gender model of an existing unit. I don't doubt that during the Third War, several male hunters and warriors existed.
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