How to Roleplay a Night Elf 2.0

100 Tauren Shaman
This guide is excellent.
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85 Night Elf Mage
I am hurt and appalled by the comments made about my race in this guide!

*Begins conjuring cookie dough to eat while weeping*
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05/24/2011 03:45 PMPosted by Leityn
Does *%!#ing animals count as a crime against nature in Kaldorei society? I mean, one of your demigods was born because Elune had the hots for some big white stag.


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100 Human Warrior
The last person to ride a chopper in Darnassus was found stuffed in the trunk of a tree with the engine block shoved in their stomach.
Edited by Björn on 5/24/2011 4:56 PM PDT
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90 Night Elf Rogue
05/24/2011 04:45 PMPosted by Kaemrys
Traditional Night Elves do not use engineering*

Traditional, no. But these are hardly traditional times in Azeroth, afterall. There is the saying about embracing change or be doomed to be forgotten. Kaldorei are likely staring down that barrel with a sweaty brow, by now.

This does not tend to matter in a world of magic. Machines can easily be replaced with many kinds of druidic magic and more traditional means.
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85 Goblin Hunter
I don't see any evidence of how technology is overtaking magic in any way.

Technology in WoW is pretty much aiming to do what magic can easily do. Basically duplicating magic, but to a less stable extent.
Edited by Leityn on 5/24/2011 5:46 PM PDT
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90 Night Elf Rogue
05/24/2011 05:38 PMPosted by Kaemrys
Our own world struggles with this so I can imagine the Kaldorei will mount fierce resistance to it as well... but soon they, too, will wonder why they are fighting so hard against something the rest of the world embraces with open arms. Walk ahead with the future or get buried by it.

Technology helps with ease of life. This means food and shelter. Night Elves have a readily available source of both given their skills and magic.

You don't need a flying machine when you raise Hippogryphs that are smart enough to carry on a conversation with you. You don't need a way to mass harvest stone or lumber when Night Elves have wisps.

Also should be noted tons of engineering seems to be based on magical componants as well.
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85 Goblin Hunter
Engineering is practically magic for the not-so-magically inclined.

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85 Goblin Hunter
"How the %!** was your 10,000 years-old night elf born in Teldrassil."

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100 Human Warrior
"How the %!** was your 10,000 years-old night elf born in Teldrassil."


How about your 500 year old night elf born in Stormwind?
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85 Gnome Death Knight
Night elfs are born to be slaves... all mortal races born to be slaves of the Gnomes!
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90 Night Elf Rogue
05/24/2011 08:39 PMPosted by Darksand
Could you please post what the average Night Elf opinion would be on all of the seperate Racial leaders of today? Alliance and Horde alike. Thanks!

Tyrande: That she is the High Priestess, the leader of her people, stoic and fierce. Many Kaldorei are faithful to the regime that is in place, with Kaldorei government being a theocratic dictatorship (though a benevolant dictatorship).

Varian: The average Night Elf would only know his name and his title. His deeds probably have fallen on deaf ears of the Night Elf populace. They're likely neutral on him, seeing as he rarely does anything to directly aid the Kaldorei.

Three Council: Too new and too far away for most to carry an opinion. Neutral.

Greymane: Many Kaldorei may not even know he is the leader of the Worgen who have come to their city as he spends most of his time in Stormwind. Due to how recent they came into their Kalimdor Alliance and how far away he is, the opinion would likely be shaded by the individual's opinion on the Worgen themselves.

King Mekkatorque: No opinion as he rarely does much for non-gnomes. But he is a gnome, so the average Night Elf would probably think him mad by default.

Velen: Probably the best known racial leader outside of Tyrande, many Night Elves would probably know of his name but not know many details about him. They would likely know he is an old sage and would probably respect him as they would any draenei, depending on the individual.

Garrosh: Most Kaldorei would know of Garrosh Hellscream, the reason the forests are buring. The utmost hate would be directed toward him for his incursion into Kaldorei land and he'd be considered personally responsible for every Kaldorei death at the hand of the war machine.

Vol'jin: Most likely not well known who he is. Vol'jin has always been secretive and sly and often takes a back seat to much of the Horde's goings on. If they know of him, he is a Troll and thus deserves the hate that only comes from thousands of years of warring.

Baine: Likely known or at least his father's deeds would be known. The Tauren have a complicated relationship with the Night Elves. The average Kaldorei would respect Caine but also recognize him as an enemy, given he is allied with the Horde. Baine would further that legacy.

Sylvannas: If a Kaldorei knows of her they likely deem her an abomination and she should be wiped out.

Lorthamar: Who? Oh, a Blood Elf... deserves hate and death heaped upon him for that fact alone.

Galleywix: Again, too recent for many to know exactly who he is but if they did know, they'd likely know its he who is doing the damage in Azshara and, thus should be exterminated.
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100 Night Elf Druid
Needs more ponies. :3
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90 Night Elf Rogue
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90 Night Elf Rogue
Technology helps with ease of life. This means food and shelter. Night Elves have a readily available source of both given their skills and magic.

You don't need a flying machine when you raise Hippogryphs that are smart enough to carry on a conversation with you. You don't need a way to mass harvest stone or lumber when Night Elves have wisps.

It also helps with innovation. Exploration, and advancement. As I said, they will either need to adapt or get left behind. One should note that being left behind IS a viable option for their race.

I think the point of contention is that they are really 'left behind'. If they can do everything humans can, just with druidism and nature, wouldn't that be more alternate progression?
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