How to Roleplay a Night Elf 2.0

85 Night Elf Mage

Though I'd like to think it would take a little more than a push and shove game in central Kalimdor to garner their respect, considering that most elves are only concerned about anything Ashenvale and above.
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90 Night Elf Rogue
05/26/2011 12:30 AMPosted by Archimkazile
Do you think that since Theramore has openly attacked the Horde to create a new front in the Kalimdor war in support of the Night Elves that the Night Elves themselves might begin to appreciate humanity as an important ally?

Actually, there is no proof that the Humans did this to aid the Night Elves, even if it did by splitting the front. In fact, there is proof that the Humans were attempting to make an assault on Mulgore and wipe out the Tauren in a preemptive strike.

Considering that there are almost no Eastern support in Ashenvale (there is a total of a handful of gnomes who are basically there to explain Horde machinery) I don't think this would make Night Elves any more close with the human race. In fact, it could have the exact opposite effect.

In lore Darnassus is linked to Stormwind via a ship lane. In theory, humans could have sent some reinforcements to the Night Elves to help push the Horde back but instead they're trying to grab land in the south. This could very easily be seen as abandonment or greed in the Kaldorei's eyes.
Edited by Melyria on 5/26/2011 1:01 AM PDT
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90 Night Elf Rogue
05/26/2011 01:05 AMPosted by Archimkazile
Actually, there is no proof that the Humans did this to aid the Night Elves

The entire point of the campaign is to create an Alliance controlled highway across the Barrens and to the Night Elven lands. We can see this at Honor's Stand where Theramore forces are pushing into Stonetalon where the Night Elves are already fighting.

...They just didn't expect the Cataclysm would split the Barrens in two.

Now, I may be wrong but I believe there is a quest that says that the Alliance hit the South Barrens and instantly went for Mulgore. The only reason they couldn't get through was that the Mulgore wall was literally finished as the the Alliance was rolling up with their tanks.
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85 Goblin Hunter
05/26/2011 12:01 AMPosted by Kaemrys
It also helps with innovation. Exploration, and advancement. As I said, they will either need to adapt or get left behind. One should note that being left behind IS a viable option for their race.

I don't see any evidence of how technology is overtaking magic in any way.

Technology in WoW is pretty much aiming to do what magic can easily do. Basically duplicating magic, but to a less stable extent.

What exactly has technology done that magic hasn't done better (and safer)?

And what can technology do that magic can't?
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90 Night Elf Rogue
05/26/2011 01:13 AMPosted by Archimkazile
Now, I may be wrong but I believe there is a quest that says that the Alliance hit the South Barrens and instantly went for Mulgore. The only reason they couldn't get through was that the Mulgore wall was literally finished as the the Alliance was rolling up with their tanks.

*Shrug.* I don't know. I do know that there is a Theramore presence in Stonetalon that is actively assisting the Night Elves in their fight there. The reason they can't assist Ashenvale is because there is a giant volcanic rift preventing them to do so.

And as for Stormwind, they have enough problems as is with Defias, Blackrocks, Twilights and the Horde in Twilight Highlands.

I've just done a buzz over the zone. A sentiment that seems to be repeated by NPCs is that this is retaliation. The Horde is attacking Northwatch and are pretty much out for blood everywhere. Not sure if they attacked Northwatch first and this started the war.

Part of the problem is that Dustwallow isn't Cata updated, which means we see none of the prologue to south barrens.
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100 Pandaren Shaman
Who says magic doesn't progress as technology does?
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85 Dwarf Paladin
The point of the Alliance campaign was to link up with the Night Elves via a highway.

The Cataclysm and Naralax messed with all of their plans.

And the Orcs hit Northwatch as retaliation.

And Mulgore wasn't attacked right away the forces were sent to keep the Tauren bottled up in Mulgore.
Edited by Erthad on 5/26/2011 1:55 PM PDT
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90 Night Elf Rogue
The point of the Alliance campaign was to link up with the Night Elves via a highway.

The Cataclysm and Naralax messed with all of their plans.

And the Orcs hit Northwatch as retaliation.

And Mulgore wasn't attacked right away the forces were sent to keep the Tauren bottled up in Mulgore.

I went through the quests. From what I've seen nothing is mentioned about the highway bridging the Night Elves with the Humans. As I said, until Dustwallow is patched to cataclysm we might not know the motivation.
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85 Night Elf Rogue
It was good that the humans cut off Mulgore, and are forcing the Orcs to waste resources there, but they would have been infinitely more useful had they landed in Azshara or at, say, the Zoram Strand. The real fight is in Ashenvale, it's there that the Horde can be bled out and crippled, and it's there where the war will be won or lost.
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85 Dwarf Paladin
No because this forces the Horde on two fronts, it would have been a lot better for the Horde had the humans attacked on the front they were using for war.

Had the humans attacked the orc in Ashenvale the orcs would have been able to funnel nearly all of their resources and supplies there instead of having to worry about anything else. The orcs could have continued to push both of them out.

While the Southern Barrens assault causes the Horde a lot of grief and supplies. From Horde questing we know that the Horde have a poor leader leading their armies down south and that he was un able to do anything about the Alliance. Had the humans not attacked the Barrens he would have stayed in charge and the compitent general and his soldiers would have gone to Ashenvale to wreck the night elves even more. The supplies heading to Ashenvale are also being decreased as they are needed on other fronts. This will cause orcs to go hungry and be miserable making night elf guerilla tactics cause the Horde even more. The night elves being the savage race that they are should understand how the humans attacking the Horde in the rear is helping them a lot, well the military at least.

EDIT: As for the highway I am pretty sure I remember seeing quests related to it but I am not sure, it is also in a Know Your Lore article on so take it how you want to I guess.
Edited by Erthad on 5/26/2011 5:07 PM PDT
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85 Pandaren Hunter
I love this guide! I'm using it to my advantage as I'm writing. :P

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90 Night Elf Rogue
05/26/2011 05:05 PMPosted by Erthad
While the Southern Barrens assault causes the Horde a lot of grief and supplies. From Horde questing we know that the Horde have a poor leader leading their armies down south and that he was un able to do anything about the Alliance. Had the humans not attacked the Barrens he would have stayed in charge and the compitent general and his soldiers would have gone to Ashenvale to wreck the night elves even more. The supplies heading to Ashenvale are also being decreased as they are needed on other fronts. This will cause orcs to go hungry and be miserable making night elf guerilla tactics cause the Horde even more. The night elves being the savage race that they are should understand how the humans attacking the Horde in the rear is helping them a lot, well the military at least.

Yes, however this did not stop the Horde from rolling their war machine right up to the Night Elve's front doorstep. We're not talking about all the reinforcements going to Ashenvale but we see none. No human reinforcements. We see a couple gnomes.
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85 Dwarf Paladin
05/26/2011 05:41 PMPosted by Melyria
While the Southern Barrens assault causes the Horde a lot of grief and supplies. From Horde questing we know that the Horde have a poor leader leading their armies down south and that he was un able to do anything about the Alliance. Had the humans not attacked the Barrens he would have stayed in charge and the compitent general and his soldiers would have gone to Ashenvale to wreck the night elves even more. The supplies heading to Ashenvale are also being decreased as they are needed on other fronts. This will cause orcs to go hungry and be miserable making night elf guerilla tactics cause the Horde even more. The night elves being the savage race that they are should understand how the humans attacking the Horde in the rear is helping them a lot, well the military at least.

Yes, however this did not stop the Horde from rolling their war machine right up to the Night Elve's front doorstep. We're not talking about all the reinforcements going to Ashenvale but we see none. No human reinforcements. We see a couple gnomes.
The orcs only got that far because the night elves were unprepared for them, if the night elves were unprepared why would the humans be prepared to help them? And once the night elves got their stuff together they fought the Horde to a stalemate.

And why should the humans be expected to fight the night elves battle?
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90 Night Elf Rogue
05/26/2011 06:33 PMPosted by Erthad
And why should the humans be expected to fight the night elves battle?

Then why should the Night Elves bother thinking anything of the humans when they dont' help them? Which was the entire premise of this debate.
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85 Dwarf Paladin
Then why should the Night Elves bother thinking anything of the humans when they dont' help them? Which was the entire premise of this debate.
Oh I though the whole thing was about how Night Elves think the humans abandoned them.
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85 Night Elf Rogue
They sorta did. The Night Elves are in the Alliance, but the relationship has thus far been rather one-sided.
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