The return of...The Stupid Joke Contest!

100 Orc Shaman
Why did Beethoven kill all his chickens?

~They kept saying "Bach, Bach, Bach."
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100 Orc Shaman
What do you get if you cross a sadist and a masochist?

~Beats me!
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90 Tauren Druid
A man walked into a bar and sat down, immediately noticing that the man next to him had a 12-inch-tall miniature pianist with a miniature piano on the bar in front of him. The little pianist was just going crazy on the piano, but the man himself was sobbing.

"What's wrong, and how did you get that?" The first man asked.

"There's a gypsie out back, granting wishes for nickels," he replied.

Without asking twice, the man ran outside. A few minutes later, he returned, and he too was sobbing fitfully. Behind him, a trail of baby ducks stretched out the back door and out of the bar.

"What's wrong?" asked the second man.

"I asked for a million bucks and she gave me a million ducks," groaned the first man.

The first man grinned, "And do you think I wished for a 12-inch pianist?"
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90 Tauren Druid
A Sodium Atom was quietly gardening in his front yard, enjoying the day.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a Chlorine atom ran into the yard and attacked him, screaming, "GIVE ME AN ELECTRON! GIVE ME AN ELECTRON!"

The Sodium Atom screamed, "Help! I'm being asSALTed!"
Edited by Surehoof on 6/6/2011 10:41 AM PDT
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90 Human Warrior
The mouse was taking her offspring out in search of food when they were confronted by a cat. Immediately, the mouse began barking like a dog. Frightened, the cat ran away.

Turning back to her children, the mouse mother announced, “That shows you the importance of learning a second language!”

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100 Troll Shaman

What do you call a joke that's based on cobalt, radon and yttrium?

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Two neutrinos walked through a bar...
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90 Human Rogue
So many great nerd jokes, but I know you guys have more. Let's hear some plain ol' dumb ones, like:

What washed up on tiny beaches? Microwaves!
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
I uh... can't think of any...

A stupid joke... hmm...

That is mine btw.

Let's see... Uhhhhhhh...

Q: What do you call a conversation between fat people?

A: A heavy discussion!

That was painful to put, a needle in my own eye.
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90 Human Paladin
Oh, Rezokuken is me cause I'm dumb and forgot to switch profiles.

Another joke... ehhhhhhh...

If I were a pimp my slogan would be...
"Break yourself upon my body"! Oh gawd I'm stupid.

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90 Human Paladin
Richard Knaak. >.>

A muffin says in an oven, "Man it's hot in here." The other muffin replies, "HOLY CRAP A TALKING MUFFIN."

Please... Someone make me stop, I think my IQ dropped at least 20 points, and... I don't have many points left to spare.
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85 Goblin Mage
Two cows are standing in a field.
One says to the other "Hey man, are you worried about this mad cow disease thing everyone's talking about?"
The other replies, "What are you talking about? I'm a helicopter."
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85 Human Warlock
06/07/2011 05:02 PMPosted by Dawnsinger
A muffin says in an oven, "Man it's hot in here." The other muffin replies, "HOLY CRAP A TALKING MUFFIN."

I was gonna post that one!

So a Priest, a Rabbi, and the President walk into a bar, and the bartender says "What's this? A joke?"
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90 Human Rogue
So, these two Night elves walk into a bar, the third one ducked.
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85 Human Warlock
06/07/2011 10:07 PMPosted by Jolcasta
So a Priest, a Rabbi, and the President walk into a bar, and the bartender says "What's this? A joke?"

After seeing Arlston make his joke more WoW-centric, I wish to revise my joke.

So a Priest, a Shaman, and Varian Wrynn walk into the Blue Recluse, and Zaium says "What's this? A joke?"
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90 Human Paladin
Undead hunters. "Has anyone seen my jaw?" *Woof* "FFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!"
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85 Blood Elf Hunter
06/07/2011 05:02 PMPosted by Dawnsinger
Richard Knaak. >.>


Q: What's the best way to raise Tauren?

A: With an elevator.
Edited by Kalithrien on 6/9/2011 5:13 PM PDT
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100 Worgen Druid
How many goblins does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

Only one - but about a hundred of 'em would die in the resulting explosion.
Edited by Zherron on 6/9/2011 6:15 PM PDT
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