Ask Creative Development -- Round II Answers


You ever whats on the otherside of azeroth that we can't see
3 Undead Rogue
06/23/2011 12:36 PMPosted by Chillywindy
This was all good but it makes me wonder more when the final expansion will come because that has to be the expansion where we destroy Sargeras the titan that created all the evil in the universe. He created the Burning Legion and lead Ner'zul to enticing Arthas into creating the Lich King. He made the Sundering happen and made the Highborne turn to the ways of Blood Elves. He made the Orcs destory the Draenei on Draenor. He destroyed countless planets. That has to be the final expansion because every problem Azeroth ever had was caused by something he did. Any object of evil would be destroyed because the power that they use would be annihilated. That would be the expansion where we finally see every titan and help them kill Sargeras and I mean kill not imprison for him to escape but kill. This would be the most awesome expansion ever and be the finale to the great game that started it all.

He didnt create old gods they were around too. I bet we learn they corrupted him! (They came to Azeroth too they are not Azeroth only)
27 Night Elf Mage
06/23/2011 12:36 PMPosted by Papertrail
Tyrande thanked him for his opinion, then cordially requested that he refrain from making such outlandish claims when in Darnassus or in the presence of Elune's priesthood.

I see what they did there.

Obvious troll is obvious.
60 Night Elf Druid
06/23/2011 12:36 PMPosted by Chillywindy
This was all good but it makes me wonder more when the final expansion will come because that has to be the expansion where we destroy Sargeras the titan that created all the evil in the universe.

My gut says not for a long time. We haven't even become powerful enough to destroy the Titan's Aspect of the Earth (Deathwing) yet, and Sargeras's minion, Kil'jaedin was still lives (albeit in a hole in the Twisting Nether somewhere). We have a long way to go before we can even hope to stand against him.
64 Worgen Hunter
Q: What races were on Azeroth before the coming of the titans?
A: Besides the elementals, the only known sentient races on Azeroth when the titans' forces arrived to subdue the Old Gods were the trolls, the race known as "faceless ones," and the aqir. Due to the Old Gods' war against the titans, as well as the extensive terraforming that followed the war's conclusion, records of what races existed before even the Old Gods' arrival have likely been lost forever.

Have we reversed a retcon? Is it being suggested that the Titans came after the Old Gods arrived on Azeroth - which lines up to the original lore but was reversed in... Ulduar, I believe?
3 Undead Rogue
06/23/2011 12:37 PMPosted by Alemor
You ever whats on the otherside of azeroth that we can't see

We have seen all of Azeroth. Ever seen a map of earth? It shows all the contenents flat but there is no other side that is all.

Edit: I dont mean we have seen it all i mean the map in all there is still plenty more.
Edited by Sharpbladez on 6/23/2011 12:42 PM PDT
64 Worgen Hunter
06/23/2011 11:42 AMPosted by Ferlion
while the scope of powers may be "similar" (which is told from an ingame perspective, and subject to Velens opinion) we know from external sources, such as books

You mean the books we've just been instructed to not take as canon?

My interpretation of the meta answer? There might be something there, but you'd best not try to push the point too far to a Night Elf.
64 Worgen Hunter
06/23/2011 12:04 PMPosted by Omacron
Also, something that really struck me as interesting: Death Knights MUST cause pain? This seems pretty new and an interesting direction for DK characters.

That's actually been in since the launch of Wrath of the Lich King. It's called the Endless Hunger, or something like that.

People just gloss over it.
06/23/2011 12:41 PMPosted by Fulbreth
Have we reversed a retcon? Is it being suggested that the Titans came after the Old Gods arrived on Azeroth - which lines up to the original lore but was reversed in... Ulduar, I believe?

Not really. It just means that the Titans came twice. Once to subdue the Old Gods and reshape Azeroth, the second time to deal with the Curse of the Flesh that the Old Gods managed to put on their creations.
85 Worgen Death Knight
If anyone remembers rise of the horde, Velen told the orcs about the naaru in Oshu'gun. They didnt take that very well. There turned out to be a naaru in Osh'Gun. Is Blizzard hinting at something?
100 Blood Elf Paladin
06/23/2011 12:36 PMPosted by Papertrail
Tyrande thanked him for his opinion, then cordially requested that he refrain from making such outlandish claims when in Darnassus or in the presence of Elune's priesthood.

I see what they did there.


So the Argent Crusade and Ebon Blade ARE sending suspicious glances at the Forsaken. Makes sense considering their reaction to certain events in starting areas. With all that's going on, I really can't wait to read Sylvanas' leader story. I really, REALLY hope it addresses her current diplomatic relations with Tirion and the Argent Crusade. I really don't think she's as mindlessly nefarious as some make out, and I think she has the long term survival of her race in mind. Not gonna argue about it here, but I'm chomping at the bit to see how it all unfolds. =D

I'd really like to see Tirion and Sylvie have a conversation of the rights of undead to exist, and the extremes they have taken in wartime, and what each of them sees as the future of their lands and people... All of this is so interesting, no matter which way it goes! I can't wait. Woohoo! Keep churnin' those leader stories out!
90 Pandaren Hunter

I wish all the Q&A could be as great as this one!! But how can you go wrong with Lore?
55 Dwarf Warrior
06/23/2011 12:44 PMPosted by Fulbreth
while the scope of powers may be "similar" (which is told from an ingame perspective, and subject to Velens opinion) we know from external sources, such as books

You mean the books we've just been instructed to not take as canon?

My interpretation of the meta answer? There might be something there, but you'd best not try to push the point too far to a Night Elf.

Not what they said. The RPGs are not canon. The novels and comics are.
64 Worgen Hunter
06/23/2011 12:46 PMPosted by Garotar
Have we reversed a retcon? Is it being suggested that the Titans came after the Old Gods arrived on Azeroth - which lines up to the original lore but was reversed in... Ulduar, I believe?

Not really. It just means that the Titans came twice. Once to subdue the Old Gods and reshape Azeroth, the second time to deal with the Curse of the Flesh that the Old Gods managed to put on their creations.

I dunno - the Ulduar chain of events seemed to go (if I'm remembering correctly):

Titans come to Azeroth and terraform the planet.
Titans leave.
Old Gods come to Azeroth and muck up the Titan's work.
Titans come back, defeat Old Gods, and put things back in order.

The C-Dev answer is contradictory to that - it states that the terraforming didn't occur until after the Old Gods were subdued.

It also doesn't mention, you know, the Earthen and the Mechagnomes and the assorted little "helper" races that the Titans had to create and leave behind as part of their projects.

I don't deny the possibility of poorly worded answer - I just think we might be catching Blizz in a bit of a slip-up where they're going back to old lore.
64 Worgen Hunter
06/23/2011 12:53 PMPosted by Galwen

You mean the books we've just been instructed to not take as canon?

My interpretation of the meta answer? There might be something there, but you'd best not try to push the point too far to a Night Elf.

Not what they said. The RPGs are not canon. The novels and comics are.

The full extent of Ferlion's quote (which I shouldn't have cut off, admittedly) was referencing the "books, comics and such."

Given that the novels are generally referred to as novels and the RPG books are referred to as books, I'd assumed he was bundling the novels in the "and such," and that by books he was referring to the RPG books we've been instructed to disregard.

Which, by the way, is totally going to cause chaos amongst the RPer community. Although I do believe that edict might be a bit more liberal than we're being led to believe, despite my statements on the matter.

But back to the matter at hand - I suppose I could be wrong as to his (Ferlion's) intent in the word "book."
100 Dwarf Paladin
Looks outside, notes the sun has not exploded

Well looks like the answers came sooner then it was starting to look like....

Anyways, I am particularly pleased you saw fit to answer the question about the Argent Crusade and Sylvanis. I suspected a similar attitude, and it'll be interesting to see how this plays out.

I imagine the Forsaken's current status as members of the Horde is one of the few things keeping a war from breaking out between them and an Argent Crusade/Ebon Blade alliance.
I dunno - the Ulduar chain of events seemed to go (if I'm remembering correctly):

Titans come to Azeroth and terraform the planet.
Titans leave.
Old Gods come to Azeroth and muck up the Titan's work.
Titans come back, defeat Old Gods, and put things back in order.

The C-Dev answer is contradictory to that - it states that the terraforming didn't occur until after the Old Gods were subdued.

It also doesn't mention, you know, the Earthen and the Mechagnomes and the assorted little "helper" races that the Titans had to create and leave behind as part of their projects.

I don't deny the possibility of poorly worded answer - I just think we might be catching Blizz in a bit of a slip-up where they're going back to old lore.

I'm pretty sure that before Ulduar, the Titans had already beat the Old Gods before reshaping the planet, but I'd need to check the WC3 manual. I think the even in Ulduar were just worded poorly.

The way that it probably happened was:

Titans come and subdue the Old Gods, and start reshaping the planets.
Titans leave.
Old Gods manage to corrupt some of the Titans creations from their prisons. Titans return to deal with it and put watchers in place to keep a better eye on the Old Gods.

We also know, from game, that there are 3 sets of Earthen.
Generation 1 Earthen are made and they degenerate into Troggs (find this out in Deepholm).
Generation 2 Earthen are made. They get the curse of flesh and start turning into Dwarves. Titans put them in status.
Generation 3 Earthen are made. We meet these in Stormpeaks, and they are immnue to the Curse of Flesh.
55 Dwarf Warrior
You are. I'm ferlion. :) cell phone posting..
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