Night Elf Roleplay Guide, Version 2.

80 Orc Shaman
Regarding individual variance, isn't that what the entirety of the traditonal/liberal spiel was trying to get at? It was the first topic breached and all. I think it's fair to allow for some awkwardness in expression; I know I spew some odd piles of words around myself.

It's allowing for individual variation, but only individual variation on a central character trait that is treated as axiomatic in the guide.
61 Human Death Knight
04/03/2012 08:34 PMPosted by Dragosa
Regarding individual variance, isn't that what the entirety of the traditonal/liberal spiel was trying to get at? It was the first topic breached and all. I think it's fair to allow for some awkwardness in expression; I know I spew some odd piles of words around myself.

It's allowing for individual variation, but only individual variation on a central character trait that is treated as axiomatic in the guide.

This. It seems like people are too focused on roleplaying a race rather than a character.

One of the good things about Bioware games is that they take the concept of races each having a certain "hat" (defining characterization trait), laugh at it, and rip it to shreds.
Edited by Caristinn on 4/3/2012 8:36 PM PDT
88 Human Warrior
I did say both trying and awkward.

In the open-source software world, it is often said: Patches welcome.

Edit: How can you be on the internet and not know "pedantic"? Pedantry is like one of the four fundamental forces of the cybertubes!
Edited by Lito on 4/3/2012 8:38 PM PDT
61 Human Death Knight
I did say both trying and awkward.

In the open-source software world, it is often said: Patches welcome.

Edit: How can you be on the internet and not know "pedantic"? Pedantry is like one of the four fundamental forces of the cybertubes!

I think that a greater problem is here that the patches may only be welcome if it's certain people suggesting them.
80 Orc Shaman
Though pedantry is a driving force of the interwebtubes pedantic/pedant are for some reason rare words to actually see used. It's always an amazing moment when you learn it though because it's such a useful word. I'm going to trend it. Remember it when communicating to your art professors.
88 Human Warrior
04/03/2012 08:39 PMPosted by Caristinn
I think that a greater problem is here that the patches may only be welcome if it's certain people suggesting them.

I suppose that's a bit of why I'm urging people to behave, so those who began reasonable remain so and aren't discounted by the OP-editor or the readers.
Edited by Lito on 4/3/2012 8:42 PM PDT
88 Human Warrior
I think otaku is actually an emergent force from snark and pedantry.

Edit: and a touch of cats.
Edited by Lito on 4/3/2012 8:43 PM PDT
80 Orc Shaman
also explicit material intended to stimute*

or !@#$ whichever you prefer
Edited by Dragosa on 4/3/2012 8:44 PM PDT
80 Orc Shaman
04/03/2012 08:44 PMPosted by Cerdwyn
O well, maybe my intertubes is newer then. Or clogged with cats. One can never tell.
80 Orc Shaman
I can't stop.

Save yourself.
91 Night Elf Druid
I love you because you're always right. And because you keep reminding me I need to re-play WC3, preferably with a notepad.

<3 That's what I keep trying to convince people. Really, if people would just stop disagreeing with me, I'd have a lot less bodies to hi... I mean, uhh... Look, a blimp!
88 Human Warrior
I cried along with that girl the first time I saw the original.
80 Orc Shaman
04/03/2012 08:52 PMPosted by Lito
I cried along with that girl the first time I saw the original.

We all have embarrassing moments we hope no one knows about.

Most of us get to satisfy that hope by not telling anyone
If you disagree with the guide, then you are more than welcomed to make you own guide instead of making comments based mostly on your own personally grudges towards author. Even if some of you guys do raise good points, the wording of it makes I seem more like an attack then constructive feedback. This is not targeted at a lot of you, only a small amount of you.

Second edit: constructive feedback and questioning is good, this is targeted to those who are posting be ause they don't like the author and make it obvious in their posts. Not saying you disagree then instead of trying to ask question go make your own guide, I am only talking to those who are just making their personal dislike fo the author obvious, and are no looking into what says. Sorry of this seemed hostil to those with real questions and feedback, just can't believe that this has 16 pages of some people just trying to get under the authors skin.

Edit: horrible worrding, I hate typing on an iPad.
Edited by Vorien on 4/3/2012 9:11 PM PDT
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