Night Elf Roleplay Guide, Version 2.

85 Blood Elf Hunter
I'm not arguing they exist a lot of years.

However, I am sure they still know how to count and we have no evidence that I know of that says they count years any differently from humans.

So a "few" is just that. A few. Less than five.
91 Night Elf Hunter
I know very few people who use the term "few" in its exact, literal sense in dialogue; rather I hear it more often as a generalisation. I don't see why the same shouldn't be true for night elves.
88 Human Warrior
I don't think the quantity behind "few" is quite so clear-cut.

( lol, phonetic reference. fyo͞o heheh )
85 Blood Elf Hunter
Again, not arguing that "few" can be used in more ways than one.

However "a few years" is a measurement of numbers/time.

And I did not see anywhere in there that showed under that specific usage that it is normally taken to mean more than 3 or 4 at best.

It is certainly not the same usage as "fewer than ten" or "few and far between" etc.

So, again, I highly doubt an intelligent, normal Night Elf would take it to mean a few centuries or something without saying "A few centuries" or "a few hundred years".

It could very well be a typo and SUPPOSED to be a "few hundred years", but a few years is pretty darn certain to be under ten.
100 Blood Elf Death Knight
I always wondered how long elves lifespans are. Dath'Remar Sunstrider lived for over 10K years and his decendent Anasterian Sunstrider who lived for about 3K years.
Edited by Sarîa on 4/4/2012 11:14 AM PDT
85 Night Elf Warrior
04/04/2012 11:20 AMPosted by Lynox
I love the guide. I'm not too keen on this Cerdwyn person, though. They just seem to be here to hate on the poster rather than argue facts. (But with all the citations and research, I find it hard anyone's still arguing too much at all).

This is nothing new though, from what I gather.
90 Worgen Druid
All I really have to say is that people are allowed to debate and question the guide, as long as the said questioning is done with civility. Saying that all people who attempt to do so are 'haters' is really just a personal insult that holds absolutely no weight.
100 Blood Elf Paladin
Great guide Mel. I cant help but respect how you put up with half these people. Its pretty much a miracle in its self.
Edited by Lyionn on 4/4/2012 1:04 PM PDT
61 Human Death Knight
04/04/2012 12:03 PMPosted by Bradell
There are a number of places where things are suspect despite citations, mostly due to inferences being presented as absolutes.


While the overall post is good, the fact that there can be ~20 pages of debate due to controversial additions to the guide is going to cause a problem if this is stickied.
90 Night Elf Rogue
04/04/2012 01:14 PMPosted by Bradell
I cant help but respect how you put up with half these people

Yeah, god forbid anyone questions Melyria.

Excuse me while I go roll my eyes so hard the world stops turning.

I find it amazing that it seems to be the same six individuals, over and over and over again. It seems that, for the most part, those half dozen people are the ones who have any real problem. Everyone else must be sheep. Those six people, well... they're just free thinkers. Right? Enlightened souls, able to pierce the veil, able to see what everyone else cannot.

I mean, it isn't like there is a common thing binding them all together, is there? That would be absurd. Truly, truly insane. Like, maybe their favorite color is red. Or they all eat their hamburgers upside down. No, nothing in common at all. No colors or how they eat their food. Certainly not that they've been vindictive and all have had issue with me in the past. Or, y'know, they all are left handed or something.

Because if there was a single string that tied all those opinions together. Perhaps a bias... well. Then the whole argument falls apart, doesn't it? Because if the same people all share a thread, a bias, well... then maybe they aren't so enlightened. Maybe, they're just letting their bias get the better of them.

But that would be hillariously petty and absurd. Thank goodness.
90 Worgen Druid
Yep, more insults. Woo. /o/
1 Blood Elf Priest
No one is being surly around here, it must be about who they're disagreeing with.
1 Blood Elf Priest
fwiw I posted counter-arguments to counter-arguments that have been just as "ignored"

i simply don't care to push it any more than they do, in my case.
Edited by Lito on 4/4/2012 1:37 PM PDT
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