Night Elf Roleplay Guide, Version 2.

90 Tauren Priest
I think it says a lot about how petty people can be that they would spend the time reporting every single one of these posts just out of spite. This is a helpful guide. I think the hate going between these groups, particularly the hate coming from a particular individual has gotten out of hand. Come off it, grow up, and stop this pettiness. Seriously people. Lets be adults.

This guide is well researched and obviously took time to put together. I would like to applaud Melyria for the work she put into this. Stuff like this takes not only ambition, but guts to put out there like this.

Agreed wholeheartedly.
61 Human Death Knight
Just to clear things up (can't tell if Saigio is referring to me or a different person), I never false report. By the time I got here someone had already done so.

Still interested in a response towards the arcane/machinery/religion sections.
Edited by Caristinn on 4/2/2012 9:29 PM PDT
91 Night Elf Hunter
04/02/2012 09:28 PMPosted by Anamaleth
What if you have no desire to be a druid? Like Ana has -0- desire to be a druidess.

Having potential for something doesn't mean you need to apply yourself to that potential.
85 Dwarf Shaman
04/02/2012 09:28 PMPosted by Anamaleth
Having potential skill does not mean you become a druid instantly.

What if you have no desire to be a druid? Like Ana has -0- desire to be a druidess.

I have potential to be an artist with my own heritage and natural raw ability, but that doesn't mean I ever go to achieve it, thus it stays raw since I have zero desire to be an artist.
100 Human Paladin
Just to clear things up (can't tell if Saigio is referring to me or a different person), I never false report. By the time I got here someone had already done so.

Still interested in a response towards the arcane/machinery/religion sections.

Not to wilt your ego, Caristinn, but no, I was not walking about you. I was talking about an individual well known for filing constant false reports against Melyria.
85 Blood Elf Warlock
04/02/2012 09:26 PMPosted by Saigio
This guide is well researched and obviously took time to put together. I would like to applaud Melyria for the work she put into this. Stuff like this takes not only ambition, but guts to put out there like this.

This! It is a very impressive piece of work. Kudos to you, Melyria!
61 Human Death Knight
04/02/2012 09:33 PMPosted by Saigio
Not to wilt your ego, Caristinn, but no, I was not walking about you. I was talking about an individual well known for filing constant false reports against Melyria.

I figured so, but with the amount of complaining I get on RealID, it's hard to tell.
85 Night Elf Warrior
04/02/2012 09:33 PMPosted by Cythe
This guide is well researched and obviously took time to put together. I would like to applaud Melyria for the work she put into this. Stuff like this takes not only ambition, but guts to put out there like this.

This! It is a very impressive piece of work. Kudos to you, Melyria!
91 Night Elf Hunter
Anyway, I just skimmed the guide and it looks very exhaustive and well-thought out. I'm looking forward to reading it in its entirety.
90 Night Elf Rogue
Hrm. I'm not sure why my table of contents isn't using the links after the first two... anyone able to help me on that ?
100 Night Elf Warrior


Now to read it.
All of it.
100 Night Elf Druid
Absolutely love this! Thank you Mely!
Hmm. Nice work.

/thumbs up
85 Night Elf Druid
Edited by Jaxtoria on 3/10/2013 3:43 PM PDT
88 Human Warrior
There might be a limit to the number of auto-links it allows in a non-blizzard post.

Edit: Also I agree with the current choice of words regarding eye colors, considering it's clear that it's conveying characters' fallible thoughts, and isn't making absolute assertions.
Edited by Lito on 4/2/2012 10:04 PM PDT
90 Night Elf Rogue
04/02/2012 10:02 PMPosted by Lito
There might be a limit to the number of auto-links it allows in a non-blizzard post.

Maybe... I know stickies can have multiple links.
100 Human Warrior
Voted for sticky. :3
90 Worgen Druid
04/02/2012 10:04 PMPosted by Björn
Voted for sticky. :3
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