Night Elf Roleplay Guide, Version 2.

100 Human Priest
04/02/2012 10:04 PMPosted by Björn
Voted for sticky. :3

Disagree, we don't need a night elf guide up there in the stickies. It is not exactly right to have one race so heavily debated on these forums up there with none of the other races being highlighted. If anything, some of the stickies need to be brought down.

There needs to be a little outside site /WoW Forum area for these things. Or just a single thread that links to this/other races/faction/ect.
1 Blood Elf Priest
You might replace the links with tinyurl links if they won't be auto links anyway, and return them to clickable if this does become a sticky.
85 Dwarf Shaman
04/02/2012 10:10 PMPosted by Venita
Voted for sticky. :3

Disagree, we don't need a night elf guide up there in the stickies. It is not exactly right to have one race so heavily debated on these forums up there with none of the other races being highlighted. If anything, some of the stickies need to be brought down.

There needs to be a little outside site /WoW Forum area for these things. Or just a single thread that links to this/other races/faction/ect.

The beauty of the draenei is the brevity of our content.
Good job Melyria!
90 Night Elf Rogue
This is sorta how I felt when posting this guide:
91 Night Elf Hunter
Well, I just got done reading this, and I'm very impressed.
90 Night Elf Hunter
Why doesn't someone make a forum of their own, like under, so you can put up all the guides and discussions you want on races and groups and all that?
1 Blood Elf Priest
Stickies can always be changed later, so I'm waiting on racial guides to exist before I'll feel like we need to reorganize. Humans could just use a little guide to their history and possible origins.

Though the current list of stickies is pretty big. I thought about making my chrome extension collapse the list of stickies, but i don't want to miss new posts on the event thread.

Edit: if you guys thought crabby was bad, try posting on a phone right now. :|
Edited by Lito on 4/2/2012 10:48 PM PDT
100 Blood Elf Death Knight
Nice guide. A part of me is actually happy the RPG book isnt cannon to be honest. There were somethings I just never agreed with about it, Age being one of them.

I might have missed it but I noticed you said nothing on Death Knights. But you made it pretty clear in the past about them.

This will come in handy for my Highborne Monk I plane to make in MoP. (Still going to make my Blood Elf monk) My knowledge on Night elves isnt as extensive as my brothers.

This also reminds me of a DK RP guide I always wanted to do. To help DK RP since they have alot of restrictions.
Edited by Sarîa on 4/2/2012 11:49 PM PDT
100 Human Death Knight
This is really good.

I'm glad I don't have to read Wolfheart at any point now.
90 Night Elf Rogue
04/02/2012 11:45 PMPosted by Sarîa
I might have missed it but I noticed you said nothing on Death Knights. But you made it pretty clear in the past about them.

In terms of RPing a Night Elf DK, one would probably have to reference a DK RP guide. If we're talking about how Night Elves would react to one, the section on "Undead" should give some ideas.
85 Dwarf Shaman
This guide should not be here, as the OP is known for heavily asserting that her interpretation and opinion of Night Elf lore is the only interpretation that is correct and has pushed it on others before.

If anything, put this on your guild site or tumblr or whatever. It's not helpful when you're trying to imply that this is the "official" way night elves must be on Moon Guard when it is not.

As much as I often disagree with Melyria and dislike the "personality scale" section, the guide is very good about its citations if you'd actually read it.
88 Human Warrior
Hell, I believe the personality scale is there because it needs to be said, as it touches on something that has come up repeatedly. People take generalities and argue against them as if someone claimed absolutes -- it's an internet thing. Without that bit, how many posts right off would be "But my nelf is total BFF with humans why cant you respect my rp!"?
Edited by Lito on 4/3/2012 1:20 PM PDT
85 Dwarf Shaman
04/03/2012 01:20 PMPosted by Lito
Hell, I believe the personality scale is there because it needs to be said, as it touches on something that has come up repeatedly. People take generalities and argue against them as if someone claimed absolutes -- it's an internet thing. Without that bit, how many posts right off would be "But my nelf is total BFF with humans why cant you respect my rp!"?

The nice part of the guide is it is written with a lot less bias than the posts that show up in night elf threads of old, and that's because of the technical nature of the paper. It's a good source of information for anyone brave enough to sift through it (most people hate reading heavily cited writing.)
What an extensive guide! I'll request for it to be stickied. You have my support!

Also, long time no see, Melyria. I know you don't know me well, but you're always welcome to call on me if you need help with old school raids again. :)
85 Dwarf Shaman
For better weight comparisons, Yao Ming, a 7 foot 5 man with an athletic build, weighs 310 pounds, and is considered on the lean side. 250 is a gross underestimation.
61 Human Death Knight
Arcane Magic is not forbidden in Teldrassil, unless "Teldrassil" refers to the area outside of Darnassus. This is evidenced by the arcane portal in the middle of the Temple of Elune.
Edited by Caristinn on 4/3/2012 1:51 PM PDT
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