Rp challenge-Alli side

90 Night Elf Rogue
Hello all, I have been asked by several people to do an rp challenge on Alliance side. I would like to make this realm wide and I think I can get things started fairly easy. The challenge is simply to level a character from 1 to 85 and not die. I would like to see as many as possible willing to FIRP this.

I do hope you will help support this effort and give me a chance to really get the ball rolling with a core group. I will use a non challenger as GM and oversee the rules and encourage anyone whether it is a new rper or a long time veteran.

So who out there is interested and tell me here with your new character and I will friend you and invite. I still need to come up with a name that suits the guild. It will be something to do with Fellowship.

Links to the Horde side challenge. http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/4363778667
Edited by Jaszmin on 5/18/2012 11:39 AM PDT
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60 Draenei Shaman
I have the charter ready for signatures. Name of the guild is Phoenix Fellowship. Rules are simple.

Level a character from 1 to 85 and stay in character. Open to any Alliance race.

Do not use heirlooms. All drops from mobs or crafted armor or weapons are accepted. White or grey armor is acceptable.

Guild bank is open to all. Use the vault to store materials and to put in crafted items for your fellow guildies. It is encouraged to take up a variety of crafting professions and share mats with those who are making stuff for guildies use.

Goal of the Fellowship is mutual cooperation. We will be a neutral good alignment, so please you can have characters who are a bit shady, but no outright evil.

Our code will be Loyalty, Valor, Compassion and Courage.

(this is Jaszmin alt)
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83 Blood Elf Warlock
I'd be interested in giving this a shot, provided there's no expectations to devote one's self to the challenge/the guild in general. I tend to bounce between different characters frequently, and Cenarion Circle isn't exactly my home server.

Probably a night elven druid or rogue, if what I asked about is fine.
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60 Draenei Shaman
Any Alliance race is fine and you are free to devote as much time as you need or want to.
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83 Blood Elf Warlock
Allright then.

Character is made, name is Amithae. I'll hop on there for a while and maybe see you there :3
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60 Draenei Shaman
I want a Journal kept as well, makes it interesting and a way to see your characters story as it progresses.


link for Horde Journal.
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60 Night Elf Death Knight
I'll try it out!

My character's name is Shaundre.
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31 Human Warlock
This is an intresting event. I would like to do this, but i have some questions. I'm a little new at in-game RP and have experienced different styles. As for not dieing means stay in character the whol time till 85? And a journal, where exactly would i keep or write the journal?
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60 Draenei Shaman
I will put the Journal up here and in CC forums as well. You can join at any time, I am on Nakilla now so come and find me in SW. I still need a couple of sigs to get the guild started. I have posted a partial list of rules on the CC forums.

Basically do it as in character as you can. There are certain things you can do to challenge yourself. I chose to do it strictly in character and no deaths. That is kind of extreme for most people, so we have relaxed rules for those who just want to try it with a bit more leeway. Like no death is counted if you dc or are killed accidently, like the elevators that are extremely high or if you fall off a cliff while mining.

As well as some do not want to count their death if they dungeon or do battlegrounds. I tend to avoid the bgs because it is a guaranteed death! The whole object is to enjoy questing and seeing the world in a more leisurely manner instead of a race to 85. And to stay in character is also a challenge.
Edited by Nakilla on 5/18/2012 1:40 PM PDT
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31 Human Warlock
Alright thanks. . . I'll add a sig to help get it started. I might not be on the character all of the time, I have my 85 to tend to. . . but I will join. I may not be a good RP but I can do it. One last question, for the journal, how often do I post? And so I cant die from a mob?
Edited by Samalexis on 5/18/2012 1:42 PM PDT
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1 Blood Elf Hunter
This is the alliance equivalent to our horde guild "Rising Sun Fellowship" So the journal would be kept as a forum like the horde one which was linked in an earlier post.

As far as the not dying and staying in character the whole time goes there are situations where they don’t count. I would suggest reading the rules that were posted on the horde’s signups for more details (again the link was previously posted)

Post as often or little as you like. It's there to help everyone enjoy your rp.

If you die to a mob you can continue playing and everything but it counts you out from the levelling without a death part of the challenge. On the horde side we have had people die and therefor killed their character off through the RP and start another character as a friend/relative of the first. Others died but just dropped from the challenge so they could continue the RP as normal. And then you have myself: I die, I delete my character and start her again as the same person with the same memories and everything and just find an IC reason why she isn’t up to speed with everyone else.
Edited by Narrator on 5/18/2012 1:50 PM PDT
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31 Human Warlock
Alright let me when the journal is up and I will start. I'm not a super great RPer but I'll try. It's Cenarion Circle right?
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60 Draenei Shaman
Note some of us are trying to do it without a single death, it is very hard!! But if you die and want to continue with your character you can mail your un soul bound items to an alt and restart your character with same name, just as seriously injured and having to relearn things. Again that is the extreme option.
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31 Human Warlock
I would like to only stay with the "stay IC" part of the challenge but this will be intresting.
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60 Draenei Shaman
Journal is up here and yes on Cenarion Circle.

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73 Blood Elf Warrior
I guess i'll make a char so i can help you out XD
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31 Human Warlock
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60 Draenei Shaman
if you are confused Samalexis what is it you want to do? Be specific! If you just want to rp then any guild will do that is rp. I am asking people to do the challenge by not dying and rping the journey from 1 to 85.

If you are wanting to do the challenge it is 'both' leveling and not dying, AND rping the experience.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
Hmm I think I'll join this need to make a character probably Worgen, or Draenei.
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60 Draenei Shaman
Make a character and meet Nakilla in Stormwind I have to see you in front of me to get a sig for the guild, no long distance guild charter sign ups.
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