Rp challenge-Alli side

31 Human Warlock
Srry about that, no I'm willing to do everything this challenge asks of me. My characters name is Shaulanta and is a Night Elf, see you in Stormwind...
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83 Blood Elf Warlock
Going to make up for a lack of actual RPing with nice lengthy journal entries. Hope that works as far as the challenge goes :3
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
Hey all! Poking my head in here from the Horde side of the challenge, actually, Verilia is my alt for the Allies, but, um, question, mainly for Mia/Jazzy/Kara/howevermanyofyouraltsIcouldcallyouby.

Are the Horde and Alliance sharing one journal, or are you planning on making another?
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60 Draenei Shaman
I did a separate one, its on the forum already.

Edited by Nakilla on 5/18/2012 6:49 PM PDT
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
Well, I managed to miss it... I'll write for Verilia tonight, theoretically.
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73 Blood Elf Warrior
If anyone needs help just message faeron, my char. Ill be helping mia/nakilla as no one should run everything alone. Also I can help clarify rules and what not
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I have joined the guild, and I be looking forward to a bumpy ride. See ya'll in the funny papers!
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I would be interested in joining but I was wondering if my character could be a death knight. I always enjoyed the idea of having my paladin turning to the lich king and the trying to reddem himself to the alliance.
Hope to hear from you soon
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71 Human Priest
Totally interested in this.
One question, because I am apparently stupid and have a hard time understanding things. -_-

If I die, and decide to make my character again (exact same one, same name and whatnot), I have to be injured, or lost my memory somehow, etc. correct?
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60 Draenei Shaman
Any time you die you have a choice. Either keep same character and restart at level 1 and just rp it as injured. Like a recovery time to get back to where you were and continue. Or you can continue and level that character as rp only and maybe start a new character. Also we have some relaxed rules, if it is before level 15 you do not have to count it. Or if your death is accidental or because of a disconnect.

As for Death knights. You cannot be in the challenge as it is to level from 1 to 85 and not die. If you want to start a death knight and have it as a support character for your challenge character you can do that. This is a good idea if you are new to the realm.

Any more questions? Be specific, or check out the rules and if you have some idea or other you wish to implement say it in here.
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24 Night Elf Rogue
Think I'm going to put my challenge on hold for the time being.

There's never anyone online or roleplaying, and it feels like cheating to be just levelling. Was on for several hours today doing Archaeology levelling to try and slow it down, but didn't see a soul.

So, I'll probably try picking it up down the line if/when there's more people doing it. Just levelling to 85 without dying isn't sufficient challenge for me, I'm afraid. :/
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60 Draenei Shaman
I apologise Amithae, I have several rps going at the moment and its hard for some people to be online at the same time. Sundays is only day I can get some of them. I am usually on daytimes after 12 Pacific time. Would like to find more people as well. So we can get some leveling done. My warrior Shaelei is at 13.
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71 Human Priest
Okay. Now I understand. *-* Thanks.

I'll be able to get on my human warrior tomorrow. Her name's Bethalee.
By the way, I can usually get on after 3:00 EST.
Edited by Deletion on 5/20/2012 7:15 PM PDT
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24 Night Elf Rogue
05/20/2012 07:09 PMPosted by Nakilla
I apologise Amithae, I have several rps going at the moment and its hard for some people to be online at the same time. Sundays is only day I can get some of them. I am usually on daytimes after 12 Pacific time. Would like to find more people as well. So we can get some leveling done. My warrior Shaelei is at 13.

It's not your fault.

I'll just sit tight and wait for others to catch up in level or something. Or just more people to start doing this so I can RP while I do the levellings.
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80 Human Hunter
So uhh i am interested in joining is this guild and challenge still going on?
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60 Draenei Shaman
It is always open, we need more challengers! Roll a character and let me know name so I can add you. Please don't use those odd characters in your name or you will have to whisper me instead. In game mail if you cannot catch me on and let me know when it is a good time to add you to the guild.
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18 Night Elf Mage
We need more Alli characters! It would be nice to find a partner to level with.
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95 Human Death Knight
I have, I admit, forgotten about Verilia... I might be in game on her later, we'll see. I've become very frustrated with healers tanking and dps healing, so leveling might be nice...
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