She has her moments, she has a demon that is guiding her and keeping her under his thumb. He is lax sometimes just to torment her. And I will be leveling her to 85 eventually. But no longer in the IC way. She will just be a member OOC.
RP Challenge Sign-up(Rising Sun Fellowship)#2
Oh my gerd these journal entries are so heart felt and amozing good job guys xD
Even my heart throbbing crap about the holy paladin and the unholy Death Knight? :D?
Yes angel I loved your journal entry too.
Damn I love everyones. you guys are really good! :3
Damn I love everyones. you guys are really good! :3
Ashok, I would love it if you would go back to being more like the old Tyrael, you know, the one that actually cared about the people in the Fellowship and tried to help us? If you cannot do that then be a villain we can actually deal with realistically. Just my opinion.
09/13/2012 07:55 AMPosted by AshokkAllay I need to talk to you about what is going on with the Guild :x I need to know what I'm supposed to be doing with Tyrael in relations to the guild.
Uhm, yeah. Hit me up on skype, or something like that.
I'll be in game tonight, maybe, and then tomorrow during the day.
Welp, I'll be on tonight....
*Silently cheers*
Been to long of a week....
*Silently cheers*
Been to long of a week....
09/13/2012 08:08 AMPosted by KaramiaAshok, I would love it if you would go back to being more like the old Tyrael, you know, the one that actually cared about the people in the Fellowship and tried to help us? If you cannot do that then be a villain we can actually deal with realistically. Just my opinion.
I'm confused as to how Tyrael is not realistically beatable by the 4-5 people that would come after him. Its not like you will be fighting an army or a super bad guy its just Tyrael a warrior. I mean you really need to be more specific.
Also I hate playing good guy characters I mean I really don't enjoy it because they are so boring to me.
Hey guys! (waves to Fellowship) This is Tislina and I just wanted to let you all know that I am in fact alive! Very busy, but alive. I haven't been around in a while, and I did not want you all to think I abandoned you. Because I didn't! Anywho, I'll be on sometime tonight. See you soon!
P.S. This is one of my random alts. I posted on her because I was in a hurry.
P.S. This is one of my random alts. I posted on her because I was in a hurry.
I'm glad we have regular readers!
I'll be writing something slowly. I have some work I need to get done after class, but then we'll see.
Yay im glad im recognized. I am so going to be in your guild when I get to play Wow again (can't play during school >.>)
While I am waiting for the servers to let me in:
Mia, I wanted to talk with you a bit about "To Catch a Thief," it died as a thread but you had mentioned doing something with it in game. Are you still interested in that storyline? It is something that we could pick up in game or it could still work on the forums if you like, but it would be the two of us running it with the main synopsis being whether or not my toon figures out that Syd was the weapons trafficker and in the end, what she decides to do with the information. If you are ready to see it go, then that is fine. I'll try to tag you in game to chat about it.
Mia, I wanted to talk with you a bit about "To Catch a Thief," it died as a thread but you had mentioned doing something with it in game. Are you still interested in that storyline? It is something that we could pick up in game or it could still work on the forums if you like, but it would be the two of us running it with the main synopsis being whether or not my toon figures out that Syd was the weapons trafficker and in the end, what she decides to do with the information. If you are ready to see it go, then that is fine. I'll try to tag you in game to chat about it.
Sorry about that Auxi, it was just not getting the attention it needed. But in game we can certainly do something. Sydric is a mystery anyway.
Ihealedyou, looking forward to seeing you in game when you can. We're always looking for new RPers and folks to join in all the fun and excitement around here. But don't forget Real Life and studies come first...this is just a game.
I'm just a player in a long story in the days and lifes of Azeroth. Or is it, I'm just a player in a Rock'n'Roll band? I get confused sometimes. Sometimes? Okay, all the time.
I'm just a player in a long story in the days and lifes of Azeroth. Or is it, I'm just a player in a Rock'n'Roll band? I get confused sometimes. Sometimes? Okay, all the time.
I missed you yesterday Cyaer. I spent almost all day in Minecraft. But I did come to WOW and ran a couple dungeons with Angel and Mal. I apologise if you popped in while I was gone. I just needed a break from WOW.
I even ended up blowing off an old friend on his night for rp, because I just was not feeling it. If you are going to be in game today let me know what time. I will be there.
I even ended up blowing off an old friend on his night for rp, because I just was not feeling it. If you are going to be in game today let me know what time. I will be there.
Last night couldn't get on WoW due to the server troubles...hopeful about tonight.
Tonight, probably around 6 pm CST, so about 4pm your time? I would like to chat with Kel'tira for a few minutes in there, but she may be swimming (not sure). Taking the new boys out?
A break from WoW. What is that like dinner or a bathroom break?
LOL! I can dig it. One of the many reasons I'm cutting back, the dreaded WoW burnout.
Tonight, probably around 6 pm CST, so about 4pm your time? I would like to chat with Kel'tira for a few minutes in there, but she may be swimming (not sure). Taking the new boys out?
A break from WoW. What is that like dinner or a bathroom break?
LOL! I can dig it. One of the many reasons I'm cutting back, the dreaded WoW burnout.
I will be there, and leveling the happy go lucky warrior. I am going to get one to 85 without dying!! I am determined!
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