RP Challenge Sign-up(Rising Sun Fellowship)#2

99 Worgen Priest
Ihealedyou, looking forward to seeing you in game when you can. We're always looking for new RPers and folks to join in all the fun and excitement around here. But don't forget Real Life and studies come first...this is just a game.

I'm just a player in a long story in the days and lifes of Azeroth. Or is it, I'm just a player in a Rock'n'Roll band? I get confused sometimes. Sometimes? Okay, all the time.

Ok I will study hard and JOIN THE FELLOWSHIP XD!

Can you b both. That be cool to be both at the same time xD
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Cyaer!! Where are you?
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
09/14/2012 12:30 PMPosted by Cynilinestia
I will be there, and leveling the happy go lucky warrior. I am going to get one to 85 without dying!! I am determined!

Looking forward to it :3 We need three in our club!
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
Having a "Bad Day at Blackrock" today. Achey, hot, miserable. And worst of all, no WoW for too long. I realize now how much I enjoy interacting with all the Rising Sun Fellowship members, and each of you players. I have been missing it these past few days. Hopefully, I'll be coming back soon.

The patches have been running havoc on the laptop, and the desktop has been giving me trouble in connecting. Help me by praying my lottery ticket comes in, LOL! I talked with Mia on Skype and I have a few options I'm going to try to look into.

If all goes well, I'll be back Monday or Tuesday...it's taking that long to load the 5.0.5 patches. Like I said, it's driving me crazy, but it's the best I got for now.

Have a good time, enjoy the game, and try to miss me a little bit okay? Lord, bless your day!
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86 Blood Elf Hunter
We do miss you Cyaer, and good luck on the lottery ticket!
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
Meh, lost the lottery, put in a few more bucks to see if I can do it next time.

But I'm back in! YAY! I'm running my new pally to see how well I can do in running it to 90 without a death. We shall see...

And thanks for missing me...if even just a little. : )
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86 Blood Elf Paladin
Xalandir, I hate to say it but you are becoming a Gary Stu...no one is that good they never miss and are successful all the time...you are being very overpowered.

I know it is fun to write like that. But not very realistic as far as rp is concerned.
Edited by Karamia on 9/19/2012 4:10 PM PDT
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99 Worgen Priest
09/19/2012 03:57 PMPosted by Karamia
Gary Stu...

lol isn't it Mary Sue? xD
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90 Human Paladin
09/19/2012 05:26 PMPosted by Ihealedyou
Gary Stu...

lol isn't it Mary Sue? xD

Gary Stu is the male version of Mary.

Also this area is saved for my analysis.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
I understand there are like two or three meetings this weekend? It almost sounds like work, where there's a meeting to just schedule the upcoming meetings, and yes, we really do that.

Actually, I'm kind of looking forward to them. It's always interesting to share our ideas, and speak to each other in character. Sometimes it's fun, sometimes not so much. But it is... interesting.

May I ask what time the meetings are? I think there is an officer's meeting. And at least a guild meeting that I know of. Is there another meeting I'm forgetting? (I'm so confused, help me)
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86 Blood Elf Paladin
There was no Kel'Tira today, so the meeting was kind of a no show. I hope she is back tomorrow. Let's hope we can all keep things going. I have done some character development on Alliance side and I will be bouncing around a lot getting ready for MOP.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
Things will probably slow down a bit as there are some players with toons on various servers (like me). I will be back and forth between servers leveling various toons, but will not disappear from CC.
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100 Night Elf Druid
Lyrilia here! I'll check in to see if there is a meeting today, but I should finish levelling my dk and gearing my druid here. I'll be jumping between rexxar and CC for a bit. My druid heres been neglected >.>
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
Wow! I checked out my computer this morning to prepare for the long download of MoP today. Nope, already on, and I created my first pandaren! Whoohooo! I'm anxious to play him, and present him to the Fellowship as a possible candidate for admission! I cannot believe it was ready to go this morning!

Okay, you can tell I'm kind of stoked to play MoP. I know it will be a crazy madhouse, but I'm willing to see how bad it is. Hey, I shopped for toys for the grandchildren during the Black Friday sales last year. I'm experienced! LOL!
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90 Human Paladin
Here however I have to get ready to raid with my raiding guild. We are going for server firsts starting next tuesday so you won't see a lot of me.
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38 Blood Elf Mage
Hey all, everyone having fun with MoP? I know I am! Anyways, I'll be popping in and out throught out the week, but I am having a blast with my friends on my main! Hope your all having a great time and happy adventuring!

(Screams in glee/terror as she almost falls off one of the new kite transportations)
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
09/25/2012 02:26 PMPosted by Tislina
(Screams in glee/terror as she almost falls off one of the new kite transportations)

Honestly? I would have fallen off. The troll shaman would have an excuse, the belf rogue would not. Anyway, looking forward to plummeting to my death (apparently twice).

Like Tis, I will be splitting my time between my beloved troll and Auxi, although I will be spending the evenings on Auxi since I will be rp'ing with Sol as we level (or at least until he gets bored and heads on without me).

Off topic: we need a medic and the tea is tasty.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
Cy, I loved your journal entry!
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15 Human Hunter
Ooooooh neryth you in twouble >.>


This is so interesting POST MORE O.o
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86 Blood Elf Paladin
I apologise for my absense people, I have gotten a bit disgusted with Hordeside politics. Needed to go Alliance for awhile. Please carry on without me. Oh I see Neryth already is...so sad. Cyaer I still love ya...just having a slight problem trying to play more than one character at a time...
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