RP Challenge Sign-up(Rising Sun Fellowship)#2

15 Human Hunter



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86 Blood Elf Paladin
My poor Cyaer, I have not deserted you. I am here. I will be in game during the daytime hours if you are around.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
Perhaps tomorrow? I'm at work now. And have an evening planned with my wife if all goes well.

Edit: I never felt deserted by you. Did I miss you? Yes. I understand your wanting to go Alliance after what happened at Theramore, and all. So enjoy yourself.
Edited by Cyaer on 9/28/2012 11:23 AM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
Secondly, I am working on a project to be posted on the website; it is ambitious, but something that had been in my head for quite some time. I will be sending out in-game mail asking for a character quote. I don't want to reveal the project just yet in case it is just too much for me to do with the limited resources I have at the moment--and honestly, I do not know how long it will take, so please be patient with me. If I abandon the project, I will let everyone know here.

Life is slowing down again for me (although my kitchen is about to be torn out) and I think I am ready to move forward with this project, albeit slowly right now. Kel, if you can make it for each segment, please do. Here is what I am asking:

1) I will need about 20-30 minutes alone with each character. This will be OOC. I am asking guildies to think about your character(s) and what is something typical for your character(s). You will also need to think about a location that fits said character(s).

2) Think about some trivia bit for the character(s). I do need you to keep it at or below 200 characters.

3) I will post a sign up with time slots (in realm time) sometime in the next few days. Please pick a slot that you will be available and post it in the OOC. I will back fill the post as slots get taken up. I will only be doing 2-3 of these a night to limit the amount of time I am spending on this on a daily basis.

4) Once your segment is finished, please do not share it with other guildies. I would like for this to be a surprise. Also, please do not show up for someone else's segment.

5) If there is an issue with your segment, I will contact you and arrange a time that we can redo it.

6) Once all the segments are filmed, I may come back and ask for groups of people to round things out.

Here are the characters I have in mind, if you want to add or remove one of your characters, please let me know:

Tislina, Kreindis, Nicias, Kel'Tira, Cyaer, Karamia, Tyrael, Viragona, Lyrilia, Aseria, Alenthis, Solorin, Auxilia, Ang'iel, Malathir

I have left out some alts since the mains current take 15 slots, but if you want yours in, let me know. If I have missed someone (which is quite likely, the past few days have been busy and long) please let me know.

We need to look out for Nic on Skype and see when he is available to come into the game for this. Skype and my computer do not always play well together so if someone can keep an eye out for him, that would be great.
Edited by Auxilia on 10/1/2012 8:05 AM PDT
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86 Blood Elf Paladin
Oh a video about the Rising Sun Fellowship? How cool!! And yes I am kind of involved in the Alli side of things, but I will make time for this. Auxi, I know you like to be up late like I do so schedule me like after 10 pacific time? If that is ok. Either that or early in morning like between 8 and 10 a m.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
09/28/2012 02:48 PMPosted by Karamia
after 10 pacific time

After 10 pacific time is after 1am my time, but if you can make it on a Friday or Saturday night, I can make it work. (Coffee makes LOTS of things work!)

Also, Mia, did you delete Karavaelia? If so, can you recreate her for this? I'd like to get a shot of her in if I can. A level 1 character at Sunstrider Isle would work out well for this, perhaps by the Shrine of Dath'Remar.
Edited by Auxilia on 9/29/2012 5:37 AM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
Okay, if you have more than one character, please use more than one sign up. At the moment, there are more slots than segments as I am trying to be flexible for everyone’s schedules. If nothing here works for you, please let me know. If you are going to miss your time slot, please let me know so I won’t be waiting on you. Thanks!

Remember, all times are server time, which is PDT!

Wednesday October 3

6pm PDT – Solorin

7pm PDT –

Thursday October 4

6pm PDT –

7pm PDT – Lyrillia

Friday October 5

7pm PDT – Tislina

8pm PDT – Cyaer

10pm PDT – Karamia

Saturday October 6

12pm PDT –

7pm PDT – Kreindis

8pm PDT –

Monday October 8

6pm PDT –

7pm PDT –

Tuesday October 9

6pm PDT –

7pm PDT –

Wednesday October 10

6pm PDT –

7pm PDT –
Edited by Auxilia on 10/6/2012 2:18 PM PDT
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100 Blood Elf Warrior
Auxi, I could do it Thursday Oct 4th at 7pm
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90 Blood Elf Death Knight
Six on Wed, That would be Wunderbar for me
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86 Blood Elf Paladin
Auxi I had no idea that was so late for you, we can do it earlier if you want to. I am on Pacific time which is server time. So we can try for 8 if you want to. That day is fine as well.
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38 Blood Elf Mage
Friday October 5 at 7 would probably be best for me.

Also I have had some things come up and I will not be able to attend tonight's meeting.

Have a wonderful week everyone!
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
Friday October 5 at 8 pm works for me. In my adventure clothes or casual clothes?
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
Where whatever you'd like (Kel wore her regular clothes, Auxi will probably be in her armor.) Think about where you'd like to film, too, and let me know ahead of time.

Also, do not forget to send me an in-game mail with some trivia bit about your character. It will add some depth to them. Also, if I see pairs of people on, I may tag you to come film some scenes with more than one person.

P.S. The Promo Video is out!

Edited by Auxilia on 10/1/2012 10:09 AM PDT
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99 Worgen Priest
Ok I am able to get on wow for the weekends and I have a few questions to ask if it isn't a problem :)

1) what is a good name for a blood elf priest, paladin, or warrior (really having a tough time choosing >.<)

2) I understand it has to be blood elf but I don't know much lore and my computer is admin protected so i can't get on wowwiki or wowpedia so can you give me a basic overview of the blood elves.

3) does it matter if I am a guy in RL but I play a female, not saying i am going to just asking.

4) Is it fine if I am only on in the weekends since i still have school?
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87 Blood Elf Paladin
Auxi, I can do it anytime during Friday, Saturday, or Sunday, pretty much.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
Happy Birthday to Solorin!


Krei: I put you down for Saturday at 7pm server time.


To answer Ihealedyou's questions:

1) This is a good site for elven names: http://www.candlekeep.com/library/articles/elven_names.htm

2) Edit: This was for the Sisters of Elune forums but the link is broken. I will see about getting some information in this thread for you (unless someone beats me to it).

3) Play any gender you would like, it does not matter.

4) Weekends are fine.


Back to the project, can we get everyone on sometime this week for a big group shot of us dancing in Silvermoon City? Kel, should know why but I won't tell anyone else. I may put out a general call for everyone.

Could we do it Saturday night at 6pm server time?
Edited by Auxilia on 10/2/2012 11:15 AM PDT
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99 Worgen Priest
To answer Ihealedyou's questions:

1) This is a good site for elven names: http://www.candlekeep.com/library/articles/elven_names.htm

2) Edit: This was for the Sisters of Elune forums but the link is broken. I will see about getting some information in this thread for you (unless someone beats me to it).

3) Play any gender you would like, it does not matter.

4) Weekends are fine.

Alright thx a bunch :)
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95 Human Death Knight
8 server is 11 my time, not good. Weekends are best, since school is an issue.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
kk, changed to to 6pm server on Saturday.
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99 Worgen Priest
Ok I have decided on a arms warrior named Soren Silverblade.... good yes?

Second he is a blood elf and how do I join the guild?
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