Also... I need a list of names. Important names.
RP Challenge (Rising Sun Fellowship OOC #3)
Happy New Year! ^.^
A list of people hmm? O.o
And....Final Entry?!?
A list of people hmm? O.o
And....Final Entry?!?
Aye, the final entry of the year. DO you think I would give up writing the journal?
I love it too much, and while it's not great writing, I think it will do.
So begins a new year, with the guild mistress down and hurt, and a very sad rogue.
What is in store for the brave people of the Rising Sun Fellowship? I cannot only wait and tell one day at a time...and that's not soon enough.
Happy New year 2013! To all of you, I hope and pray it's a grand one for each and every one of you.
I love it too much, and while it's not great writing, I think it will do.
So begins a new year, with the guild mistress down and hurt, and a very sad rogue.
What is in store for the brave people of the Rising Sun Fellowship? I cannot only wait and tell one day at a time...and that's not soon enough.
Happy New year 2013! To all of you, I hope and pray it's a grand one for each and every one of you.
Well, to be honest, I wasn't expecting last night to turn out how it did, but you know...
I had my reasons, and for now, those reasons will stay my own. So now, on this second (depresssingly gray and rainy on the east coast) day of the year, happy new year.
Also, Cy, you write plenty well, everyone does wonderfully. I'm impressed to see how much better -everyone- has gotten with the journals since we started.
I had my reasons, and for now, those reasons will stay my own. So now, on this second (depresssingly gray and rainy on the east coast) day of the year, happy new year.
Also, Cy, you write plenty well, everyone does wonderfully. I'm impressed to see how much better -everyone- has gotten with the journals since we started.
Edited by Allaynna on 1/2/2013 6:22 AM PST
<blush> Aw...
I have noticed the same, Kel. As you practice and write, it does improve.
In my case it was having all those superlative writers being amazing, and hoping to hold my own. Now I have people like Lyri and Alen keeping me honest. And of course, you keep me in my place also.
I so enjoy the journal pages. For the continuing stories, insight into the characters, and the great writing. Thank you all for keeping this old man entertained.
I have noticed the same, Kel. As you practice and write, it does improve.
In my case it was having all those superlative writers being amazing, and hoping to hold my own. Now I have people like Lyri and Alen keeping me honest. And of course, you keep me in my place also.
I so enjoy the journal pages. For the continuing stories, insight into the characters, and the great writing. Thank you all for keeping this old man entertained.
O.o Kidnapped Cyaer's? Good God!
I thoroughly enjoyed you post. Not for the content, well, yeah, the content, but the feelings it brought up in me. Ash has been a wonderful character that I have enjoyed interacting with in the past. I only regret I haven't had the chance to lately.
I thoroughly enjoyed you post. Not for the content, well, yeah, the content, but the feelings it brought up in me. Ash has been a wonderful character that I have enjoyed interacting with in the past. I only regret I haven't had the chance to lately.
Poor Ash! I hate to see such an interesting character perish! It was an interesting bargain that she made to ensure the safety of the Fellowship. I have to cringe for Ash, whatever the witch has in store cannot be pleasant.
D'awwww guys ;_; Makin' me regret this....
I had to go back in and edit a few things since i wrote in in the middle of the night while flat on my face tired. Thought I might as well get it done as I've been slack lately. Thank you so much for the comments :D
I had to go back in and edit a few things since i wrote in in the middle of the night while flat on my face tired. Thought I might as well get it done as I've been slack lately. Thank you so much for the comments :D
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