Rising Sun Fellowship (OOC #4)

90 Blood Elf Hunter
Shadow if you're still interested in that storyline we were talking about before shutdown, consider Kye's journal entry her opening salvo.

Totally :> There's my recap of the past two days, a rough idea of what's going on in my character's head.

So, for tonight, either I'll be on at 10 pm or I can get on earlier, but then I have to leave at 5 pm, maybe no later than 5:30 pm. Whichever works for you two. Probably save it for the 10 pm thing.

Unless Sam wants to get on during the afternoon and RP, then trail that off and we meet up at Kye's place after 10 o.O
Edited by Shade on 8/28/2013 5:22 AM PDT
90 Blood Elf Hunter
Great post.

I'll be on from around 5-6pm server time, depending on how my errands go. I'll probably be alt hopping a bit so just grab me when you're ready to rp at Kye's place.
90 Blood Elf Monk
Spooky spooky spooky.

Sorry I love my tension building RP.

Don't worry y'all will get to witness this epic battle.
86 Blood Elf Hunter
Lmao everyone is posting today it looks like. Will wait for Sam's 2/2 before posting Fyn's entry.


Ahahaha Zak!! Love triangle :P

Nice posts all!
Edited by Fynnariel on 8/28/2013 1:43 PM PDT
90 Blood Elf Hunter
I've posted for Kye. I'm having a lot of fun with the triangle atm.

I'm leaving Kye's Direbrew Remote in her bag so we can have another place to rp that isn't the beach or Stillwhisper Pond. The drawback is that we can only get 5 people at a time in BRD and that the characters have to be high enough in level to enter the Blackrock Depths instance.

I'll try to get a journal entry up for Rhannah later, after I do a few errands.
90 Blood Elf Hunter
Luckily, the min ilvl is much lower than the 'usual' ilvl. Anyone at level 42 or above can come in.

Shh, don't tease poor Zak :> I feel bad for Kye, though. Haha.
90 Blood Elf Hunter
Please... I feel bad for Shade :)
85 Night Elf Druid
Zak: Umm writer what's going on.

Me: Don't worry about it, just keep doing what you're doing.

Zak: This is going to get ugly isn't it?

Me: Perhaps, time will tell.

Zak: >_<

Zak hates me right now:P
Edited by Sammuroth on 8/28/2013 5:26 PM PDT
100 Blood Elf Death Knight
Oh my gurd its so short. My writing lately is like derping lately. But I dont make enough journal posts so, eh. :3
90 Blood Elf Hunter
Oh oh oh, the ways I can hurt my character, glee!

I will break her. :3 Oh yes, yes I will.

Length isn't everything, Lin. (That's what she said). Yes, I just did.
90 Human Death Knight
And then I posted on my DK.

What is this? Zyss has a girlfriend? Oh my.
90 Blood Elf Monk
Time to post the Rath/Striker fight.

I think y'all will enjoy it.
90 Blood Elf Monk
Tsk tsk Samm. Posting in the middle of my post!
85 Night Elf Druid
I'm sorryXD

it was quite an enjoyable fight though:)
Edited by Sammuroth on 8/29/2013 12:51 PM PDT
51 Blood Elf Monk
Was a good post, all of them are for that matter. It's why I enjoy reading such talented things. I can't help but wonder though if this love triangle is not going to lead to a bunch of drama. I hope not.

Rather, you always post good stuff. I am not sure what I am going to do with Rian, he is in a strange place now emotionally. Being raised by a strict disciplinarion father who would never offer the slightest bit of encouragement, he is crippled by his fear of never being good enough.

I doubt I could ever get him to cap. I am not that good with the monk class. I am surprrised I got him this far!
90 Blood Elf Hunter
Great posts Sam and Rath.

Mia, the triangle shouldn't lead to OOC drama. Shadow and I had talked about how the triangle would end before we even started it. So we know the destination, just not how we will get there.

We discussed briefly last night, having a fourth person turn the triangle into a square, one that was chasing Shade, but none of us could come up with someone to take that role without one of us making an alt, so that idea will probably be scrapped. (Sam was part of that discussion as it came up during the rp.).

IC drama is a totally different thing. Not one of us involved in the triangle knows what will happen ICly.

Anyway, I have to get ready for work so my journal entry will have to wait. Have a great afternoon and I'll see you all when I get home.
Edited by Kyetah on 8/29/2013 2:25 PM PDT
85 Night Elf Druid
I agree 100% with Rhan, there will be no OOC drama, but the whole triangle thing is meant to cause IC drama, for our characters. I am not privvy to what Shadow, and Rhan talked about concerning this, but we are all adults, so by the end all three of us will have had fun, and probably have a good laugh at Zak's awkwardness:P
Edited by Sammuroth on 8/29/2013 2:36 PM PDT
90 Blood Elf Hunter
Here's hint:
I may lose for a time because of it, but I am confident that in the end, I will be the one that wins.
90 Blood Elf Hunter
Definitely, Zak's awkwardness is hilarious. :> Shade gets a kick out of it, and with pushing buttons. Jealousy is kept IC, Rath thinks this is hilarious so if you're concerned about him, don't be. He wouldn't even care if things weren't pre-destined and there was a chance Shade and Zak could be a thing.

Plus, this is a good way for me to get to know my new hunter character, I haven't spent a lot of time with her yet, so this is great for me!
85 Night Elf Druid
Rhan I will need to speak with you OOCly when you get on tonight, need your opinion on something regarding this:3
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