Rising Sun Fellowship (OOC #4)

90 Blood Elf Hunter
And yes, Zaksam, I did talk to Rath if it's about that one thing.

Great posts, Rath and Zak :D

Now I have to go farm some herbs for raid. QQ.
86 Blood Elf Hunter
Great posts Rath and Zak!

Loving where these storylines are going!

85 Night Elf Druid
Rhan sorry I had to go to sleep I was about to pass out at my keyboard, I will talk to you tomorrow:)
90 Blood Elf Hunter
It's fine Sam, I literally walked in the door about 5 minutes ago and I'm exhausted.

I'll talk to you guys tomorrow, unless of course you are online when I log on in about 20 minutes.

I was going to get Kye's journal entry up tonight but I might leave it until tomorrow.
85 Night Elf Druid
Giant Post Incoming:P

Ta-dah I hope you all enjoy it:3
Edited by Sammuroth on 8/30/2013 11:18 AM PDT
90 Blood Elf Hunter
Wow! You weren't kidding Sam. That is one long post :) I enjoyed reading it.

Rath, at some point, Kye needs to meet with Tyrael to discuss labour for the building phase of the renovations.

I'm in the middle of writing Kye's journal post now, I was too exhausted last night from work to do much more than blob out in front of the tv.
85 Night Elf Druid
ty Rhan I had been waiting for a good time to do that, and I figured with his current emotional struggle right now, it was the perfect time, so yeah even though can't be seen in game, next time you or Shade sees Zak he is gonna be completely covered in bandages, and barely able to walk:P
90 Blood Elf Hunter
Poor Zak!

Anyway, Kye's journal is finally up. Sorry it took so long. I should be online in about an hour if anyone wants to rp.
90 Blood Elf Hunter
The events of last night will not be forgotten anytime soon. :>
25 Blood Elf Monk
GOOOOD MORNING AZEROTH! It's a... Well, it's a day, and Shadow has your morning news! It's time for some love and fun in the sun, so tune in to her broadcast and remember...

We love you!
85 Night Elf Druid
Good Morning/ Afternoon /Evening my friends, time zones ftw:P

All I can say about the end of that post Shadow is d'awwwwwwwww:D
90 Blood Elf Rogue
What happened to the Legion's End Thread? No one is posting in it! I posted , and a few others did, but nothing is happening?
85 Night Elf Druid
post is up in the Journal thread:)
90 Blood Elf Monk
A good day of RP.

Expect things this coming week to move forward at high speed.

Trust me when I say high speed. Things are about to go boom.
85 Night Elf Druid
And Zak is on bedrest dangit I picked a hell of a time to have him almost get killedXD
90 Blood Elf Hunter
And now today shall be filled with even more fun RP :D Time to break some hearts all the way!
86 Blood Elf Hunter
The conclusion to Fyn's Forsaken hunt is now up....the fighting scene was really hard to think up...hope you all enjoy it though! :D
90 Blood Elf Hunter
Posted my journal entry.

I'm not going to apologise for any sadness that occurs when reading the part about Kye's seer friend. I was brushing away the tears as I wrote it myself. He doesn't have a name yet, or at least Kye hasn't told me what his name was, but him and Jorel (the man who taught her how to hunt) are the two biggest influences on her life.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8wCymclwrnw (Been singing this while farming dungeons and Kye was dancing to it last night. It's kind of stuck in my head at the moment.)
Edited by Kyetah on 9/1/2013 5:27 PM PDT
85 Night Elf Druid
90 Blood Elf Hunter
Yeah, I don't think tonight could have ended any worse for Shade. :>

I'm gonna scream raaape on this one. See what happens. Lol.

Thanks you guys for letting me be your living obstacle. It was short, but fun!
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