Rising Sun Fellowship (OOC #4)

86 Blood Elf Hunter
Aw poor Shade D:

LoL Fyn is sleeping in a room nearby and hears none of this XD Out like a light.
90 Blood Elf Hunter
I kind of feel sorry for Shade myself.

It was fun having a living obstacle even if Kye feels a little guilty about winning. She'd be a lot happier about it if Shade didn't remind her of herself so much and she was actually able to hate Shade.. Eh, Kye will get over it.

Kye wound up staying the night with Zak (His virtue, if he still had it, is intact) and she's planning to talk to Striker again about taking Zak back to the guest house and she's planning to argue for it this time.

BTW, Kye still needs to talk to Tyrael about labour for the building phase of the renovations.
85 Night Elf Druid
Of course Zak still has his virtue, if he didn't do you think he would have been so awkward this whole time:P

Gonna wait for Rhan to get a Journal post up for Kye, before I get one up for Zak assuming she was gonna make one of course
90 Blood Elf Hunter
Not sure if I'll be able to get one up. I have to leave for work in an hour and a half. I may have to wait until I get home or tomorrow morning. Feel free to post Zak's journal entry, I'm kind of struggling for ideas of how to condense almost 6 hours of rp into a single journal entry and don't have the time to sit down and write it out.
85 Night Elf Druid
what time will you be getting home server time?
90 Blood Elf Hunter
With any luck between 10 and 11 pm server, depending on how much work needs to be done and traffic.
85 Night Elf Druid
ok:) I will try to have my post up by the time you return:3
90 Blood Elf Hunter
It makes me happy that there are feels. Like I've said, it means that the RP was good and the character was good. It's something I cherish as a writer, it means that I'm doing something right and means a lot to me. So, for that, thank you, everyone. :3
90 Blood Elf Hunter
After playing Kye for so long, she's finally opening up to me and filling in some holes. The problem is that she is wanting to talk about them in her next journal entry and I'm not sure that I am ready to write about them.
90 Blood Elf Hunter
Well, could always RP them out if you don't want to post about them in the journal, yet. I volunteer Shade if nothing else. :3
90 Blood Elf Hunter
Not Shade. Eve and I would have to insist on the location being the small graveyard outside the wall near Falconwing Square.

Of course this is all providing I have any influence over Kye and can get her to changed her mind. Before that can occur though, I need sleep. See you in the morning.
90 Blood Elf Hunter
Pft. Influence over characters. Like that ever works. *looks at Striker*

Shade will be moving around in a couple of days, I'm sure. Mostly she's just trying to cope with the pain because she's scared of pain meds now. Lol.

I've got Eve, Shadow, uhm... Lol Ares. But I don't think he's going to be sticking around for long. I don't know what he's 'supposed' to be doing and when he's supposed to get back to doing it. .-. Not like he listens to people half the time, ICly or OOCly.

"There's an evil assassin out there who's going to pick off Kel and the Fellowship? Sounds cool. I'll go kill him." Challenges Selethen.

Proceeds to fight Selethen over the course of a month+, due to weird !@# time.

Has multiple opportunities to off the guy and lets him go each and every time.

Has him on his death bed, and keeps him alive.

Keeps him as a pet...

"Oh, you want me to go spy on this other evil guy? Sounds cool. I'll go do that."

Has come back without announcement to the Fellowship/Firehawk Spire about three times and to Booty Bay's tavern maybe about four...

*facepalm* His reasoning is that he keeps running out of books to read and gets bored.
85 Night Elf Druid
I was soooo bored last night not having a life suxXD

oh well I will be on tonight as well, if anyone wants to rp, and/or if Fyn wants to run some dungeons:P
90 Blood Elf Hunter
I'm sorry .-. Like I've said, I've put my battletag in my guild note if anyone needs or wants me around for anything. I had to do some last minute valor capping on my DK because I decided to spend so much time over on CC that I kinda... put that off... 500 valor in an hour and a half, whee!
85 Night Elf Druid
<3 Shadow :3
90 Blood Elf Hunter
86 Blood Elf Hunter
Sorry! Took a bit of wow break yesterday. But I'm sure I'll be on later tonight after work for some dungeons and stuff! :D
90 Blood Elf Hunter
I need to do some LFR's for gear and sigils if anyone is interested in joining me.

Also it seems I have zero influence over Kye. Sigh... *places a box of tissues next to the computer.*
90 Blood Elf Hunter
Okay. It's solid and in stone now. Tuesdays are !@#$ for me to be expected to do much of anything that doesn't involve talking or RPing over B-tag. :/
90 Blood Elf Rogue
Going to be out of game for a bit, my right wrist is black and blue. It is sore and tender. No use in trying to do anything but watch tv or read. Trying to rp and forced to type with one hand would be extremely hard.

Yes I have it wrapped and meds are making me sleepy. Hope you don't miss me too bad.
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