Rising Sun Fellowship (OOC #4)

90 Blood Elf Hunter
Hope it gets better soon Mia!

Finally got a journal entry up. I'll post a longer one with more detail in it later.
86 Blood Elf Hunter
Aw Mia that sucks! Hope it heals up fast!
85 Night Elf Druid
Feel better Mia, and good post Rhan can't wait for more:)
90 Blood Elf Rogue
Hey, dear heart, how you doing? I know you said you were taking it easy, but do just that. I wondered why I didn't see you on last night. You have become such a staple in my friends list, I wondered where you were.

Know that you are in my prayers, and that I love you. Take care, my precious friend.
85 Night Elf Druid
Gosh dangit Shadow, every Journal post you make me feel worse for Shade Stahp eet:P
90 Blood Elf Monk
The feels are important to the character. Don't worry Striker is making her get over it xD

And no that does not mean what you think it means. Expect many journal posts from me coming up here.
90 Blood Elf Rogue
Just a silly question here...what happened to the tavern thread? Why is no one posting in it? I thought it was supposed to be a way for all of us to interact and have some fun with the cross faction people?

Thanks all for your well wishes. I am fine, just a bit sore and trying to take it easy. One handed typing is slow!
90 Human Warrior
Just a silly question here...what happened to the tavern thread? Why is no one posting in it? I thought it was supposed to be a way for all of us to interact and have some fun with the cross faction people?

It started to feel very clique-ish and so it died. I was excited about making it but then with how people kept posting about how their characters wouldn't actually go to such an event and were mostly keeping to themselves I asked myself the question: "Well if all its going to be is several different 1 on 1 RPs why bother making it a thread?"

If you want big group style RPs but your characters aren't the type to enjoy such settings then you put me between a rock and a hard place. I want to give you RP but at the same time when I feel like the work I do try to do goes unappreciated I go "Welp why bother?"

Food for thought while I work on the next stage of the RP arc for the guild since 5.4 is dropping on Tuesday.
90 Blood Elf Rogue
I wanted to say something to that, but decided not to.
90 Human Warrior
I wanted to say something to that, but decided not to.

You should say something. Its better to say it than to keep it bottled up.
90 Blood Elf Rogue
This is hard so bear with me. As a whole, the Fellowship is not cliquish. We have all interacted with each other. We have all made friends and done some one on one rp and that is good. Sometimes its the only rp we can get. Not because we don't want to group rp, but simply logistics. Not all of us can be online at the same time.

I find the rp to be very interesting to watch. However I also see way too much of the romance and angst and too little of actual character development. Not the kind where someone gets beat up and healed, or gets lost and rescued. But real soul searching. Not with relationships, but about what is happening in the game.

We are in the middle of a civil war! The Barrens is torn apart and the end of Garrosh is drawing near. Why is it so hard to imagine your character actually feeling some remorse for not supporting the Horde that took in the Blood elves when the Alliance rejected us because of racial discrimination? Yes Garrosh is a jerk, and frankly I really think they lost out on some character development for Garry. I am confused why he suddenly became all "Orcs are the supreme race and if you don't agree with me, DIE!"

Sounds a little too much like a White Supremacist than an orc who leads a variety of races that together ROFLstomp Alliance most of the time. But that is personal opinion, and we cannot argue with the devs about it.

The fact you are trying to bring Allliance and Horde members together to take out the made up villain you have, is a good story. But it is exactly the fact you have two factions that have been warring for a long time that makes it hard to swallow. Yes we need to cooperate. But who says it has to be all sweetness and light?

There are bound to be personal conflicts and old vengeances stirring in the hearts of our players. You don't erase the old memories of war simply by putting a tavern in a neutral area and saying "Hey come and meet some new friends."

I for one have been struggling to stay IC when all my characters seem to be disregarded or not taken seriously by some people. I may not be the greatest of writers, but I do try. And now it sounds personal, and I am not going to whine about it. Let's just say I find more acceptance and rp on other servers.
90 Human Warrior
As a whole, the Fellowship is not cliquish. We have all interacted with each other. We have all made friends and done some one on one rp and that is good. Sometimes its the only rp we can get. Not because we don't want to group rp, but simply logistics. Not all of us can be online at the same time

Perhaps the term is a bit off-putting but that's how it is viewed, and not just by me in this instance. The majority of the time it is one on one RP and I don't care if that is the case. I don't mind if all we get in game is one on one RP. But I don't want to hear people asking for more group RP when the reality of it is that it just isn't likely to happen.

I provide opportunities for group RP and people choose to not use them.

I find the rp to be very interesting to watch. However I also see way too much of the romance and angst and too little of actual character development. Not the kind where someone gets beat up and healed, or gets lost and rescued. But real soul searching. Not with relationships, but about what is happening in the game.

I'm going to be blunt here. A lot of the romance RP is coming from everyone. I want to push more soul searching and character development, but that requires people being interested in pursuing that RP. A lot of people don't do it. A lot of people do it on their own because they want to control the outcome and how the character changes or in what direction the character changes.

All of that is fine, but you can't then go and say "But why isn't this happening more?" When the answer is right in front of your face.

We are in the middle of a civil war! The Barrens is torn apart and the end of Garrosh is drawing near. Why is it so hard to imagine your character actually feeling some remorse for not supporting the Horde that took in the Blood elves when the Alliance rejected us because of racial discrimination? Yes Garrosh is a jerk, and frankly I really think they lost out on some character development for Garry. I am confused why he suddenly became all "Orcs are the supreme race and if you don't agree with me, DIE!"

Sounds a little too much like a White Supremacist than an orc who leads a variety of races that together ROFLstomp Alliance most of the time. But that is personal opinion, and we cannot argue with the devs about it.

I'm just going to go out on a limb and say you are wrong.

He didn't just suddenly have it happen. It was a progressive development where the seeds were planted in BC, grew in Wrath and started to come to fruition in Cata.

You don't believe me? Well perhaps I'll give a synopsis of how it happened from the writer point of view later but it is neither here nor there in our RP. We are doing RP related to this. The Firehawks are going to war against Garrosh.

The Fellowship is going to war against Garrosh.

I have explained it before and I will explain it again if asked. Garrosh is the target, we will go after it and RP as if we are a part of the siege. But as with all good stories we are going to be forced to make a decision and to decide which is worse. Garrosh or Tychus.

Again everyone will have to decide for themselves and then go in that direction. So that soul searching RP you want is coming. You have to be patient with a story however, it doesn't just happen overnight.

The fact you are trying to bring Allliance and Horde members together to take out the made up villain you have, is a good story. But it is exactly the fact you have two factions that have been warring for a long time that makes it hard to swallow. Yes we need to cooperate. But who says it has to be all sweetness and light?

This is what you are missing. I don't want it to be light and sweet. It was meant to be a fun thread where all our characters can interact. I expected interaction yet instead all I saw was Fynn and Car and Rhan in a corner huddled together. I saw Jana going up and talking to them. I saw Rath and Shadow in the middle of everyone. I saw Lin and Tai getting into things.

But again for the most part it was yet again primarily one on one RP in a group setting. Since when is that group RP? Its not and it saddened me as the creator to look at it and say, "Why bother?"

If someone had decided to interact further with more of the characters, or perhaps have a character do something that would draw attention to them it would have gone better but that didn't happen. People kept to themselves and it was a bust because of that.

There are bound to be personal conflicts and old vengeances stirring in the hearts of our players. You don't erase the old memories of war simply by putting a tavern in a neutral area and saying "Hey come and meet some new friends."

The fact you think that was how it was happening saddens me further and highlights the reasons it died.

More coming.
90 Human Warrior
I for one have been struggling to stay IC when all my characters seem to be disregarded or not taken seriously by some people. I may not be the greatest of writers, but I do try. And now it sounds personal, and I am not going to whine about it. Let's just say I find more acceptance and rp on other servers.

Alright I'm going to get at you for this -again.- IC and OOC do not mix. Stop mixing them. The drama that you are attempting to create here isn't going to fly. You are letting the IC reactions of characters to each other affect you OOCly and make you think you are unwelcomed.

Yet you just went on a whole rant about how you want to see personal conflicts and characters headbutting each other. How can you justify that statement and then make this one?

You can't. So make up your mind and stick to your guns.

Do you want people to spend more time with you and talk with you and make you feel welcome OOCly? We all get lonely at times but that doesn't mean we throw hissy fits and demand attention.

You look childish by doing that and I'm sorry if it sounds harsh but I don't do pampering when it comes to serious discussions like this. You need to decide if you are upset at OOC treatment or IC treatment. If it is the latter then you need to get over it because IC treatment happens ICly, not OOCly.

If you are upset over OOC treatment then you need to talk to the officers and myself about who specifically and work through it with us to solve the problem, not posting a long rant about how upset you are and mixing issues together into a ball of goo that makes it hard to isolate what your real issue is.
90 Blood Elf Hunter
I'd apologize but considering she's starting to move on, I won't. xD This stuff happens in stages and it would be !@#$ of me to have my character go "Well, that sucked. Time to no longer care about something I made a big deal out of overnight and be happy again!"

Grief comes in stages, though they do vary for everyone and how they happen. :> Like my last post ended on something positive instead of "woe is me". So, expect more of that.
90 Blood Elf Rogue
I did not mention names and I am not trying to start drama. I merely said I find more acceptance for my rp on other realms. That is not saying I dislike anyone in the Fellowship, stop seeing drama where there is none. It's one of the reasons I hate to say anything. But you asked.
But I will not say anything more on it, because you get too defensive.

I went to the thread, it's on page 4 by the way. and all of us who posted did so IC. We were walking into a neutral tavern and saw friends. We went to them, because its a natural thing to do. I posted on Jana who looked around to see if she could find new friends. Looking friendly and open.

Neither you nor Shadow saw fit to respond to the newcomers. Not even to say "Hi and welcome to the Legion's End! Sit down and have a drink. " All I see is your characters reacting to Shadow's characters. Not one post from either of you to respond to the newcomers. You let the thread die because you did not post anything more. Not because we did not participate.
90 Blood Elf Hunter
.-. I guess that shows how much my last post was read, where Shadow said hi to everyone before getting dragged, then dumped halfway through as best as she could while getting mauled. Very few people said hi back. No, she didn't say it outright, because of the IC situation she was in, maybe I should drop the interactions I have between her and Silver to have her waitress everyone and make it more blunt?

Also, sorry to hear about your wrist. Feel better.
90 Human Warrior
09/04/2013 02:32 PMPosted by Jahana
I went to the thread, it's on page 4 by the way. and all of us who posted did so IC. We were walking into a neutral tavern and saw friends. We went to them, because its a natural thing to do. I posted on Jana who looked around to see if she could find new friends. Looking friendly and open.

I actually had Alexander speak to Fynn, she slunk away afraid.

I had Tai interact with Lin, they were having interactions.

I look at it and I say "You know what? They want to simply interact amongst themselves instead of try and meet characters then why bother trying?"

Don't ever. Ever. Think you can blame me for trying when no one else really did. I had Shivvy run around giving drinks out. The bar was open. My characters were spread out around the room all trying to engage in banter and instead of engaging IN the conversation you and other sat and hid.

I did not mention names and I am not trying to start drama. I merely said I find more acceptance for my rp on other realms. That is not saying I dislike anyone in the Fellowship, stop seeing drama where there is none. It's one of the reasons I hate to say anything. But you asked.
But I will not say anything more on it, because you get too defensive.

You actually mentioned names pretty loudly in who you addressed it at and how you said it. It's pretty clear that you seem to think I am unfit to lead the Fellowship OOCly and ICly your characters, I have heard, have made mention of the same fact.

You want your characters taken seriously? Don't make them out to be conniving backstabbers like that.

You want to be taken seriously? Then don't bottle up all your complaints till they blow over like this. You have a problem be an adult and bring it to our attention instead of sitting on your hands.
90 Blood Elf Rogue
Yeah Lineron got some responses, but a "Hi" as you were being drug around the room by one of your characters in not interaction with the rest of us. You just had a bunch of blood elves walk into a tavern and interact with each other. Because they know each other. They do not know all of these people. At least a few introductions would be nice and some reassurance that it is not going to be a massive tavern brawl.

I would have loved for the thread to go as you suggested in the beginning. A way for all of us to meet and interact. Why would any of us trust these strangers? They are all characters we have never met. I went in friendly and open. Maybe I should have added looking at Shadow being dragged across the floor and reacted asking her if she needed help? I have no clue what kind of response you both wanted from us in this kind of thread? Clue me in ok?

And it is better today ty. Still not sure if I can go in and game, even though I need to redeem my latest latent armor.
90 Blood Elf Rogue
Why do I bother?
90 Blood Elf Hunter
Yes we are in a war, but life doesn't stop because a war is going on and not every able bodied person is a part of that war. Some are part of a different war, one that has been going on for millennia and still goes on even today, the struggle for survival.

I may be a little strange to some, but I enjoy stories of ordinary people doing extraordinary things. My characters are all ordinary people. They're not soldiers, (well, my pallies were, but one has retired due to age and the other lost his confidence due to an injury that gave him a slight but permanent limp. I might get around to posting about him in the Cirque Chronicles one day.) they're alchemists, innkeepers, Azeroth's equivalent of police officers, medics and the like.

The war affects them, just like it affects everyone who is left behind while others go to fight, but they aren't part of it. They're part of the fight for survival. If the war comes to them they'll pick up their weapons and fight to protect the ones they care about as well as themselves. But for the most part they'll stay out of the fighting.

Regarding the tavern thread, I apologise. I kind of wrote myself into a corner by having Rhannah be so shy. It's partly why I came up with the Micah storyline, to give her a bit more confidence and help her get over her shyness a little.

I should have had Kye join in and take over the bar, but at the time I had just brought her into the fellowship and was still feeling out her place in it. I've got a lot planned for her, there'll be a lot of dealing with her past as well as the ongoing story about creating the guest house.

The guest hose won't be just something for me to write about if Kye doesn't have anything else going on rp wise. I'm hoping to have it be somewhere that everyone can use for rp. Her introduction to the guest house would go along the lines of "Welcome to Madam Kye's. We have two simple rules here. One, don't break anything if you don't want to be forced to replace it. Two, everyone's welcome here as long as you leave the war outside."

I'm even toying with a thread here in the forums for it, but with the tavern thread collapsing the way it did, I may have to think very carefully about that one. Whatever I decide about the thread, I'm hoping to involve my alliance characters in the guest house so please don't be upset if you see their names popping up either in guild chat or the OOC chat.

Anyway, I've hijacked the thread long enough and I have to get ready for the day. Rath, at some point I need to have Kye talk with Tyrael about labour for the building phase of the renovations so that I can move on with that storyline.
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