Hope it gets better soon Mia!
Finally got a journal entry up. I'll post a longer one with more detail in it later.
Finally got a journal entry up. I'll post a longer one with more detail in it later.
Just a silly question here...what happened to the tavern thread? Why is no one posting in it? I thought it was supposed to be a way for all of us to interact and have some fun with the cross faction people?
As a whole, the Fellowship is not cliquish. We have all interacted with each other. We have all made friends and done some one on one rp and that is good. Sometimes its the only rp we can get. Not because we don't want to group rp, but simply logistics. Not all of us can be online at the same time
I find the rp to be very interesting to watch. However I also see way too much of the romance and angst and too little of actual character development. Not the kind where someone gets beat up and healed, or gets lost and rescued. But real soul searching. Not with relationships, but about what is happening in the game.
We are in the middle of a civil war! The Barrens is torn apart and the end of Garrosh is drawing near. Why is it so hard to imagine your character actually feeling some remorse for not supporting the Horde that took in the Blood elves when the Alliance rejected us because of racial discrimination? Yes Garrosh is a jerk, and frankly I really think they lost out on some character development for Garry. I am confused why he suddenly became all "Orcs are the supreme race and if you don't agree with me, DIE!"
Sounds a little too much like a White Supremacist than an orc who leads a variety of races that together ROFLstomp Alliance most of the time. But that is personal opinion, and we cannot argue with the devs about it.
The fact you are trying to bring Allliance and Horde members together to take out the made up villain you have, is a good story. But it is exactly the fact you have two factions that have been warring for a long time that makes it hard to swallow. Yes we need to cooperate. But who says it has to be all sweetness and light?
There are bound to be personal conflicts and old vengeances stirring in the hearts of our players. You don't erase the old memories of war simply by putting a tavern in a neutral area and saying "Hey come and meet some new friends."
I for one have been struggling to stay IC when all my characters seem to be disregarded or not taken seriously by some people. I may not be the greatest of writers, but I do try. And now it sounds personal, and I am not going to whine about it. Let's just say I find more acceptance and rp on other servers.
09/04/2013 02:32 PMPosted by JahanaI went to the thread, it's on page 4 by the way. and all of us who posted did so IC. We were walking into a neutral tavern and saw friends. We went to them, because its a natural thing to do. I posted on Jana who looked around to see if she could find new friends. Looking friendly and open.
I did not mention names and I am not trying to start drama. I merely said I find more acceptance for my rp on other realms. That is not saying I dislike anyone in the Fellowship, stop seeing drama where there is none. It's one of the reasons I hate to say anything. But you asked.
But I will not say anything more on it, because you get too defensive.
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