Rising Sun Fellowship (OOC #4)

50 Blood Elf Warlock
Sam and I are working on a way to tie his rogue in with Rhannah's family. Probably a cousin or uncle, something along those lines.

The only really glaring thing I see about your rogue is his height. At 5'9" he feels a little short for a Sin'Dorei male. I'd put another 5-6 inches on his height at least, but if you want him to be shorter than average, that's ok as well.
85 Night Elf Druid
ah I wasn't sure about the average Blood Elf height, so I just went with it, I can change that

b-but I want to be your lil bro, I mean I will kind of be that way once I get in the game anyway cuz it will either be you or Syd I prolly ask a lot of questions. You guys would be like my siblings from like the Boys and Girls Club:P

but in all seriousness, if you would rather me not be your lil bro that is fine too

edit: changed the Height per your suggestion should be a lil better now:P
Edited by Sammuroth on 8/1/2013 10:44 PM PDT
50 Blood Elf Warlock
Much better, and if you want to be Rhannah's younger brother, that's ok by me as well.
85 Night Elf Druid
You are nicer to me than I prolly deserve most ppl would prolly scold me for even suggesting such a thing, you are sooooo awesome:3
100 Blood Elf Hunter
*Blush* thanks.

I'm online atm if you have the time, otherwise, I'll see you tomorrow hopefully.
86 Blood Elf Hunter
Fynnariel, you shall be my first...then that freaking priest boyfriend, I'm not sure which one I'll kill quite yet. But you will be my first...yes, my first....

Enjoy the excitement.

O_o *Suddenly feels the need to hide....*
58 Draenei Death Knight
Mwa ha ha ha haha! So the terror begins! Yes, delicious fear, Mmmm, I like this place, I may let a slow simmer take place, then have a few moments of sheer terror, and fun.

I smell your fear.

((Did you know only bees and dogs can smell fear?))
90 Blood Elf Monk
Okay so the Tavern thread (if you have questions ask here or Kel/myself/Ang when we are in game) is going up here in the next hour or two. It will be closed and only members of the Rising Sun Fellowship can attend unless you've talked to Ang/myself about including others.


EDIT: On the whole villain nonsense I'll be taking care of those things. Suffice it to say things will be coming to a head again.

I hope you all enjoyed the vacation.
Edited by Ratheron on 8/2/2013 10:02 AM PDT
100 Blood Elf Death Knight
Fynnariel, you shall be my first...then that freaking priest boyfriend, I'm not sure which one I'll kill quite yet. But you will be my first...yes, my first....

Enjoy the excitement.

O_o *Suddenly feels the need to hide....*

Carinoth: http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/331/223/b93.gif
51 Blood Elf Monk
Oh goodie, Ratheron is coming back to terrorize us...
90 Blood Elf Monk

O_o *Suddenly feels the need to hide....*

Carinoth: http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/331/223/b93.gif


Bravo good sir. Bravo.

Oh goodie, Ratheron is coming back to terrorize us...

Sound excited. Because its about to get insane up in here.

90 Blood Elf Monk

Here is our thread. Post whenever you feel like it! Its "out of time" as it were. So its happening now ICly but because its a tavern thread and meant to last a bit of time and bring together disparate groups and have a bit of fun with it take your time and post when you want.
85 Night Elf Druid
ok just got through the first page of the most recent RSF IC thread and my lord Kellatira is sooooo good, I am feeling inadequateXD

btw hi Ratheron I am potentially looking to join RSF in the near future not sure if you noticed my pseudo sign-up on the previous page, or if someone has mentioned it.

edit: As much as I would love to read the whole IC thread I find, that I would rather get a summary if possible, so that I can get a gist of what is going on in case Rath does decide I can join:P
Edited by Sammuroth on 8/2/2013 12:12 PM PDT
25 Blood Elf Monk
Summary: Shenanigans and crazies in a tavern.

Just ask for a guild invite and you can join. No one needs to approve you beforehand. Unless you have some questionable and potentially lore breaking aspect to your character.
Edited by Shadow on 8/2/2013 12:26 PM PDT
85 Night Elf Druid
well I think he is fine, no history yet, but I need to discuss some things with Rhannah first, before I type up a history:P

also I approve of that summary, short sweet and to the point:D

btw is Shadow another alt of Rath's?
Edited by Sammuroth on 8/2/2013 12:36 PM PDT
51 Blood Elf Monk
You don't need too much of a summary Sam. The guild has changed a great deal since its inception. Just go by what is happebning now and let the story flow as it is.

Oh the alts will drive you crazy!! I am not the only one who likes to create multiples!
85 Night Elf Druid
well I am mainly wondering if the Fellowship is still ran out of Silvermoon, since that was what was being talked about on the first page of the IC thread:P
51 Blood Elf Monk
Go to the last IC Journal thread and read it. That will help a bit. Previous threads are pretty much all history. A lot of those players do not exist anymore. My player was Karamia, and I have deleted her. So all we have is what is talked about in the thread now.
100 Blood Elf Paladin
ok just got through the first page of the most recent RSF IC thread and my lord Kellatira is sooooo good, I am feeling inadequateXD

Thanks? I think?

Which is the most recent?

Also Shadow is Shadow. Angel.

EDIT: Because evidently recent doesn't mean the latest in my head...
Edited by Kellatira on 8/2/2013 1:12 PM PDT
90 Blood Elf Rogue
Ok, I'm not a prude, but is the language really necessary in the Tavern thread? I mean really?

Not all the members are of an age to be reading that. Perhaps an adult material warning be posted on the title?
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