Rising Sun Fellowship (OOC #4)

50 Blood Elf Warlock
Damn it Rath, sometimes you're so good it's scary! That is one hell of an introduction to the tavern/party thread. I have no idea how i'm going to introduce Rhannah to it. BTW Cy, do you want Jen to invite Leon to the party or should Rhannah?

Sam, let me know when your rogue is made and I'll arrange for a guild invite. I have an rp in a couple of hours where I'll be on a different character but I'll still be on CC and using the OOC channel so I'll be contactable.
86 Blood Elf Hunter

O_o *Suddenly feels the need to hide....*

Carinoth: http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/331/223/b93.gif

Lmao! Priceless!

Cy loved your post in the journal about you and Kel, it was just so well written and sweet! :D

Rath and Shadow the Tavern thread looks amazing! Good job! :D
85 Night Elf Druid
I need to talk to you about a couple things first Rhannah, are you online right now, so I can talk to you before your rp?


ok well here is a basic history for my character, not much, but gotta start somewhere:)

History: Zakia was born the third of five children in the family Sunblade, preceded by his Elder brother Leon Sunblade, and his elder sister Rhannah Sunblade. He has two younger siblings, Medra being the youngest, even at a young age he was extremely confident in his ability to fight. He would often pick fights, just for the satisfaction of knocking someone to the ground, much to the chagrine of his parents.

Often they would have to send out his older siblings to look for him, when it came time for chores, or any work they young boy found boring. Most often they would find him lounging in a tree.

When he grew old enough the young man began training in combat, excelling at the use of twin swords or daggers, or a combination of both. His swift movements always put him one step ahead of the competition, and his uncanny ability to surprise his opponents, and move silently, quickly got him sent to be trained as a rogue (scout). He completed his training quickly, for he was anxious to get out on the battlefield with his siblings.

The care free Zakia, however quickly became bored, not finding anyone on the battle field who could match his skill with the blade. So he soon returned home, occasionally accepting jobs that he found interesting. However, he can mainly be found lounging around in his favorite tree, or exploring the deep areas of the forest, always looking for trouble, and adventure. Hoping to straighten him out, and teach him some responsibility his older siblings requested he be accepted into their guild, The Rising Sun Fellowship, a dream of the young man's at one point, but now he simply sees it as a nuisance. However his love, and respect for his siblings keeps his mouth shut, and he awaits word whether or not the guild will accept him into their ranks.
Edited by Sammuroth on 8/2/2013 6:06 PM PDT
90 Blood Elf Monk
Ok, I'm not a prude, but is the language really necessary in the Tavern thread? I mean really?

Not all the members are of an age to be reading that. Perhaps an adult material warning be posted on the title?

It is the character. There is a filter. I personally filter the words as well so that there is little confusion as to what they are saying.

They're soldiers. Soldiers of fortune to be specific. If you expected a nice dainty evening perhaps you were misinformed, I don't feel that I should, as a writer, have to tone down how my characters are simply to make you feel that its "PG."

I heard no complaints from anyone at all, nor have I heard anyone get angry in the ooc when such language, or in other RPs when that language is used. Is it a lot? Yes. But that's the characters. They are a rough and tumble group of soldiers.

Damn it Rath, sometimes you're so good it's scary! That is one hell of an introduction to the tavern/party thread. I have no idea how i'm going to introduce Rhannah to it.

Just show up, everyone has already been told about it ICly so its just a matter of getting to Booty Bay and then walking into the tavern which is in the seedier sections of the city (oxymoronic considering its Booty Bay I know).
50 Blood Elf Warlock
Looks good Sam. I can't wait to meet him in game.
85 Night Elf Druid
should be tonight unless something comes up, that's my plan anyway:P

also ty, not as detailed as I would like, but if it was it would prolly be like 3 full posts longXD
Edited by Sammuroth on 8/2/2013 6:28 PM PDT
50 Blood Elf Warlock
lol simple is better anyway, otherwise it becomes hard to remember.
100 Blood Elf Death Knight
I HAVE POSTED!!!! I find it kind of crappier than what i usually write. I blame the mixture of tiredness, the bar Rathy and Shadow put when they made there posts, and that one other excuse that totally isn't filler because now im rambling and stu-*is punched in face*
25 Blood Elf Monk
Nice to meet you. I'm Shadow, and no, I'm a completely separate person from Rath. My characters include:

Shadow, an air-headed monk.
Eveari, a common born priest trying desperately to be nobility.
Seraphathir, a Blood Knight commander who has lived a militaristic lifestyle as long as she can remember.
Zarina (Bane), A Warlock in hiding.
Ares, an assassin with more on his mind than most would think possible.

An'giel, a semi-member of the Fellowship who retired to take care of her new family.
Tyri, a toddler named after Tyrael since An'giel thought he had died.

Demon/Silver, a human hunter who is batsh*t crazy and loves every minute of it.
Leiris, a warrior who has a powerful drive to protect everyone but would rather shut them out.
Trinity, a Death Knight who loves her powers a bit too much.
Shaelis, a pacifist druid.

And I always forget people. I know I forgot some from the list. But that's a basic introduction.

On the topic of language: To be fair, I have never once heard an underage player complain about the language. They're usually young enough to be flexible. It's the adults who have always had a language problem. The ones who do tend to hate being around me, especially the ones who get offended over someone being perverted. They're also usually the type to start !@#$ over it, even when I work my hardest to be nice and clean around them, to the point that they make everyone else upset.

And yes. It has happened to me. Quite a bit. They don't last very long because of the complaints to officers in the guild about how they get upset over every. Little. Thing.

If someone has a problem with language, they should know that:

1. It's completely IC.
2. Neither of us are fans of changing the IC for OOC.
3. I have always been happy and willing to try and adjust for people who ask me, directly, politely.

So if someone has an actual problem with a character's language, while I'm no fan of stepping on tip toes, I would appreciate it if they spoke to me directly, and we'll see if we can work something out. And by directly, I mean don't let anyone speak up for you. Another thing I've experienced is that more problems always happen that way, as the person speaking up for them tries to get what they want out of the conversation, not what the person they're speaking for really wants.

:3 Enjoy the thread, don't be scared. Remember, this RP is completely safe for all characters. Rough and tumble as they are, no one will get attacked, and the likelyhood of someone dying is about the same as Tychus appearing and giving everyone flowers and chocolates and saying he's sorry for being a %^-*.

Looking forward to everyone joining! Simply walking in is always a good way to start things up!

Also, look forward to the tavern exploding. Demon and Shadow being together always means chaos for everyone!
100 Blood Elf Death Knight
Demon/Silver, a human hunter who is batsh*t crazy and loves every minute of it.

Also, look forward to the tavern exploding. Demon and Shadow being together always means chaos for everyone!

Lineron: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/21572801/images/1352931014226.png

Carinoth/Mei: *both hide behind a 12 feet thick lead walled bunker with months of post-apocalypse necessities inside*
25 Blood Elf Monk
Yeah, pretty much!
85 Night Elf Druid
I know most ppl are going to say this is unneccessary, but so be it, this goes out to both Bryah, (Rhannah), and Sydric (the man with too many alts to remember). I would like to apologize I feel I embarrassed the two of you, who got me into trying in game rp, especially Bryah, considering the relationship between our two characters. I get the feeling I may have alienated Ratheron, from my character, he especially made it painfully obvious that perhaps I may just not be cut out for in game rp, I am torn, because I have enjoyed rping with you guys. I just don't know, anyway that's all I didn't sleep well last night because this was on my mind, so i needed to get this off my chest.
Edited by Sammuroth on 8/3/2013 9:33 AM PDT
25 Blood Elf Monk
Hm. What?

Rath and Shadow both were picking at the idea. Rath has reason to be skeptical of the idea of a 'noble assassin', especially when your character backed it up with proud statements of being the best in his class and that Eversong wasn't even a challenge for him. Shadow's own statements were due to the fact that she was in the middle of a certain assassin's close-knit group once, she knows how they work and how they think.

OOCly, we would all be more than happy to help. Dalen was offered as a mentor, and he's quite sweet as a person, in contrast to, say, Ratheron or Tyrael (though I get the feeling Tyrael will spoil little Tyri when he does train her). I'm sorry if you felt that there were problems, and there may have been due to the whole misunderstanding that you can RP outside of the limits of one specific class if you take care with it. I think that you're aware enough of yourself and your character to pull it off quite well, given the time.

I would say to embrace this, not as a rocky start, but as a chance for some unexpected character development. You don't have to accept much of anything. Hell, your character could feel overly scorned over it and come around to realize that Shadow and Rath were just trying to help or had reasons to feel skeptical. Or pretty much anything in between.

We've had other forums only people come over and integrate quite nicely into the group. If you need help, never feel that you're causing any of us problems.
85 Night Elf Druid
Thanks Shadow, I have been thinking about something I could put in the IC Journal thread if I am allowed too that is.
Edited by Sammuroth on 8/3/2013 11:03 PM PDT
25 Blood Elf Monk
Of course you're allowed to! Once you're in the guild, you're one of us. :>
100 Blood Elf Paladin
Tyrael (though I get the feeling Tyrael will spoil little Tyri when he does train her)

Mind. Blown.

I'm writing.
25 Blood Elf Monk
Tyrael turns to goo around Tyri. It's hilarious.
86 Blood Elf Hunter
The posted ended up far longer than I had intended it to XD
50 Blood Elf Warlock
The posted ended up far longer than I had intended it to XD

Same with mine.

Hope it turned out ok :)
90 Blood Elf Warlock
How nice you all have some fun things going on. Cyaer, let me know if you wish an actual confrontation from some Alliance. I am sure I have a character or two who can help you out. I almost see the Kaldorei as a mage, or maybe a Priestess? If you already have something planned let me know.
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