The Oddities Of Azeroth!


90 Goblin Warrior
Ok I got another few.

Dragons Wuv You Booth: A Booth with a bunch of dragon whelps that wuv you.

The Crusader's 10 Trials Booth: The Argent Crusade beckons to find a Crusader through 10 Trials, will YOU BE THAT CRUSADER? Only time will tell.

The Raging Berserker's Booth: A Booth with a Male Tauren-Sized Raging Berserker, come, look at him, just no flash photography please. It only makes him angrier. But, rumors say that at 12:00 P.M. (Realm Time), he BREAKS OUT OF THE CAGE AND CHALLENGES THE MOST HEARTY AND STRONG OF PLAYERS! If you beat him, you win 100 gold.

Chillaxin' Booth: Just a Booth for Chillaxin' such as: cutting back on all the dragon, demon, undead, and other evils slaying and enjoying yourself at a 5-Star Goblin Spa, We remove dirt from tauren hooves along with infections, our male workers compliment ALL FEMALES on their beauty, yes even forsaken.

anyone have anything else? 'Cause I'm dead on ideas for now.

*On a side note Females, please, unless it's 'Love Is In The Air', don't use these males for 'special purposes'. Thank you. /wink :D
Edited by Gypsywarrior on 8/6/2013 12:18 PM PDT
90 Goblin Warrior
Do ya like these ideas? 'Cause I got another few:

Transmog Contest Booth: Come 'ere ta show your transmog sets. It's a contest too: 1st Place wins 500G, 2nd Place wins 300G, 3rd place wins 100G.

Raider's Stories Booth: Raiders, come here now and tell a boss encounter story or two, please, no liars.

PvPer's Stories Booth: You think I forgot the PvPers? Nope, pretty much same purpose as Raider's Stories Booth but for PvPers.

Singin' Booth: For those that want to sing, I decided for a booth for the horde that wanna sing their fave songs either RL or WoW or Otherwise songs.
Edited by Gypsywarrior on 8/6/2013 12:17 PM PDT
24 Goblin Warlock
A few of these kinda lead off the general purpose we try to stay on, but I will definitly consider a few of those.
Edited by Neltrix on 8/6/2013 1:21 PM PDT
90 Goblin Warrior
Are you serious? Which ones lead off?
90 Goblin Warrior
Why does it take so long for this guy to respond..............hum de dum......meh, just gonna listen to mah MP3 and see if any moar ideas come up....

Odd Companion Pet Booth: Show off your weird and amazing companion pets!
24 Goblin Warlock
Hm, now that's pretty good. And for anyone trying to reach me in-game, I'm sorry I haven't responded, I have been having some problems logging on lately.
90 Goblin Warrior
Seriously man, tell me which one you'll likely use and which one you won't.
24 Goblin Warlock
Well, its not that simple, first I have to think about it more and then I have to talk to my guildmates.
90 Goblin Warrior
24 Goblin Warlock
90 Goblin Warrior
24 Goblin Warlock
90 Goblin Warrior
24 Goblin Warlock
Bump to da top!
90 Goblin Warrior
90 Goblin Warrior
Every day I'm bumpin'!
On a side note: Please, USE THIS ONE!

Chillaxin' Booth: Just a Booth for Chillaxin' such as: cutting back on all the dragon, demon, undead, and other evils slaying and enjoying yourself at a 5-Star Goblin Spa, We remove dirt from tauren hooves along with infections, our male workers compliment ALL FEMALES on their beauty, yes even forsaken.**

** On a side note females, Unless it's 'Love Is In The Air', don't use the males for 'special purposes'. Thank you.

It's my favorite, please....*puppy eyes are go!*
Edited by Gypsywarrior on 8/24/2013 4:07 PM PDT
24 Goblin Warlock
Sure thats a good idea! Also, bump!
90 Goblin Warrior
Thanks. Also, why not open it on 'Love Is In The Air' ? That way, we can torture the male workers....*Evil Smile is GO!*

On a side note:

90 Goblin Warrior
90 Goblin Shaman

This is Gypsy, but...on a diff account!

Some new ideas:
Booth of Purification: Priests and Paladins allow you to tell them your sins, and purify you.

**Death Knights, please don't come to this booth, you've committed too many sins to where it would take 5 hours per Death Knight.


(Warlock and Death Knight Only) Booth of Shadows: Basically just to talk of the shadowy arts..

All I got right now,'s progress been?
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