Best RP Servers

100 Human Mage
Cenarion Circle rocks. We're one of the original RP servers, so we do have more than our fair share of non-role players. However, the RP community is very strong and very organized. Things are a little quieter now than usual, the expansion doldrums having claimed many people, but even now we have weekly events, many excellent role playing guilds, and a very friendly community.

Depending on which side of the community you prefer, you'd either want to /join Allianceooc or Hordeooc . Those channel are the in-game community hubs. They're full of role players most hours of the day. No need to join a guild or be a part of a "clique" (cliques are not popular on CC) to be involved in the community. Just join one of these channels and say hello!
80 Blood Elf Mage
Moon Guard is a great server, and I really suggest it if anyone is interested in Horde RP. Quite simply, i've found it everywhere... I can't speak for Alliance side, as this is my main and only character on Moon Guard. Good luck in your search!
The earlier comment about having to work for rp certainly applies to Wyrmrest, but I see this as a good thing.

I always find it kind of funny whenever people just sit around in a tavern, loudly complaining about how bored they are and expecting rp to just walk right up to them. Not only is that a huge sign of social immaturity, it also does little to help foster a sense of community since any new roleplayers will get discouraged when they see all they have to interact with is a bunch of whiners.

My advice? If you do decide to come to Wyrmrest, try your best to be social. Engage people, ask them questions, and most importantly be pleasant. I know it's always tempting to be the cool "loner/badass/anti-social" character, but in the end its really not that engaging for anyone else so eventually people just start ignoring you.
100 Orc Warrior
Oh, hi, Khaadgrim, how's it going?

Oh you cad, you. GET IT? TEHEHEHE! But seriously, nice to see you're still around.

85 Blood Elf Hunter
-pops out of lurk mode- Honestly, I've played on SoE, Wyrms, and MG.
Wyrms is okay if you don't mind overlooking the beginner rpers, and godmoders rejected from MG. If Wyrms buckled down with reporting offending names, and players that are breaking the realm policies I might venture back to pay it a visit again. Goldshire is literally just what it was meant to be on there: A beginners zone, no spamming, no trolling, nada.
SoE is fine and dandy, however I had trouble even finding a proper RP guild for my priestess while she was there on ally side, and RP was so spread out thin that it was almost a rarity to find at all. Goldshire here tends to be busy, sometimes a flood of trolls hits it, but it's rare to even see any open RP in the area.
MG - while it is notorious for the off-server trolls, alts, and blatant greifers, has the bonus of being one of the largest thriving roleplaying communities and has a pretty fair number of raid/pvp progressive guilds as well as strong communal ties for both horde and alliance RP guilds. Goldshire is it's bane. I'd venture to say if you roll alliance, close out trade, general, and local defense to avoid chat spam, and annoying commentary and steer well clear of Goldshire. Silvermoon isn't as bad, seeing as it's got a mixed crowd but I've rarely seen it turn into a party town like Goldshire has.
(I really miss the old days of MG when things were a bit less populated, and a little more group oriented.)

Edited:Yep..still typo queen it seems.
Edited by Enien on 11/8/2010 8:34 AM PST
71 Night Elf Hunter
One server that everyone seems to look over (I'm not sure if it's a blessing or a curse) is Sentinels.
We have a large quantity of all three types of People, RP, PvE and PvP, and while this seems to be a turnoff for people, we are an open group.
There is rarely if any RP griefing, we are open to outsiders joining in our RP (Infact we get excited about it! New faces = new stories!) There are a BUNCH of RP gatherings, My guild and several others Taverncraft, and on hordeside there's one strong running Tavern that runs every week called the Salty Sailor Tavern.
In fact... we even have our own IC 'Newspaper' open to the entire community both horde and ally side!
(Shameless plug: http :// azerothianenquirer . blogspot . com / Check it out! just take out all the random spaces!)
Swing on by sometime and check us out!~

Edited to Add:

I will readily admit, we have our fair share of Bad Rpers, and stellar RPers. Be they catgrrls or VAAAAMPIRES! Or Demons or...
gods help us... Dragons. (Though some actually pull it off while following Lore to the letter and are not open and blatant about it) but, I've been here on Sent.s for the past four years of my WoW experience and I've never once thought of jumping ship to a new server.
Edited by Qualiniel on 11/8/2010 1:48 PM PST
I am also interested in this as I am looking for a server or even more-so a guild, I plan on rerolling come cata and am still working up my persona, but If anyone has any suggestions for a realm or even a guild that does weekly raids as well as RP!!

Let me know I will be a Worgen Rogue... well a level 1 Worgen Rogue on December 7th.
Edited by Nokrai on 11/9/2010 2:23 AM PST
90 Orc Warrior
make RP, dont look for it.
90 Tauren Druid
Ravenholdt is awesome. But if you love RP then you would want to roll Alliance. I love the horde side but Ravenholdt's Alliance are very close and I hear they have the best of the best when it comes to RP.
80 Undead Death Knight
Moon Guard is big and has massive amounts of RP.
Wyrmrest Accord is friendly as all get out and has plenty of RP.
Ravenholdt is serious business horde side and tight knit alliance side.

Can't say for sure, each has their personal opinion and it will remain as such. We're very proud of our servers and I'm proud of that pride. Of course I'm biased, but if you want to lurk the Wyrmrest Accord Forums, you'll find several threads with dates on them )[11.09.10] as an example)

Those are threads created by Kaahn and myself, a bit of a 'Daily Thread' deal ( to be precise). We post reports on guilds, RP events, RP itself, and other miscellaneous topics like UIs, badge/point grinding, world events, etc. We also bring these reports to the forums as well as our site (as mentioned above).

Roll alts, see for yourself, grow with our forums and post often.

Good luck finding a home!

Cap Carell
Co-Journalist of The Daily Thread
Wyrmrest Accord
90 Blood Elf Paladin
RP is very active on Moon Guard. Being one of the most populated servers, you'll never run dry here, but on the downside we also have our share of griefers and trolls.
100 Worgen Rogue
Cenarion Circle rocks. We're one of the original RP servers, so we do have more than our fair share of non-role players. However, the RP community is very strong and very organized. Things are a little quieter now than usual, the expansion doldrums having claimed many people, but even now we have weekly events, many excellent role playing guilds, and a very friendly community.

Depending on which side of the community you prefer, you'd either want to /join Allianceooc or Hordeooc . Those channel are the in-game community hubs. They're full of role players most hours of the day. No need to join a guild or be a part of a "clique" (cliques are not popular on CC) to be involved in the community. Just join one of these channels and say hello!

What he said.
90 Blood Elf Hunter
I've been on Moon Guard for over two years now. I've had the most amazing time on this server and even met my IRL fiancé there. Moon Guard is home to me and I couldn't even imagine going elsewhere.

I've tried a few other RP and RP-PvP servers and I never seem to see as much RP on them as I do on Moon Guard. But Moon Guard does have it's drawbacks, mainly that whole Goldshire thing. But keep in mind, most of the people there are usually off server alts who come there to troll/grief/etc. Yes, the ERPers are there, but they are going to be on every RP server and even on your non RP servers. And with all the good does come the bad. It's just one of those things.

Your best bet is to take what was said here and roll some alts on the servers. Check out both Horde and Alliance in the hotspots (The cities, Brill, etc etc.) and figure out what server you like. Hopefully you find the perfect server for you in time for Cata!
85 Tauren Death Knight
RP here on Kirin Tor is okay.

85 Goblin Hunter
Honestly.. after being for a good period of time on each of the servers people have mentioned, between this account and my old one, I can say that there is no Best Rp realm anymore. They have all went terribly downhill.

Too many pve'rs just transfer in. most unaware of the naming conventions or RP realm rules and they have just ruined the game for Rp players..
Trade is total garbage 90% of the time, Rp'rs get harassed by non Rp'rs who shouldn't even be on the realm if they don't RP in game at all.
Want a Good RP realm?
Well then Blizz to stop leaving the policing of the rp realms solely to those who submit 2-3 tickets a day about rules violations.

I have submitted the idea to blizz several times, that on RP realms to do a transfer in or to pick that as a start realm, you should have to agree directly to a copy of rp realm rules. That way violations are totally enforceable.
You tell a player that their name is a rules violation, or that talking about sports scores in trade chat is beaking the rules, and the usual response is.. "What Rules?, I never agreed to anything when i came here." or so thats the excuse.

Sure not every one rP's 24/7 on a realm, but when those who don't at all ruin the game experience for those who do rp.. they belong on said realms.

And Blizzard needs GM's to take care of this. I would bet 85-90% of tickets on rp realms are players reporting rules violations.
When our trade turns into the nightly pornographic talk and troll fest, and players are asking as requested by the rules to have it stop, I have never seen a GM step into trade and say knock it off now.

I mean for crying out loud there are like 8 rp or rpPvvP realms.
Why do non rp'rs go there, and refuse to follow blizzard's rules?
Because they can get away with it.
Edited by Taijavu on 11/9/2010 4:08 PM PST
83 Draenei Death Knight
I have a few toons on Wyrmrest Accord, no matter which faction you are the RP is really good. You can find a lot of open RP'S in the different towns and also throughout the world.

Moon Guard, is a decent RP server which seems to have decent RP, just keep out of Goldshire and you will be alright.

Argent Dawn, I only found a few RP guilds so far on the horde side.

I would suggest if you were looking for some RP that you could jump into I would go with Wyrmrest Accord.
57 Gnome Warlock
Steamwheedle Cartel seems to be lacking in any sort of RP since I got my account back up.
85 Troll Mage
I do NOT recommend The Venture Co. I have played both sides, and I am utterly disappointed. Sure, the realm has fantastic WPvP, but the RP is really dry. All RP is relegated to a handful of guilds.
Bascially it's like this:
RP-PvP: These guilds are Heavy RP and Heavy PvP. They're either "Rawr evil Horde rawr" or "Knightly Knights of the Knighthood." I'll be honest, there is a tad bit more diversity in the Horde guilds in terms of character personality. A lot of the Alliance guilds pretty much only allow "good" characters, and it can get boring pretty fast for both sides.
The other "RP" guilds aren't even worth mentioning, mainly because they simply tend to be "light" RP and it is horrendous.
I am actually trying to decide on a server to transfer too. Most likely it'll be Moon Guard. Why settle for less when you can transfer to the best?

I second this. My character is very outgoing, I RP in capitals, waiting for the zeppelin or while questing.

I find still close to no RP here... After what I heard about Venture & Co. being one of the best RPPvP servers, I am very disappointed. I guess, I will have stick to Ravenholdt.
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