Best RP Servers

100 Human Paladin
There's not much talk of it around here, but I'm from Silverhand, and there is RP. Caelestis Templares like myself, Alahni Lo Andu, and others still keep up the old traditions Alliance side. Ironsong tribe still have marches Horde side from what I hear.

The Cathedral district still bustles with people standing around, and sometimes you'll even hear trade announcements that a tavern has opened up. You'll get plenty of odd looks since there are so many people who missed out on the whole RP tag thing just to play with their friends.

We also have the benefit of having Leftovers Raiding Organization which allows us RP guilds to raid without leaving our beloved guilds.
80 Blood Elf Paladin
Twisting Nether is my personal favorite for RP realms. The RP community is on the small side, and we have a current lack in benchsitter RP, but it's the people who make it for me. Also, I have a bias in favor of pvp flagged realms.

I have a few characters on other RP servers - Argent Dawn, I have two 80's, but I have only encountered RP twice at all on the server, sad. >:

Wyrmrest Accord is great for RPer watching, but it feels very awkward to try and get in on the action, and I feel like people never take my sub-lvl20 alt seriously for RP, which is restrictive for social networking.

I can't stand Horde-side MG. I tried it, and every time I logged on I got griefed by packs of people.
85 Human Mage
Wyrmrest Accord is great for RPer watching, but it feels very awkward to try and get in on the action, and I feel like people never take my sub-lvl20 alt seriously for RP, which is restrictive for social networking.
Just a tip-Guilds are l33t, they let you get into immersive RP without the awkward or the attention-sponging.
80 Blood Elf Paladin
Guilds are helpful, I agree, but they should not be a requirement to get RP. There's also the problem of needing to RP your way into an RP guild (as only makes sense) which basically requires getting to know the people. Which requires being given the time of day. This isn't a server-specific problem, but rather an issue with every RP realm.

It requires people to be proactive, but that only goes so far when people won't reply to you.
Putting in my two cents for The Venture Co. It's a great server with plenty of RP on both sides. You'll find that on horde side it tends to be bored guild-involved but you can still find random Rp if you just try. Alliance side RP is a lot more open IMO. Darkshire has been a hotspot for awhile now with the <Knights of Dusk> taking up residence there and defending it and Lakeshire seems to be picking up with one of our guilds <Guardians of the Light> claiming it as their territory. Additionally, <Keepers of Stromgarde> is trying to make a push to start responding to pings in refuge pointe and surrounding areas. All of the RP guilds on the server are fantastic as well.
85 Orc Warrior
Come to our friendly Oceanic Roleplaying Server.

Oh wait. . . WE DON'T HAVE ONE!
100 Night Elf Druid
I'd have to say Wyrmrest. For the last six months I really haven't had time for an RP guild on Wyrmrest Accord and still had RP, only recently have I started contemplating joining a guild.

You will find RP here if you RP a social creature, and even shy folks are still social and still do things when you RP them out. My two 'kinda' gripes about Wyrmrest:
Horde side is a bit harder to break into.
RP is 'centered' around Stormwind and Silvermoon

But I think the Cataclysm might remedy it some. Horde side feels harder to break into simply because it's not got as many great places to break into in the cities, Orgrimmar is a laugh how it's set up right now, meanwhile Silvermoon has so many big areas to RP in (and the taverns sure don't hurt), no wonder it gets more RP. Cataclysm might change that - Orgrimmar is getting totally redone in steel, with taverns (two, I think), goblin slums, a troll area and an area for the tauren, Undercity is getting ruins in the top area which I can't see not being an awesome place to hang out. With the removal of portals and the additions of auctioneers and class trainers in Dalaran and Shatthrath people won't have to have their hearthstones set in Dalaran anymore, we may actually see people return to other cities besides Stormwind, since Darnassus and Orgrimmar are much closer to Hyjal, Ironforge and the Undercity are closer to Twilight Highlands.
85 Tauren Death Knight
The thing you have to remember about RP is that it does NOT happen:

a) In starter areas

Does Brill not count?
80 Human Paladin
I think Wyrmrest is more forgiving to newcomers. I recall returning to Moonguard after being gone for a while and getting insta-banned from a few chat channels just for being new.

That's just my personal experience though.
85 Orc Warrior
I'd just roll an alt on each realm that seems intreasting and see which one you think is the best. Just my two copper.
82 Orc Death Knight
I moved to WrA from a normal server because I wanted to look into RP. from my point of view all I can tell ppl is that WrA is a melting pot of rp'ers and normal pve players that ended up there. my guild has rp events for our rp players but we also have members that are non rp. like everyone else is saying, if you're looking for rp in WrA join a RP guild, but be prepared to see stuff like an orc warrior named Holyknight, or a Blood Elf rogue named Skillznkillz :)
100 Night Elf Rogue
I enjoy Moon Guard. It's the server I consider home. Something is always going on. Always.
Walk down a street in a city and you should bump into an rper or at the least just get a friendly nod from a person riding by.
It's got enough of a population that its easy to find pugs from things like vanilla raids all the way up to wotlk raids, for rp gear or just for fun. Its rp pvp scene is thriving, esp with guilds forming with rated bgs in mind and flying in the old world.
It does have its share of fools but thats to be expected in a high population realm.

If you do decide to roll on the server, you may do a /who rumz and if you find me on in any form, I can direct you to areas of interest and folks who can answer questions you may have that I myself cannot answer.
Earthen Ring is pretty good, but it's not as much as it should be for an RP server. We do have a fancy community site if you ever wanna check us out:
90 Pandaren Warrior
If you do decide to roll on the server, you may do a /who rumz and if you find me on in any form, I can direct you to areas of interest and folks who can answer questions you may have that I myself cannot answer.

Rumz is back?

Oh my god. Best day ever.

Back on topic, I just wanted to add that while Moon Guard may seem a bit more PVE-oriented, many of the raiders here also RP.
80 Night Elf Death Knight
im on ravenholdt and i rp i have like 4 other chars and they are in rp guilds just look around your find some if you try :D
100 Night Elf Druid
Personally I've never played on an RP server nor have I done much in-game (I go through phases where I RP with a friend of mine, not so much now since she doesn't play anymore), but I can imagine that the community of RP'ers will spike up come Cataclysm. Like people said, there's probably not too many people playing now a days or are willing to RP since it's been a lengthy expansion. With Cataclysm, we got new lore, new environments, and even some RP catering (you guys see new Stormwind? It's got a friggin' wedding ceremony!)

All in all I'd just look for an actual RP "guild" rather than server. It may be nice to see people in trade or otherwise be participating, but as long as you got a tight-knit guild that participates, that should be all that matters.
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