Best RP Servers

04/07/2011 03:19 PMPosted by Dawnsky
Everyone should know by now when you ask about RP servers the only thing people are going to say Moon Guard and Wyrmrest Accord because everyone else won't stay on the other RP servers to keep them alive.

I am perfectly happy on Cenarion Circle. A night doesn't go by where I don't get more than enough role playing. Heck, I've done so much lately I haven't had a chance to do anything else but Role Playing. Ran a few dungeons last night and realized it was the first time in at least a week I had done anything other participate in the four or five large story arcs going around.

CC might not be as popular as MG or WrA, but it certainly isn't dead and people certainly aren't fleeing the server in droves. We have slow nights, and random walk up RP is behind the curve, but for two years I have RPed here it has been nothing but good times, interesting characters, and unique story lines.

Only reason I would leave would be if Blizzard decided to consolidate all the RPers onto a fewer set of select RP realms, complete with free transfers to existing RPers, and CC wasn't one of the target servers.
85 Night Elf Druid
Vasilia has a point about CC. At this point there are so many story lines going on, I find myself doing more RP than anything (granted, I recently quit full time raiding because I felt I was missing out on the RP and was with a sub par raid group).

We currently have a couple world rp pvp story lines going on. The Lluchduu Ocheliad are making nightly attacks now. The horde claimed we had an army when there was only three LO assaulting them (we had four non members with us). To their surprise last night we had eight LO members with four stealthing members.

Beyond that we also have a lovely sweet little gnome pursuing marriage to an undead that "gave her his hand". However, he's doing his best to avoid this.

Cenarion Circle is anything but dead. We might not be as populated as some of the other roleplay servers BUT we have a tight knit welcoming community.
And don't forget the dastardly AAMS and AAMS Alliance Branch... depending on what rumors you hear, we are behind everything... despite being openly neutral and attempted to build, literally, peaceful relations between both factions.

Next week, April 10-16, is the annual "Spring Festival" on CC, Alliance side. Horde side had theirs a few weeks ago. The Spring Festival is one of many 100% player run and created holidays, to commemorate the changing of the seasons. We have events every day/evening.

Sunday: Pirate Party on a commandeered Horde Zepplin.
Monday: Ashenvale Rebuilding Project. Help rebuild one of the ruined villages in Ashenvale.
Tuesday: Twilight Cultist Attack
Wednesday: "The Light and You" in Character discussion about The Light and its virtues.
Thursday: Clinic night. In pain? Need a healer? Come to the clinic and get checked out!
Friday: Bard Night: Bring your best stories, poems and songs!
Saturday: Steam Tonk Race/Demolition Derby.

And this is ON TOP of the already developing story lines!
85 Night Elf Druid
Speaking of the AAMS... Vasilia, can the members of the Lluchduu Ocheliad borrow your identity with some potion of illusions for our next attack.... Just imagine all of the rumors!

"I saw her backstabbing ten orcs!"
"NO! She was firing lava bursts at them!"
"But I saw her summon fire down upon them with a demon at her side!"

((I heard you took over "the" macro? If so, I need to get a copy from you if I end up giving in game tours it would be useful to have to cover everything.))
Edited by Ciellia on 4/8/2011 8:26 AM PDT
((I am already rumored to have singled handedly wiped out the entire Horde Army in The Barrens a few weeks ago, widowing dozens of wives and orphaning dozens more children.... and now you want to create an Army of Vasilia's to wage war!?!?!

I'll be on tonight, we can discuss it there! ;-)

The Legendary Macro... I would have been honored to be trusted with its great power and authority. But, sadly, I did not get a copy of it. I might know who has one, though, and should probably get a copy for myself... just in case! We'll figure that out tonight as well.))
Edited by Vasilia on 4/8/2011 8:44 AM PDT
85 Night Elf Druid
((As always, I'll be online, on Ciellia. Slaying horde in one fashion or another...))
24 Human Hunter
A Spring Festival sounds like fun, i'm going level this guy faster....
Edited by Tomsin on 4/8/2011 10:37 AM PDT
I think I seen you pop into the OOC channel late last night. Forgive me if I didn't say hello, just came off working double 8's. That's right, 16 hours, and was checking to see if I had any new IC deliveries that needed to be completed that evening.

If you need an escort to any of the event locations, there should be either a portal service in operation or someone will be willing to peal off to pick you up. Just ask in the OOC channel... even better, ask in the IC channel (/hearthstoneIC) !!
24 Human Hunter
Yes a portal or some one flying me there would would be better then ghost running there..... Most likey to ask in the IC channel, it be more fun.
27 Human Mage
Yeah I have been hunting for an RP server for a long time, but I can never find a good one. If someone can tell me about a good one that is a serious RP server please
90 Tauren Death Knight
I just started trying to RP. I've only tried Moonguard because an IRL friend said that there was a 24 hour RP party in goldshire on that server. WRONG. More like 24 hour ERP in Pornshire filled with super mega lag and dead bodies everywhere. No one even talks or shows their emotes, it's just a ka jillion people sitting around in the Lion's pride Tavern. Hald of them is a bunch of ERPers and strippers and people whispering to each other their ERP emotes and the other half is a ba-zillion people simply just sitting there in their RP gear. Someone told me that there was actual RP in Stormwind, but it seemed just like your normal Stormwind where everyone is just chilling on their Flying Mounts. I guess Moonguard just isn't that welcoming to newcomers.
85 Worgen Warlock
I just started trying to RP. I've only tried Moonguard because an IRL friend said that there was a 24 hour RP party in goldshire on that server. WRONG. More like 24 hour ERP in Pornshire filled with super mega lag and dead bodies everywhere. No one even talks or shows their emotes, it's just a ka jillion people sitting around in the Lion's pride Tavern. Hald of them is a bunch of ERPers and strippers and people whispering to each other their ERP emotes and the other half is a ba-zillion people simply just sitting there in their RP gear. Someone told me that there was actual RP in Stormwind, but it seemed just like your normal Stormwind where everyone is just chilling on their Flying Mounts. I guess Moonguard just isn't that welcoming to newcomers.

Welcome to Goldshire of Moonguard. Complimentary wench? Drink? Bed?
90 Tauren Death Knight
To be honest with you, i would recomend both Moon Guard and Sentinels, If you DO however, join Moon Guard, stay WELL i repeat, WELL away fron Goldshire, thats it's only downfall unless ur questing there, just stay away from it, other than that Moon Guard is a awsome place, i join Sentinels a few days ago and so far its alright. THOSE ARE WHAT I RECKON R THE BEST.


I'm new to RP. IRL friend reccomended me there and said that Goldshire is a 24 hour RP party. More like Pornshire 24 Hour Troll Hell ERP party. So someone told me in game taht the real place to RP was Stormwind. I go there. I ask for where the RP is, and they redirect me back to Goldshire where they say I should RP as a pimp -_-. Maybe Moon Guard is a good realm and I just don't know how to find RP in Retail Wow and I just need a lift, or maybe Moon Guard just sucks...Thoughts?
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