[H] Cry of Luna


90 Troll Druid
We had a great first week in Dragon Soul (4/8). Good job raiders, and we'll hit the place again next week!

Our current roster is: Idriela (Prot Paly), Berakal (Bear Druid), Strangeways (Holy Priest), Breairia (Disc Priest), Mynkel (Resto Shammy), TheGreen (!@# Rogue, teehee!), Leyota (Kitty Druid), Faeylin (Boomkin), Shamoo (Enhance Shammy) and Mefitis (Arcane Mage)

Cassio (Prot Warrior), a long time guildie, will be taking over for Idriela starting next Tuesday.


We have DS LFR tomorrow, a DS alt run on Friday, Firelands on Sat, and Heroic T11 on Sunday.
Edited by Faeylin on 12/1/2011 12:08 AM PST
90 Troll Druid
Great job raiders on getting Ultra down. By far the biggest challenge in DS so far. DPS was tight for us on this fight. Very proud of you all!

Our current roster is: Berakal (Bear Druid), Cassio (Prot War), Strangeways (Holy Priest), Mynkel (Resto Shammy), TheGreen (!@# Rogue, teehee!), Leyota (Kitty Druid), Faeylin (Boomkin), Wispofisis (Destro Lock) and Mefitis (Arcane Mage)

One healy spot is in fluctuation atm.


We are also recruiting for normal DS alt runs, on Thur and on Fri; each run is a separate fresh run, lasting approximately 2 hours. We're currently nailing 1/8 and fooling around with Ping Pong and Skittles, but we hope to transition both groups into clearing 4/8 in the near future!
90 Undead Priest

After the healing-nightmares u put me through.... /sob... at least... /cry... call me by my christian name !

CoL <3
85 Undead Mage
put some pants on!
90 Undead Priest
SOME of us are sexy and we know it Mef !!

it would be a crime to deny others a look at my thighs (what's left of em anyway)
90 Troll Druid
I have not yet spoken with anyone in guild with this (to be corrected after raid tonight), but this is my last week with WoW. I'm running our DS group tonight, and then I will be done raid leading for CoL.

My subscription renews in a few days, and I don't want to get locked in for another month. The short and basic of it is that I no longer enjoy WoW, and I want to move on to other things. I've been committed to our raids for several years now (never missing nights, or taking breaks), and I'm ready to give up that commitment. The only reason I've been subbed for the past 7 months is to honor my raid commitments, and the only way I can unsub is to break those commitments.

It sucks, I know. I hate that I'm letting people down, but I have always been understanding when people have left our groups. Never resentful. Of course sad to see people go, but I've never held a grudge or disliked anyone because they had RL issues to attend to, or needed a break, or wanted to move on.

Now I ask for the same understanding as I pass from this game.

If anyone needs a longer explanation (because I just love to write), feel free to check out my official "I'm leaving WoW" thread here: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/4038603952#1

Thanks again to everyone who has made the game a great experience, and good luck in your travels! *hugs*


P.S. Leyota will remain the GM of CoL and will continue to manage the guild. Our hefty guild bank stash will be there for repair fees until it someday runs out (repair amounts will be lowered, but offered to everyone in guild regardless of rank). The guild is not dead, merely transforming into a social/casual guild.

I may be back on occasion, for a month or so at a time. I don't plan on it, but it's likely I'll resub in short spurts to play the more casual, new content with Leyota.
85 Troll Druid
it is an end of an era.

Faeylin has been one of my favorite people in this game for so long i don't know how i can survive with out her !! She taught me how to not totally suck and converted my to the power of the druid. I will miss ya Faeylin, Daughter of Jin'do.

<3 Strangeways, Strangeheart, Chequer.
90 Troll Druid
Six and a half months have passed since I last logged into WoW, and I've missed the game. I've grown tremendously in that absence, but I did, in the end, miss it.

I recently moved, with my awesome family (Ley and children), to a place with better internet. We used to raid on satellite internet, which was rough. I'm amazed we did what we did with 2s latency. Now that we have normal, real internet, I just have to come back and see what the game is like without that impairment. I feel compelled to see how awesome I could be without that really awful handicap (and it means vent could be an option too!).

A few things that have changed about myself. First, thanks to Ley, I'm coming from a much more positive place, Love, understanding, patience.

Raid leading is an art, and to some degree a service. While it's nice to be the boss (or that's the perception anyway), I've always seen it as a very important and meaningful role. I don't think that leaders deserve anything special (loot, recognition, etc), but I do feel that they take on a lot of obligation, and to be good at the job, they need to step up and deliver. I couldn't keep delivering back then, and that's ultimately why I had to step away.

A new expansion is exciting and scary. I've grown a lot. I'm not sure yet if we'll be doing serious raiding in MoP, but I suspect that it's on the radar. I miss it a great deal. I've enjoyed not doing it, but I've also sincerely missed it.

If and when CoL transitions back to raiding in the new expansion (and it's like 80% likely), things are going to be slightly different. We're still going to run clean and efficient, but there's going to be more time for input from the group. I'm going to be more patient and flexible and kinder as a person. I'll write more about all this in a future post, I'm sure.

But before I leave, I do owe someone an apology. Wispofisis. She's a real sweetie, and an awesome soul, and when I left, I let her down on finishing up Firelands and her staff. I couldn't do it at the time, and I feel really badly about it. I'm not looking for forgiveness, or trying to defend myself, but I do have the regret and I wanted to admit it!
89 Blood Elf Paladin
What a lovely surprise to see your return, Faey. I am so glad that you and Ley will be back for MoP. But for the record I think that you are too hard on yourself. Thanks to your generosity and leadership, I and lots of other players on SoE were able to see a great deal of raid content long before LFR came along. I always appreciated the care and patience that you displayed when explaining boss strategies and mechanics to new raiders. And I will always admire your determination to get those bosses down, despite the bad connections and lack of vent.

My personal and professional life is too demanding these days for me to hold to a serious raid schedule (hurray for LFR!), so I can't offer my tanking services for MoP, but please do contact me if you ever need any help with a scenario or mats for crafting or you just want to say hi.


<3 Xu
90 Goblin Shaman
I really have missed you both lots and you know i am down fo'whateva !!
90 Troll Druid
You're both very awesome and loved! Xuth, we'd be happy to do stuff with you whenever you're on. Moving into MoP, we're going to diversify a bit. That means more focus on group runs (especially challenge modes), alts, and PvP too! We're very much interested in Rated BGs and arena as well (since we can rock that stuff without latency).

I'm going to be updating the core/first posts with new MoP info in a moment!
90 Troll Druid
My new proposal for structured raiding can be found in the first couple posts. We're looking at a rank system for raiders, that allows them to earn their way up a ladder. The higher you are, the more priority you get for invites and loot from cutting edge content. We are looking at shifting to a very fair loot council system for the next expansion. The integrity of that system is of paramount importance to us!

The idea is that everyone can reach the top, equal level for loot/invites, but you have to bring a good attitude, watch videos, master the mechanics, be dependable, put out the numbers, and avoid the fire. At any time, you can ask what you still need to get better at to move up, and I'll give you a short, constructive list. If you don't want to improve, we will not force you to get better; however, you are giving up a little bit of priority on invites and loot. The choice is in your hands!
90 Troll Druid
I've recently updated the loot rules yet again!

We're going to stick with our raiding roots in MoP. We're looking to be a reliable, consistent raiding guild throughout MoP. We are certainly not aiming to be a server first guild; instead, we seek to be a solid, cohesive group of friends who enjoy tackling tough content together.
90 Troll Druid
We are very excited about Mists of Pandaria. Leyota and I will leveling on expansion night, and we hope to have a raid team set up the week after LFR goes live (October 10th & 11th). If you're interested in being part of an awesome team, let me know!
90 Troll Druid
We are intensely excited about MoP and raiding. Our group is filling up nicely. We have room for two more dps!
90 Troll Druid
I just want to say that we did fizzle out quite a bit at the end of Cata. Ley and I took a break, and our raid group went on hiatus. Many of our raiders are coming back for MoP, but not all of them are.

Personally, through Open Raid and through friends like Spawns and Chequer, we've managed to down much of H BWD (H Nef at 17%), Sinestra, Heroic Rag (6 Times and counting), and H Spine/Madness (several times). It's really nice because, we feel like we've gotten a chance to see it all.

In MoP, CoL will run lighter raids (in hours and focus) with friendly, smart people. Think fast, clean, full clears on normal; possibly some heroic modes when it's easy. We will not carry people who stand in fire, and we will always encourage raiders to grow, but we will be taking it easy.

Ley and I are going to be doing serious, unforgiving progression raiding on other servers, but CoL will always be our home (as opposed to the place we go to get our raid kills in).
90 Troll Druid
Cry of Luna is hosting a really cool vent party for guildies and friends of guildies to celebrate MoP launch. You can read more about it here: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/6679198389
89 Blood Elf Paladin
Wow, I've known you all this time and to think that I've never heard your voice or Ley's. If time allows, i will drop in to say a quick hello. Unfortunately, I have a long day on Tuesdays so I won't be hitting the Jade Forest until later on Tuesday night, well behind most of you (don't leave a mess!)

<3 Xu
90 Troll Druid
Absolutely Xuth! You're very welcome to join in! Just send me a whisper when you're around on Monday/Tues night, and I'll share the login info! We're really excited to chat with everyone! ^^
90 Troll Druid
We're picking up quite a few new people this expansion! If you're low-drama and mature, and you're looking for a good home, hit us up!
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