[H] Cry of Luna


90 Troll Druid
We've had a very active guild roster since MoP launch. If you're looking for good friends, this is the place to be.

Also, we now have our very own website! Make sure to visit cryofluna.com to keep up with guild!
90 Troll Druid
Our guild website is a blog. We regularly post new info and ideas for guildies to discuss or mull over. Recent updates include:

Price List for the GB: http://www.cryofluna.com/guild-bank-price-list/

Challenge Mode Overviews: http://www.cryofluna.com/what-are-challenge-mode-dungeons/

Info on Forming CM Guild Teams: http://www.cryofluna.com/challenge-mode-teams-we-need-leaders/

We'll be blogging regularly about the guild (our ideas, goals and accomplishments). Check out the site if you're interested!

And, recruitment is open! We probably have some raid spots available in 1-2 weeks, but barring that, we're running CMs and just having a blast hanging out together! The guild has been very, very active!
90 Troll Druid
We're looking for 1-2 heals for our main raiding group on Oct 11th; you can probably find Challenge Mode groups as well if that's your thing. ^^
90 Troll Druid
Getting closer and closer to raiding! We're going to start up on the 18th. Ley and I have downed 2/6 on other toons, so when we get in there, we know what we're doing. If you're looking for a fun, late-night (after work and kids and family) experience, hit us up!

We specifically need 2 heals for raiding, but we're always looking for people to do other end-game content. We'd love to get more people interested in CMs as well. Just got out first CM down last night!
90 Troll Druid
And, cryofluna.com has been updated with a ton of new content, including raid rosters, loot rules, boss strats, and more!
90 Troll Druid
We recently had an awesome individual come back to us, and he pretty much counts for two heals, so our raid recruitment is currently closed.

We're always looking for awesome folks, however, so if you're looking for a good home on SoE, we might just be it.
90 Troll Druid
We picked up some new raiders, who are long-time friends. We are set to steamroll normal modes within the next several weeks, and we need exactly one more awesome person to do that.
90 Troll Druid
We're doing really well! On our 2nd scheduled raid night, Stone Guard is down and Feng is at 35%. This Thur, we're moving into super intense raiding mode and we hope to get most of Vaults down in short order.

We may add 1-2 days to the raiding schedule when the new raids open up, and I'm not sure that 10/10 of our current raiders can commit to the extra days, so we might just have room for a few more good raiders!
90 Troll Druid
We're doing Challenge Mode dungeons each evening we don't raid. We'd love to see more guildies (and even people on the server) get involved in these sorts of runs. Our times still need to come way down, but as of this post, Cry of Luna has 2-3 Server Best times! Great job guys! ^^

Everyone is finally leveled up in guild, and we have a few long-time friends that have joined up. This Thursday marks the official start of our serious raiding, and we're hoping to take MV by storm!

Assuming the 10 people in our group can work together and play nice, we're going to be aiming for heroic mode raiding this expansion; we'll do our best to be competitive and we might even score a few server firsts in later tiers.

Again, none of this is about me. I just lead, and help make it happen. It's about having the right people on the team. Good, solid players who treat each other with respect; if that's the sort of team you're after, we might have a few more spots over the long term!
90 Troll Druid
Our raiding group is really coming together. The team is very strong. We need to drop down to two heals for Spiritbinder (who we got to the 20ish% mark), and we'll knock him out with a quick Spirit Kings kill to follow.

Elegon may stump us for slightly longer, but we'll likely start working on Heart of Fear on the side. I think we can easily take the first two bosses there.

Great job CoL. I want to see us at least 4/6 by Monday, with work on Heart of Fear starting next Tues perhaps (or maybe sooner!)
90 Human Priest
Are you still raiding late night? You in need of a good ranged DPS with a good amount of raiding experience?
90 Troll Druid
Hey there Hanz! You can contact me in game, via battle tag if you'd like: Faeylin#1905. Just mention who you are in the friend request!

Right now, we are technically full for the main group, but we always end up having spots open; last night, we PUGed a ranged DPS, when we'd have been plenty happy pulling a good player from in guild. We also have a DPS who will be gone for 1-2 weeks in the very near future. A solid ranged dps in guild could probably pick up invites to 50-70% of our progression nights atm, and I'd be happy to reserve a permanent spot for the right player when it opens up!

We also have a second alt run on Wed nights that has room; it's a decent place to get a few boss kills each week. We also do CMs and PvP, and we'd be more than excited to include you in as much as you're interested, geared and skilled to do!
90 Troll Druid
We're also launching some serious PvP nights; you don't have to be in guild to participate, but if you are looking for a guild, then CoL is a great place to be right now.

You can find more info on our PvP nights here: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/7004692571
90 Troll Druid
Had a great night tonight! We one shot Stone Guard (easy combo), 2-3 Shot Feng, and then 3 shot Spiritbinder with a new strat. We need to clean up Spirit Kings, and we'll have an easy kill there as well. CoL is 3/6 with a 19% wipe on the 4th King (2 dead people and enrage).

We will be 4/6 by Monday. Grats guys, and good work!
90 Goblin Shaman
90 Troll Druid
I'm trying!

We have a newer raid group starting up tonight (11:30PM-2:30AM), and it looks like we're going to be short 2 ranged dps. If you're geared and interested, please contact me in game and we'll see about getting you included.

We might also take one really solid melee dps (we'll see).

No promises on downing anything. This group is a bit more fun and casual vs. our main progression group. But it is a chance to hop into MV normal if you don't have other plans. ^^
90 Troll Druid
We're recruiting 1-2 more ranged dps for Wed nights. You don't have to be a perfect player to join up. We're looking for 35k minimum (you should never, ever drop below this in the raid for any reason) out of the gate; the rest of the raid pulls 40-55k. We'll teach you the fights! Lots of fun people and a great time. PST if interested!
90 Troll Druid
We got our Spirit Kings kill in tonight, and we almost got Vizier in HoF down as well (20%).

Next week we move to a 3 night, 9 hour schedule; hopefully we can put more time in on Elegon and Vizier.

We are currently looking for 1 solid healer/dps swing to take our 11th spot; you'd get in on most raid nights, and would be an integral and valued/loved member of the raid group! PST if you're interested or have any questions at all about the position.
90 Tauren Paladin
grats on Spirit Kings and Good luck in Hof this week
90 Troll Druid
Thanks Massin for the good wishes! Hope you guys finish up those CM mounts soon. You're almost there, and they sure are pretty! ^^

We actually had a really great night last night. We spent 2h in HoF, and we almost got Vizier. We had a really great 17% wipe (and our previous best had been 20%), so we're getting closer. People just need more experience at the end, and we have to stagger our healy CDs a little better.

After HoF, with 1h left, we decided to get started on MV for the week; in a sexy CoL-style speed run we one-shot our way through 4/6 of MV in approximately 55m, setting the stage for serious Elegon and Vizier progression on Thur and Mon.

We're hoping to keep downing the raid bosses! We have great folks on the team, and in guild, and we're always looking for more.

Have a great week SoE!
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