[H] Cry of Luna


90 Troll Druid
We had a great night last night on Elegon. Our first night in, the group managed to work through all of the mechanics and we had a solid 40%-ish wipe. Our biggest challenge now is getting through more waves of orbs (downing 4-5 vs. 3) and pushing the second P1 faster.

Everyone made little mistakes here and there; I fell off twice, trying to keep the dmg buff on the pillars til the last second. -.- But overall it was a very solid night, and I'm proud of everyone in the group.

On Monday, we'll split our time between Elegon (40%) and Vizier in HoF (17%), and push for new kills!

We are still recruiting one individual (dps/healing hybrid) to the guild to be our 11th raid member; you'd get frequent invites, and we run a second alt-run that you'd get priority access to as well. You'd be next in line to take a permanent spot as soon as it opens up

You'd also get priority for our challenge mode groups as well.

To put the position in context, you'd have had a guaranteed raid spot from 3 weeks ago through another 2-3 weeks if you were in the spot right now. We've had to pull friends out of guild to fill our 9th/10th spots on many raid nights.
90 Troll Druid
Vizier is down in HoF, making us 1/6 and the third guild on server to down him. Great job CoL, we're moving up on the list in terms of progression.

We're almost certain to take down Elegon next week. Our last attempt on Monday night was sloppy (2 orbs and 3 orbs), and we had a 13% wipe; as soon as we make it clean, we'll have our kill and move on.
Edited by Faeylin on 11/13/2012 5:11 PM PST
90 Pandaren Monk
90 Troll Druid
We also got Elegon down! We're hoping for a Will kill on Thur, or possibly Monday at the latest. Then we'll set to work on the rest of Heart of Fear. Great job guys, very, very proud of you all!

Thanks Kuruptionz for the grats! ^^
100 Troll Druid
We also got Elegon down! We're hoping for a Will kill on Thur, or possibly Monday at the latest. Then we'll set to work on the rest of Heart of Fear. Great job guys, very, very proud of you all!

Thanks Kuruptionz for the grats! ^^

Hoping for a kill? We WILL get a kill :D
100 Blood Elf Mage
Can non-Moonkin scum post here?

90 Troll Druid
Will is finally down, giving us a full clear of normal mode MV. Grats guys!

Teardrop is our beloved mage! She can post here as much as she wants to because...she uses Healing Touch to help pop herself up after burst damage. How cool is that? She's like...an honorary Druid! She steals our tokens, so why not?

And Zultani was right! And he's a druid! Coincidence? I think not! We're currently trying to steal Zultani from his current guild, and I am very, very ashamed! So far he keeps telling us no. ; ;

We had a great night last night. We two-shot Will of the Emperor (on our first night on him ever), and the only reason we even wiped one time was because we forgot to assign a melee to the large adds. After Elegon (who was actually not that hard), Will was disappointingly easy. But, at least we can focus on H MV and HoF now, which is way cool!

We almost went 2/6 in HoF. We had a really great, 40-50k / 0% wipe on Blade Lord; a few people didn't make it on the 2nd tornado platform, and we wiped to enrage -.- After that, we had 2-3 more sub-10% attempts. I expect we'll have him down on Monday night.

Next week we'll mix in a few H MV fights with HoF progression.
Edited by Faeylin on 11/16/2012 5:07 PM PST
90 Troll Rogue
Congratulations guys, also it would be nice if you guys recorded those fights.
100 Troll Druid
We will be 2/6 in HoF on Monday :D
90 Goblin Shaman
100 Blood Elf Mage
She just doesn't want us to be happy.
The ice-cream is just to stop the crying after a raid.
90 Troll Druid
Heroic Stone Guard and the 2nd Boss in HoF down (whatever his name is)!

We're currently working on Garalon's enrage timer (low teens) and hitting up H Feng (53%) and H Elegon (starting Thur)!

Arialna, we could do some recording maybe, when Ley and I get our new computers in two weeks. It's something that might be a good tool for us to use in getting better; I'll have to some research on it. Thanks for the tip!

And you guys are so bad, Tear and Cheq. Actually, we kicked Cheq out of the group. Now he heals on his paly. He failed at shammy healing!
90 Tauren Paladin
i heard you guys like white tigers?
100 Blood Elf Paladin

(btw if u haven't had a bacon & cheese Mceagle yet, you're unamerican.)
90 Troll Rogue
Congratulations on Heroic Stone Guard,

Let's celebrate with some world pvp =D
90 Troll Druid
Garalon down! Grats guys!

We pulled our dps way up and the tanks/kiters did a great job with Pheromones; I think we'll have him on farm from here on out. We got some solid attempts in on Wind Lord. Tomorrow is a fresh lockout.

As far as White Tiger (aka Victory) goes, he mostly heals. Or complains. Or heals while complaining with a mouth full of McEagle.

Our current roster is: Leyota (Guardian Druid); Cassio (Prot Warrior); Victoryroze (Holy Paly); Rallox (Resto Shaman); Mozo (Fury Warrior); Patt (Frost DK); Pierce (Shadow Priest); Teardrop (Fire Mage); Faeylin (Boomkin); and Zultani (Boomkin) filling in.
100 Blood Elf Paladin
90 Troll Druid
We got Wind Lord down! That makes us 4/6; we're hoping to finish off HoF soon so we can get to work on Terrace. The little water ele boss is so freaking cute! In any case, great job guys.

In other news, against my better judgement, Victoryroze can now do guild invites. PST if you're looking for a new home! ^^
100 Blood Elf Paladin
Faeylin says we don't have to raid on Christmas and we each get an extra lump of coal to warm ourselves while we do last minute farming for Cry of Luna...

She is getting OLD & SOFT !
90 Troll Druid
We went in and saw Ambershaper for the first time, with 2h30m on the clock, and we made some serious progress on him. 5m before the end of raid, we said, "Let's practice. We got this next week." That pull turned into a solid attempt, with our first P3 push and then an epic kill where we wiped exactly at the enrage timer.

After all the 100k Garalon wipes, we'll take it. Great job CoL! 5/6 HoF, and super close to unlocking Terrace!
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