[H] Cry of Luna


90 Troll Druid
It took us 40+ attempts on Empress, but we finally downed her. So far, she has been the hardest fight by far for us. Really fun and very intense (especially the healing).

We move on to Terrace on Monday, and then we'll start working on some more heroic modes once we have that down! Great job guys!

Roster included: Cassio (Prot War), Leyota (Guardian Druid), Victoryroze (Holy Pal), Rallox (Resto Shaman), Faeylin (Balance/Resto Druid), Thundaga (Enhance/Resto Druid), Patt (Frost DK), Mozo (DPS War), Wizwiz (Lock), Teardrop (Miss Mage)
Edited by Faeylin on 1/4/2013 1:08 AM PST
100 Blood Elf Paladin

After the healing nightmares u put me through, the LEAST you could do is call me by my christian name....
90 Troll Druid
Sorry, "Wah Wah Wah."

By the way, we have Tsulong down, after two weeks of being at 5% on the encounter. We've had a rough couple of weeks, but we're still chugging along. We get to hit cutesy water elemental next and then Sha!

We'll start working on more heroic modes shortly after that!
100 Troll Druid
we're 3/4 in ToES now :D You should add that lol
90 Troll Druid
I just did! The servers were down the night after we finished up raid.

Our main focus for the past few weeks (and our progress has been slowed because of it) is cementing our roster. We're currently 8-9/10 full of amazing, skilled, wonderful players who are pleasure to raid with each week. We're just looking for 1-2 more players, and we'll have a long-term, close-knit team to handle all the upcoming content.

We're hoping to be very competitive, and have a lot of fun, in the future! ^^

*hugs Zultani*
Edited by Faeylin on 1/26/2013 2:53 PM PST
90 Troll Druid
We picked up another awesome couple and I'm very optimistic about the group. Everyone feels solid and strong, and if we can avoid losing people to real life, we're going to do so well over the next couple weeks and months!

I'd be so grateful to have our current group stay solid and static for the next 6-12 months. Every single member is reliable and fun and skilled. Really great group; I'm extremely excited to raid with you guys <3

P.S. The raid group is full, and we even have a few great folks willing to fill in when needed. After a rough month-and-a-half, we're finally set!
Edited by Faeylin on 1/31/2013 8:57 AM PST
100 Blood Elf Paladin
Are u suggesting its finally time for my mid-expansion MELTDOWN??
90 Troll Druid
Sha of Fear and Heroic Feng down in one night!

Cry! No! No melting down. That's Teardrop's job!

Team is doing solid, and we're really excited about the next few weeks and the upcoming tier of raiding. We're really strong and secure, and we're set to kick butt going into 5.2!
Edited by Faeylin on 2/6/2013 1:02 AM PST
100 Blood Elf Paladin
It's back breaking work carrying Moonkin through another raid >.<
90 Troll Druid
Haha! Cry really does carry us, and the truth hurts. -.-

We had a great night tonight. We explored Heroic Spiritbinder (9%) and Heroic Elegon (52%) for the first time, and we almost got both of them. We're hoping to have both bosses down in the next week or two.

We still have ~5 hours of raiding left this week to finish them up and to check out other heroic fights.


We also had our worst normal Spirit Kings fight in forever. Two left alive at the end. That was a depressing experience. I suppose that's what you get when you run a Frost DK with an itchy Howling Blast finger.
Edited by Faeylin on 2/8/2013 1:07 AM PST
90 Orc Shaman
We're also looking for a few good space goats to replace our slacker trolls.
100 Blood Elf Mage

Don't we have enough trolls speaking in her threads?? Do we REALLY need orcs in here as well??

*We run a respectable BELF guild*
Edited by Teardrop on 2/11/2013 2:51 PM PST
90 Orc Shaman
Bawler Teardrop reporting to troll, sir! Respectable BELF? HAW!
100 Blood Elf Paladin
Would anyone else tolerate Patt?
Male, Belf, Death Knight... all the things u warn your daughters about.
90 Orc Warrior
Could have two 120k dps if wanted, would have to come to replace teardrop though. Just food for thought. Feel free to check parses
90 Orc Warrior
I dont wana say fire is worst mage spec atm, and in 5.2 will be one of the worst specs of all dps specs ingame.

Anyway free bump if not <3
Edited by ßîâdêßíïtz on 2/24/2013 3:50 PM PST
100 Blood Elf Mage
My mom thinks i'm pretty.
90 Troll Druid
We wouldn't replace anyone on our team atm. We're actually a really small, awesome, close-knit group of folks. We log on to enjoy playing together, and I really think that's the secret to us hitting new tiers of success. We are more discriminating, but everyone on the team right now is incredibly smart and strong and a pleasure to be around with.

We currently have a spot for a single DPS, but ultimately we're really looking for our last/final long-term raid member. We have a core of about 7 right now, that we know will be there no matter what; as soon as we lock down the last 2-3 spots with great players (who are also good friends), we're going to no-stress own the raiding.

We really are low-drama and a ton of fun to hang with! And plus, I think Tear is pretty...irreplaceable! ^^
90 Troll Druid
You know, I'm going to come out and say it. The people in our raid team really have become like family. Amazingly skilled and awesome players, but family as well. Cheq, Tear, Patt, Ley, Rallox, Cass (and myself). Attor and Hanzi are new, but they're growing into the fold. I adore you all beyond belief. <3
90 Troll Druid
/2 <Cry of Luna> is looking for one dps (wishlist is a lock or hybrid with heals OS) to join us. We're a progressive guild that clears content and works on heroic modes. We have an awesome, close-knit family of raiders. <2/6HMSV, 6/6HoF, 4/4ToES>
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