[H] Story Night (RP) - Tuesdays 8pm EST
We missed last Tuesday night (/duh), but I will set "alarms" to remind me this week. We were in T.B. a couple of weeks ago and truly enjoyed it.
Thanks to everyone for the time and work they put into it.
Thanks to everyone for the time and work they put into it.
OOOOOO.....in a graveyard....ghost stories maybe ? (atleast pirate ghosts ?)
First page is not good enough. TO THE TOP, SAYS I!
FYRP: Story Night is cancelled for this Tuesday, October 15th. Sorry for any inconvenience.
I know this is a random thought but... maybe you want to RP in the title so they know that its related to role play rather than thinking its a horde guild called story night with a raid time of 8pm tuesdays.
Edited by Sasskei on 11/14/2013 8:55 AM PST
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