Greetings from Cenarion Circle!

100 Human Priest
Greetings those from Cenarion Circle. It will be great to see you all around. Looking forward to raiding and hunting along side you all. Have a good day
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100 Gnome Warlock
Yes, yes, yes!! More people to come to the Feathers Bar!! (*cough* every Tuesday at 6:30PM in Booty Bay!)
I am so excited to meet all the new friends! I have 101 questions for all of you!
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100 Gnome Priest
A BIG gnome greeting to my Sisters of Elune!!
I am looking forward to seeing more of you all :)
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90 Draenei Shaman
Looking forward to the merge~ even if it's just a little boost, it will be lovely to see some new life on CC. (:
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100 Night Elf Priest
Hello Sisters of Elune!

Hope to start meeting all of you soon!
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100 Human Warlock
I'm setting you all on fire.

No hugs, no happiness.

I like plans, I like evil, and I like evil plans.

Also fire. Lots of fire.
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You warlocks is all the same ain'tcha? Burn this down, raze that, eminent domain, manifest destiny, blah de blah blah, all wrapped up in unholy posturin and hollow moralizin.

It's gold-durn adorable, is wut it is.

Welp, fer the rest of ya new neighbors, Howdy! Reckon y'won't see me much out'n'about, but if'n ya does, do stop an' say hello, especially if ya happens ta be a fetchin' little gnome lady. /wink.

I'm always one fer a natter, if someone's inclined. Not that many folks are...


ANNNNNyhoo, lookin forward to it, can't wait really, we over in CC, we sorely do need some new blood, and that're the truth.

p.s. don't you worry none about us Hordefolk, we might be few in number, but we're sure and certain dedicated.
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The Tauren's right.

We need you.

Come fight, we'll enjoy it.
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100 Human Warlock
If you were only on our server, I'd request Alliance Fel Iron...
*Lights a nearby chipmunk on fire*
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90 Human Death Knight
mmmm..fried chipmunk....
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100 Goblin Warlock
02/06/2014 03:48 PMPosted by Margarità
Is there anything specific people want to see? I don't want to spend an evening farming, say, cata herbs and ore if they're just going to rot in my banker toon's bags.

*Narrows eyes*

This bank alt wouldn't happen to be a low level panda on a sparkle horse? If so... I'm afraid your legs need to be broken by an ogre for overcharging on glyphs.

Anyway, the thing I'm currently looking for are higher end Wrath herbs. Things like lichbloom or adder tongue (or whatever they are called). Keep in mind that I am stingy but I'm willing to bet someone would buy those kind of herbs on the AH since they rarely crop up.


Herbs. Crop up. Get it? Ah... I crack myself up sometimes.
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100 Goblin Warlock
Phew. Good. For a second there I feared you might be my arch-nemesis.

Now, as far as I know we will be getting extra character slots when we are "merged" because we are not truly being "merged"... except we are. Its really strange. Blizz wants to avoid actually merging realms because that is commonly seen as a sign of an MMO dieing so their solution is to reinvent the wheel via connecting realms.

In short, connected realms share absolutely everything but are still regarded as separate up until you log in. Thus, a player can have twenty two characters on the same "realm" if it is two servers connected or multiple characters with the same exact name.

As you can imagine the high pop servers are complaining about this so there is always a possibility that Blizzard might change this policy over the next few months. I'm personally concerned that we will see increased bugs, lag, and overall poorer performance with this connected realm project.
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100 Gnome Priest
02/06/2014 03:48 PMPosted by Margarità
I cannot change characters for whatever reason, so pretend I am on my horde SOE toon.

I've been having trouble switching characters on the forums, too. Everytime I click my profile in the top right it takes me to the armory page instead of the character management drop-down.

However, I've noticed I can change characters if I click the portrait at the bottom of the page, underneath the "Reply to Thread" option (and to the left of where I am typing this reply ^.^). Try there?
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90 Blood Elf Hunter
Hello people of Cenarion Circle! I look forward to be connected to you guys and making some new friends along the way :)
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90 Human Death Knight
is your title "The Explorer", Dora? because it should be.
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100 Orc Shaman
02/08/2014 09:09 PMPosted by Osthur
is your title "The Explorer", Dora? because it should be.
Of course it is! That's the only reason anyone rolls a character named any variation of Dora these days.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
Wow, its like finding out a Wal-Mart is being built in our small town !!

Cenarion Circle BETTER have 10 two-liters of grape soda for $3 !
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100 Human Warlock
02/09/2014 01:37 AMPosted by Crybaby
Wow, its like finding out a Wal-Mart is being built in our small town !!

Cenarion Circle BETTER have 10 two-liters of grape soda for $3 !

I like to think we're classier than Wal-Mart.

More like a Target.
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